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Adam adamsarba
Web Designer & React (Native) Developer

@FoundationStudio Warsaw, Poland

Robert Smith rsmithlal
Cooperation and kindness are key! Founder of @better-together-org and @open-data-rescue.

Better Together @better-together-org Corner Brook, NL

Nick Meyne nmeyne
Ex-architect/engineer/economist turned co-operator. Platforms, human-centric identity and governance. Not a fan of hierarchies. Likes mutineering.

Brighton, UK

Ngo Phuong ngophuong
Keep looking up..


Ítalo italoaalves
Software Engineer | Migrations Specialist


Ashish Dung Dung ashishdungdung
Business Analyst at Infosys BPM, with a full-stack development background and proficient experience in trending data analytics technologies.


Junghwan Park 9bow
Interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, especially in NLP & time-series forecasting.


Goke Pelemo gokepelemo

@DigitalOcean Austin, TX

justgoooooo zengjiapei3000


Sean Monsanto SwanseN21
Aspiring Software Developer Learning and pushing new feats.

sunshinegraffcslc usa

Guido Drehsen GuidoDr
Senior IT consultant


Hakanto hakanto

@resonatecoop Texas

Paragraf PR0GR4M1ST
tg/тележка: @ya_xochu_spat

MTUCI Nuremberg

KC Maddever kcereru

@bloomberg London, United Kingdom