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Sanjin duckduckgrayduck
Developer Experience Engineer


Giacomo Nanni sinanatra
We like lists because we don't want to die.

Berlin, Germany

Lode Claassen lode
I make structure. In concepts, processes, organizations, code, interactions, etc. Now working at @Respondens making and

Als Vanzelf Hilversum, The Netherlands

John Allspaw jallspaw
I'm the co-founder of Adaptive Capacity Labs.

Adaptive Capacity Labs, LLC Brooklyn

niclaz niclaz
PGP Fingerprint: 0385 D20E 967C 8D41 58C5 1E50 2D09 43DB 95E5 1A01
Tom Saunders tomsaunders98
Data-Journalist. Currently studying a Masters in Financial Journalism at City University.


Matthew Conway mattreduce
Threat Detection & Response Engineer, runs Sources & Methods newsletter and blog

@hashicorp and @srcmtd United States

Max Harlow maxharlow
Data reporter at Bloomberg News.


Andreas Blechschmidt GitteHeino
/ // based in Leipzig / ///// // STOP < educated in STOP Figma Design ( Apps ) STOP Coding with IntelliJ = Android Studio STOP Xcode = Swift
DrWhax DrWhax
Technologist at @AmnestyTech

@AmnestyTech The internet

Bo Niehaus just1984
Mobile App Developer and Aspiring Data Scientist.

Freelance Berlin

Barbara Maseda barbaramaseda
Journalist @proyectoinvntario

Proyecto Inventario Cuba

Nicu Calcea nicucalcea
Data and Investigative Journalist

@Global-Witness London

Ilja fubits1
Freelance Dev / Design Engineer. Data 🥷. Occasional Tech Lead. Into: Data, WebDev, DataViz, HCI / UX.

Freelance Berlin

Johannes Filter jfilter
Python, Data, Web, Scraping, NLP, PDFs, JavaScript, React

Johannes Filter Berlin

Lan Ha lha308
digital communication + data science

Sydney, NSW, Aus

Nora nogully
data journalism / investigative / data visualization
n0kovo n0kovo
Jack of all trades - master of some. InfoSec blog:


Data enthusiast

NGO Gidno Ukraine

Data journalist at @MalditaEs
Giuliano Castiglia glncstgl

University of Konstanz Konstanz

Simon Wörpel simonwoerpel
investigative data journalist | leak librarian | computer assisted investigative reporting | @investigativedata | ex @correctiv

@investigativedata Europe

Sean Löfgren SeanBE
Machine Learning. Engineering.

London, England

Pontus Jensen Karlsson wolfhechel
Data aficionado with one foot in journalism and the other in software engineering.


Surya Mattu samatt

Digital Witness Lab, Princeton University Brooklyn, NY

Anas AnasGamal
CS @ Stetson University'26

Florida, US

Friedrich Lindenberg pudo
Data and software engineer, investigative support.

@opensanctions Berlin

Augusto Herrmann augusto-herrmann
Creator of, co-founder of, data engineer and contributor to open data and free software projects.

Brasília, DF, Brazil

Éléonore Eleonore9

@Elle-est-au-nord Europe

Linus Sehn linozen
Freelance system administrator and full-stack web developer. Currently training to become a psychotherapist.


Daniel Laufer daniellaufer
Journalist. PGP:
