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Zhixiong Xiao xiaozxiong
Graduate student in computer science, Shandong University

Shandong University Qingdao

wcphkust wcphkust
Static analysis, program language theory

Postdoc@Purdue CS, HKUST Alumnus West Lafayette

Licheng Lin licheng-lin
Currently pursuing master degree at Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Wuhan, China

Sicheng Zhou ClaudiaCumberbatch

SUSTech Shenzhen, Guang dong, China

GB HaibinLai
SUSTech 2022 CS Undergraduate Student

Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen

Jiacheng ValerioL29
More than me.

@troph-team Singapore

Zire Young Zire-Young
Wangrq wang-rq

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Guangzhou

Michael Boateng michaelboateng1
Front-end developer | HTML | CSS | SCSS | JavaScript | React | TypeScript and other front-end technologies. Student @freeCodeCamp


Chengxiu Zheng Mr-Z2001
Student in Northeastern University (China), major in Computer Science - Big Data Manag. & Analysis.

Northerneast University (China) Liaoning, China.

James JamesQian11
Size The Day!!

Fudan University Shanghai

Yusheng Zhao exAClior
Talk is cheap, let me code.

@CodingThrust Guang Zhou

Zeyu Xiong BILLXZY1215
PhD student @ ETH Zurich.

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Khoa Nguyen ntkhoa95
Keep positive!

FPT Software Vietnam

qfshen AcKing-Sam
Ph.D. Student | PolyU

Hong Kong

Austin Chen koolhazz
database infra

bytedance infra shenzhen china

OwOrange fly-lovest
HUST CS course resources are available
Yunqi LI EricLYunqi
Undergraduate@HKUST CSE

Conference Lodge Hong Kong

John juyongjiang
PhD Candidate (Sep. 2022-Now) at HKUST. Working on NLP, with a focus on large language models and code generation

HKUST Hong Kong

neo Jasdent


Anna Pirova annapirova

State University of Nizhni Novgorod Nizhni Novgorod, Russia

Zhenlin Wu zlwu92
HPC, GPU parallel computing

[email protected] China

Zhengyi Yang zhengyi-yang
Associate Lecturer, School of CSE, UNSW

University of New South Wales Sydney