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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Leo tlkahn
This is the way. I have spoken.

Olympus Mons, Mars

Leon pzone618

IBM New York

Øyvind Harding Gulbrandsen oyvindhg

Nomura Securities Tokyo, Japan

Dylan Phelan Dtphelan1
6 years of web development on healthcare projects. Previously @mitre, now @smart-on-fhir. Passionate about better, safer tech and standards in healthcare.

Boston Children's Hospital @smart-on-fhir United States

John Qing NoHeartPen
Computational linguist & Chinese, JavaScript & Japanese, Pythonista & Polyglot, TypeScript & Translator.


Eliott McKenzie eli099
Junior Software Engineer (with a background in Art & Design) 🔗

London, UK