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Marvelous Xiong Thanksucking

HollyMet Seven Nations

元気 Cho snowypeggy
The contents of this user are highly confidential. Let's keep this visit between us.

Tokyo, JP

BrBr⚰️ metabare
Java & Python enthusiast, sustainability advocate, and dedicated to building eco-friendly software 🍃🖥️

GreenCode Inc. Jakarta, Indonesia

Dodge (Lang HE) DodgeHo
I am not just a C++ developer, but also capable of writting algorithm in digital signal processing, and able to use a bit of machine learning in data analysis.

Hong Kong, SAR

宥建侠 youjianxia
Network engineer at Ciena 🌐 | Passionate about open-source projects | Python & Ansible | 🚴 Cycling fan

Ciena Ottawa, Ontario

Mirah! drapre
Amateur Bug Maker!


Liang Pan panddo
Expert in C# & .NET, open-source enthusiast, and driven to develop cutting-edge solutions.

Silicon Valley Synergy San Jose, CA

诸君多努力 RootHideDev

Baidu Inc. Beijing

RAGNAROCK Dmytrii-228


Bennett Yuan progcrafter
Still I can't believe it's me!

Northern Ireland

Grace Wu Aie73hek
Game developer @ea, creating immersive virtual worlds 🎮. Love theme parks 🎢 & exploring Florida's beaches 🏖️. Living the Orlando dream!

Electronic Arts Orlando, FL

Hacker Ranker HackRank
Hi! My name is Mie Yap, from KL Malaysia.

@grab Malaysia

Mahan Rahmani Mahan-Rahmani
My name is Mahan Rahmani and I'm a Programmer , IT specialist , Graphic Designer and 3D Modeller from Iran I work with Python , Dart , HTML , CSS and other..

تِن آموز Mashhhad , Iran

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Bye-bye Bai baibai9

㊗️㊗️㊗️ 中華民国

周哲隆 doubleLiker

UOS Wuhan

Picasso Aiho Picasshole

Simon Fraser University Burnaby, Canada

Kevin Lee Absail
Senior software engineer @ GitLab 🦊 | Ruby & Golang | Loves open source and sharing knowledge 💡

GitLab Denver, Colorado

藝帆科技 EON-FAN
Watch carefully the magic that occurs when you give a person just enough comfort to be themselves.


Lance Crosby HPR1000

SoftLayer London, England

Leena Bose bisyukujo
AI Researcher, interested in machine learning algorithms. Avid reader of classic literature.

ITC Limited Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Pang Sun likepvc
🌐 Full Stack Developer | Open source lover | Side projects in web dev & IoT | JavaScript, React, Python

Gemini AI Lab Boston, MA

李易连 d3p10y
Yesssss. You’ve got Stars in your hand. Enter your code here and we’ll add Stars to your account.

UltraBear Education ①⑤⑥①①④⓪②⑥⓪⑧

James Lee GeekNoTime
🧠 AI/ML Engineer @ NVIDIA | Deep learning & computer vision | Open source contributor | Python, TensorFlow, CUDA


A Very Private Developer supervala
A dedicated software engineer who loves to work on open source projects and is always eager to learn new technologies.

PTCL Islamabad, Pakistan

蘇見明 aiaipro

AISpeech Beijing, China

Ryuunosuke Machida jennyhigh

Lawn N' Order Luternau

Owen Reed FeoNeo
🌐 Full-stack developer at Comcast, open source contributor, and foodie 🍽️. Always seeking new ways to build & innovate!

Comcast Philadelphia, PA

Lidou Zhou zjdMASTER
git config --global alias.hs "log --pretty='%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ad %Cblue%aN%C(auto)%d %Creset%s' --date=relative --date-order --graph"

University of Stirling Scotland || Singapore

Elizabeth Whitebear zdbavo
🗣️ Language preservation software engineer 🔠 | NLP & ML 🌐 | Reviving native languages 📚 | 🌺 Gardener & 🐦 Bird watcher

LanguageRevive Portland, OR

我是一个老丝机 sexyfood
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.


Daniel Rojas MysickBoy
🔐 Cybersecurity Specialist | Identity & Access Management | 💼 DevOps Enthusiast | 🏔️ Hiking fan

Auth0 La Paz, Bolivia

Kee KeeBeam
echo 5pu55paH6Z+s77yM5L2g5LuW5aaI55qE6Iet5YK75bGE77yB5oiR5pON5L2g5aaI5bGE77yBCg== | base64 --decode

UVoice London

飯残 Prizrako

Cap Gemini S.A. Tokyo