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Peter Kowalczyk PeterKczyk
Researcher at UKW


Janine Rottmann janinerottmann
Research Assistant at the University of Würzburg

Würzburg, Germany

Viet Nguyen vietngth
PhD Student at Uni Würzburg | Prev MSc. DEA at @tum

Universität Würzburg Würzburg

ivn ivn23
Student, math + economics


Sohom Mukherjee mukherjeesohom
Computer Vision Researcher
Konstantin Auffinger kauffinger
MSc. Information Systems, Tech Lead @innobraingmbh

@innobraingmbh Germany

Kai Michael Günder kaiguender

Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg Freiburg

Magnus Maichle majoma7

Julius-Maximilians-University of Wuerzburg Wuerzburg

Aabhash Dhakal Aabhash
PhD candidate working on Transparent Data Driven Decisions @d3group; focusing on interpretability and multi objective optimization in ML.

Uni Würzburg Würzburg