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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Zach Harel zachwaffle4
I write code sometimes. Mostly for first tech challenge robots but also occasionally other things


Naren Wxua2005

@technocrats-robotics Chennai

Khyler Clyde Khylerc17
Aspiring Software Engineer. Currently studying Web Development and various programming languages.
Katya etumanova

Atlanta, GA

MS Robotics student at Georgia Tech 👾
Zuyan Wang Higgs040912

东南大学 江苏

Moses Adewolu MosesTheRedSea
I'm probably coding...

Atlanta, Georgia

Andrew Alson andrewalson

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Jonathan Jia JonathanJia05
CS @ Georgia Tech

Atlanta, GA

Isabelli Bispo isabellibispo

Georgia Institute of Technology

Ava Wandersleben AvaWandersleben
GT CS '27

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Oliver Lee CodeXTL
Undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. My focuses are devices (hardware & robotics) and artificial intelligence
CS student interested in embedded systems, operating systems, and backend

United States

Luke Oldenburg Luke-Oldenburg
ux is a lost art


John Washburne johnwashburne

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Hey, my name is Nihanth Pinnaka and I'm a high school senior. If anybody wants to or needs help with anything, I'm right here. =)

Pheonix, AZ, USA

Hardik Goel znatri
Tech, Media and Science

Student Atlanta, GA

zitong zitongbai
Phd student in Robotics and Control Theory

Beijing, China

Kristaps Berzinch kberzinch
Building, deploying, and maintaining boring enterprise software

@CapitalOne Arlington, Virginia, United States