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Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Algorithmic Bioinformatics, Plant/Microbial Genome Analysis, Deep Learning. Welcome, accept every submitted job offer.


Rahul Dange rahuldangeofficial
Computer Science Student

Sydney, Australia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Oliver Jenkins cyberforge1
Software Developer - currently focusing on web development, data engineering and cloud computing


Vito Butardo Jr vbutardo

Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

Joycelyn joyccino

Emocog, SaMD Lab Sydney, Seoul

Sayed Mashequl Bari BariSayed

Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Md Abu Jaher Nayeem jahernayeem
A biologist who has passion for Bioinformatics, System Biology and Machine Learning

Research Officer @icddr,b Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sebastian Lopez-M slopezmarcano
Principal Data Scientist for QCIF's Sustainable Futures portfolio #marine #ag-tech #environment #urban #climate

Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation Australia

Caitlin Cherryh caitlinch
Computational biologist (she/her). Likes baking and making things.


Lijia Yu yulijia

Beijing, China

Ben Chen nehcneb
Senior Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney Law School

The University of Sydney Law School

Yi Yu yuyi13
Postdoc at USYD & CSIRO | Hydrology and Remote Sensing

The University of Sydney Australia


Institut Pasteur Algeria

Young motivated data scientist & biomedical engineer. Interested in Bioinformatics, Data Science & Machine Learning

Institute of Bioinformatics Innsbruck Austria

Fred Jaya fredjaya

Sydney Informatics Hub

Keiran Rowell keiran-rowell-unsw
My personal account is @keiran-rowell

The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

Nicky Wright nickywright
ARC Early Career Industry Fellow at the University of Sydney

University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Yuchen Chang ichauchcc
PhD candidate @usyd | Bioinformatics research assistant @CentenaryInst | Master of Science (Bioinformatics) from @unimelb

centenary institute of cancer medicine & cell biology Australia


usyd Sydney

Umer ufaroooq
Bioinformatician at Leibniz-HKI Germany

Jena, Germany

Giorgia GiorgiaMori
BioCloud Training & Communication Officer, @AustralianBioCommons

Australian BioCommons, University of Melbourne Sydney

Medelin Ocejo m-ocejo

NEIKER - Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development Derio, Spain

Murat Buyukyoruk mbuyukyoruk
Ph.D. in Microbiology and Cell Biology Montana State University - Postdoc Researcher at @WiedenheftLab

Montana State University

Mohamed Khaled sakly medsakly1997
I touch the keyboard everyday.

Terraform Tunisia Tunis

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Hamish Croser h-croser

Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Adam H. Sparks adamhsparks
Professor of Biometry and Agricultural Data Analytics. Editor at @ropensci

CCDM-CBADA Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes igorkf
Program Associate at University of Arkansas's Center for Agricultural Data Analytics (CADA) | Statistician

University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR

Glen | Tyne Tyne-GW
Running through life with a torch in one hand and a sword in the other

Tyne Hong Kong

Yi Michaelyc

University of Wollongong

Hojat Shirmard Hojat-Shirmard
PhD Candidate in Mineral Exploration

The University of Sydney Sydney, Australia