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George T Washington kingjay66
Highly Skilled Event planner and Business man

Google Inc Virginia

Jelmar Gerritsen Pocket-titan
Aerospace eng grad student, way less official (and b&w) than my profile picture implies

The Hague, the Netherlands

Kang Wang wk1984

@permamodel, @csdms, University of Colorado Boulder United States

Anish Aniket Mahanta aam11
Here’s Anish, an experienced Climate Data Analyst in the Wind Pioneers family, working on building, testing, and maintaining wind and climate models.

Wind Pioneers Bengaluru


China University of Geoscience (Beijing) Beijing

Antonio Giganti antonelse
Ciao, I'm æ. I'm a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano - @polimi-ispl, mostly working with AI-related stuff ツ ツ ツ

ISPL - Image and Sound Processing Lab - PoliMi Milan

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

HachemKassem h-kassem

University of Southampton National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Estudiante de Licenciatura en Meteorología y Ciencias de la Atmósfera - UNLP
Pablo Miranda Pablomir16
PhD student | Geographer | GIS Analyst | Remote Sensing | Geospatial Data Analyst

Madrid (Spain)

Alejandro Sánchez Gómez alejandrosgz
Environmental Scientist, Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Predoctoral Researcher in University of Alcalá (UAH).

University of Alcalá Madrid, Spain

Khalil Ur Rahman Khalil628
PhD Scholar from the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University Beijing

Antonio J Perez-Luque ajpelu
Ecologist. Applied Statistics. Ecoinformatics. @ecoinf_AEET

Madrid & Granada (Spain)

Daniel Vilas danielvilas
Software Architect and Electronics Enthusiastic

CSIC-EEAD Zaragoza

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Salutations! I'm Robin Armstrong. In this intricate digital mosaic, each of us finds a unique space to voice our passions, dreams, and musings.
Jose Vega javf

DKL Madrid, Spain

Aldo Castro acastro81

MWH Global / Stantec Lima, Perú

reprotc reprotc
Taisa Cortes' repository for paper files and code.


Daniel Tellier DanielTellier

Cisco Systems Los Angeles, CA

Felipe Maza felipem775

@IHCantabria Spain