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Chaitanya Kunda sikeclown
I'm Chaitanya, a recent graduate from SNU, Noida. Working as a FPGA Engineer for low latency trading systems


archie Bl4omArchie
Student in Computer Science char tab[] = "Low level"; strcat(tab, " Cryptography, Security\n"); write(1, tab, sizeof(tab));
Tom Huang TomHuangsrc
A hardware engineer focus on schematic design and fpga design
Jetnipit jKulrativid
Life is complex – it has both real and imaginary parts

Chulalongkorn Univ. Bangkok

Zhizhen Zhong zhizhenzhong
Next-Gen Photonic-Electronic Computer Systems

@MIT Cambridge, MA

Bili Dong qobilidop

@google Sunnyvale

guoyibin gyb997
C++ ,go ,rust,for highspeed

phlian beijing china

Paran Lee paranlee
Linux Kernel (≥ v6.x.y) | ARM64 | RISC-V | BEAM | Container Lover

Ericsson LG 51, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan a2un
PhD Student. Javascript, Python, C++, Java, R. Quizzer. Love transforming coffee to code

@IITH Pittsburgh

Ian Zhang IanBoyanZhang
Learning to design chips
Konstantin Pavlov pConst
Digital electronics, FPGAs, multi-gigabit interfaces

Saint-Petersburg, Russia