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Walid B belbeche
Développeur web Junior.

ScriptZeniT Avallon

Manu manuchap
What's up doc?

@studiowan Annecy,Fr

Linda Benboudiaf linda-benboudiaf

@ali-scube @Datachok Paris

Scttpr Scttpr
Socialized raccoon addicted to #DFIR -- CISO @gip-inclusion -- @ZenkSecurity member
Joffrey Mougel joffreymougel
UX Researcher & Designer, working as a #Freelance. I come from the Cognitive Science planet & love #UX #Research #Design #Usability #HCI


Facundo Inza FacundoInza

Silver 5 Mar del plata - Valencia

Romain Cambonie romain-cambonie

Red Green Refactor Lyon, France

Vincent Jousse vjousse
I learned with symfony1, I grew up with Scala, and I'm now playing with Elm, Python and Rust.

Le Mans