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Dylan Kinnett dylan-k
writer. web developer. museum professional.

Walters Art Museum Baltimore, MD

Alex Green alexgreenDP

The National Archives London

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Matthew Yang muthusalami
digital archivist && media preservationist

@thegetty Los Angeles

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Wesley Borges marciowb
Just a bit coder


Florian Rohrweck Flokey82
There is something magical about experiencing a story that nobody wrote. -me

@Google Zurich, Switzerland

JeongHo Mun munjeongho

Incheon, South Korea

Eric Brasil ericbrasiln
Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, UNILAB | Researcher - @LABHDUFBA | Managing Editor - @programminghistorian

Universidade da Integração Internacional do Lusofonia Afro-brasileira São Francisco do Conde, BA

Chih-Chieh cch0
Just me and honest work
Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio


Universitat de Lleida , @PIQL Lleida, Catalonia