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Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Penghui Yang Paul-YPH
Postdoc UMICH Ann Arbor

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA

jligm-hash jligm-hash
Hi Martian! We will, we will rock you! 👯👯👯

Гонконгский университет науки и технологии [email protected]

Maciej F florekem

Nencki Institute Poland

Xiran Chen OPUS-Lightphenexx
Working on Single Cell RNA Seq analysis and Bioinformatics.

Chongqing Jiaotong University Chongqing

Harini Subramanian harinimadura


Guannan Yang guannan-yang
PhD student @ Melbourne Integrative Genomics
fuentesazahara afuentri
Postdoc in Dominguez-Conde lab at Human Technopole (Milano). Bioinformatician doing computational immunology on single-cell data.
Mingkee Achom miachom
Research Fellow | Genomics & Computational Biology

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Harvard Medical School United States

Jack Jack-CC33
Graduate student using microscopes to discover new patterns in cancer genomics, metabolomics, and viral replication.

Cornell University Ithaca, NY

Maria Murach mariamurach

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA

Moonerss Moonerss

Nanjing Medical University NanJing

wangyh082 wangyh082
I am who I am!

NENU Changchun

Adrienne Unsworth unswo
PhD student at @TaSB-ncl Previously of @Bioinformatics-Support-Unit

Newcastle University

Umayr Hassan umayrh
Algorithms, data, systems, people

Lahore, Pakistan

Yile yilevine

KU Leuven Belgium

Joan joan-yanqiong
Bioinformatics Analyst in the Gaiti Lab.

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (University Health Network) Toronto, Canada

Beilei Bian tomatoiscoding
Statistical Genomics. Big fan of R and JavaScript :)

The University of Queensland Brisbane

Glen | Tyne Tyne-GW
Running through life with a torch in one hand and a sword in the other

Tyne Hong Kong

Lasse Meyer lassedochreden
Computational PhD student - Bodenmiller Lab (UZH/ETH Zurich)


Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦 johon-lituobang
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

David J. H. Shih djhshih
Assistant Professor

University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Sander W. van der Laan swvanderlaan
I a medical biologist working on some genomic data while trying to learn scripting languages.

University Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht

Bhavyaa Chandarana bhavyaac
PhD student at @fungenomics lab, McGill University

McGill University

Amarinder Singh Thind amarinderthind
I am a bioinformatician. Currently working on the integration of genomics and transcriptomics data. Australia

starshine star9926

zhejiang university Germany

JunweiLiu JunweiLiu0208
Bioinformatics, DeepLearning

Guangzhou Lab Guangzhou