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Sato bix Lorcon1
Self taught

Lorcon LLC MindSpace

Jesse Sanford jessesanford
Software Architect @ Autodesk

Autodesk New York

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

somay somay
digital identity


Sean Morgan seanpmorgan
Chief Architect @ Protect AI, SIG Lead of TensorFlow Addons, Ex-AWS


Seth Landry Setland34
Super Global Administrator South Central United States

Michael maubertin

@scc France

Mostafa Mahmoud mostafaelnakeb
Experienced security engineer with 6 years of experience in the field. I have a deep interest in development, AI, and ML.

ViaPlay Stockholm, Sweden

Muhammed M.Bassem AbdElKader muhammedabdelkader
A security engineer by day and a hacker by night. With over 12 years of experience in offensive security.

Stockholm, Sweden

Rifa Achrinza achrinza

@apprexp Singapore

Kelvin Brendon D Cardoso kelvodcardo

Kelvin Brendon Dias Cardoso Brazil

Nico Rikken nicorikken
NL 🇳🇱 Country Coordinator @ FSFE | Open Source Ambassador @ Alliander N.V. 🔌🔥 | I like submerging myself in the Free Software community 🤝 !

@Alliander @alliander-opensource @fsfe Arnhem, the Netherlands

Steve Lasker SteveLasker
DataTrails, Docker, IETF, SCITT, OCI, CNCF: Former Architect for Azure Container Registry, balancing tech and the great outdoors

DataTrails Seattle WA

Masahiro DAIKOKU MasahiroDAIKOKU

KDDI Corporation Tokyo, Japan

William Bartholomew iamwillbar
Australian-born, USA-residing Director of Public Policy in Microsoft's Office of Responsible AI. Friction fighter. Cat herder.

@microsoft Issaquah, WA

Andrew Lilley Brinker alilleybrinker
👷🏻‍♂️ Hipcheck, OmniBOR 🖊️ Open source software, security, memory safety ☕ Coffee, more coffee

@mitre Orange County, California

Faisal Razzak faisalrazzak
Group Manager, R&D @Venafi

@Venafi Canada

Yi Zha yizha1

Microsoft Shanghai

Alex Flom afflom
I once was a sailor; in the Navy no more. I automate things; Everything as Code.

@UOR-Foundation @qxq-ai Colorado

Pavlos Papadopoulos pavlos-p
Founder of TrueDeploy / Lecturer in Cyber Security at Edinburgh Napier University

TrueDeploy Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Marcus Borch bartelby72

Cranston, Rhode Island, United States

Anirban Basu anirbanbasu
Researcher in Computational Trust, Privacy, Security and AI. GitHub repositories are personal or academic research projects, unless otherwise mentioned.

University of Sussex Tokyo, Japan

Andre Guerra agu3rra
Developer, a fan of PC/console games, F1, and how the human brain learns. BJJ and Yoga practitioner.

@SAP Brazil

Emil Wåreus emilwareus
Co-founder / X-Head of Research & Engineering @ Debricked | Public Speaker | Data Scientist | ML | Graph Databases | Data Engineering | Spaghetti Coder


Matt Licholai MSMattLic
PM on the Visual Studio Engineering Team

@microsoft Redmond WA, USA

John johnandersen777
2 Corinthians 10:17

@publicdomainrelay Earth

Monty Wiseman mwiseman-byid
Security Architect for Beyond Identity

Beyond Identity

Oscar Chaparro ojcchar
Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the College of William and Mary. I research and teach software engineering.