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Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Felipe Mastromauro MastroCoder
Estudante de Engenharia de Computação pela Facens

@fga-censipam Sorocaba, São Paulo

Taylan Mayckon taylanmayckon
Computer Engineering Student Founding Member of Caatronics Software and AI leader at Caatronics Former Electrical Project Leader at F-Carranca

F-Carranca Juazeiro/BA

Neemias Leal neemias-rdl
Flutter Mobile Developer

7Comm São Paulo SP Brasil

Renato Fernandes Rodrigues rodriguesrenato
A Robotic Software Engineer passionate about creating and developing products and solutions using technology as the basis for innovation and disruption

Kingdom Sao Paulo, SP

Enrico Labbate enricolabbate
Electronics chapter member at Project Neon (IG: @projectneon) Student at Federal University of ABC - Santo Andre, SP, Brazil

@project-neon Santo André, SP, Brazil

Thiago Fernandes Dias Thiago-Fernandes-Dias
Bachelor's student in Computer Science at the Federal University of ABC and Systems Analyst, specialized in web and mobile development.

Ribeirão Pires

Liia 7iia
wlyklb zlb altwv
Ana Parra anacsparra
📚 UFABC 👩‍💻 Técnica em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

São Paulo

Mega2223 Mega2223
Editor, programador & procrastinador profissional. Discente na UFABC: BC&T e BCC

Mauá, SP - Brasil

Luís Henrique LuisHBM
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação (UNEB) ⭐ Robótica Autônoma

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Guilherme Pereira Loredo loredogu1
Electrical engineering student with emphasis on electronics University of Sao Paulo


Wesley Café Calazans wesleyclzns
Architect and urban planner, design lover and BC&T student at UFABC interested in data science and AI and biotechnology follow me @wesleyclzns on EVERYTHING

@InovaUFABC Mauá. São Paulo, Brasil

jony_norris jony-norris1
João Gabriel, UFABC B&T student, support engineer. Passionate about Python, SQL, JavaScript and Cloud Computing. In love with Data Science and Cybersecurity <3

São Paulo,SP,Brazil

Ricardo Daniel de Paula RicardoX2X
Brazilian Electronics Enthusiast


Lucas Alberto lucasalberto01
My name is Lucas, I'm fascinated by robotics and all things around it

Foundation Labs Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

alllga alllga
Hello there, my name is Gabriel, I'm a 20 year old student living in Brazil, currently going through college in a Physics degree.

SyaPro Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil

Samuel Oliveira samuelc254
Engineering student with a passion for robotics, data analysis, and software development

@Infinite-Foundry Brasil

Raul Myron RaulMyron
zup :')

UnB - Universidade de Brasília Brasil

Alexandre Fukamati alefukamati
Information Engineering student at UFABC - Federal University of ABC

Santo André, SP, Brazil

Beatriz Friso beatrizfriso
First solve the problem, then write the code | .NET Developer

Avanade São Paulo, BR

Eduardo Makita makitayukio

@project-neon São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil