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Jingjing Zou jingjingz
Researcher at UCSD
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hyewon Jeong mandiehyewon
PhD Student, MIT EECS

Cambridge, MA

Aniket Mazumder git-aniket
One at a time....

University of Groningen Groningen, The Netherlands

Xiaoyu Zong j262byuu
Statistician/data scientist focused on oncology, EHR, and wearable devices. Open to collaborations—feel free to reach out via LinkedIn!

Washington University School of Medicine Saint Louis, MO, USA

twilord twilord
I want to find a people who can play with me , and we can make progress together.
skooch skooch

Melbourne, Australia

Jess Caterson jjcato9
Academic Clinical Fellow @ Imperial College London. Doctor, Data Scientist. Interests in XAI and Sensor Data.
Jiale Fu Jelive791
DPhil in Population Health, University of Oxford
Autodidact. Loves Robotics, Machine Learning, Unix and Mathematics
Liezel Tamon liezeltamon
CompBio Postdoc @immune-rep (, formerly @sims-lab. CompBio instructor @OBDS-Training. DPhil student @SahakyanLab.

Biochemistry University of Oxford, United Kingdom

黑发不知勤学早 白首方悔读书迟
Ilya Siamionau MarshalX
Software Engineer

@CycodeHQ Warsaw, Poland

Mariane Furtado MarianeFurtado
PhD in Epidemiology at USP; MSc. and BA in Economics at UFPel

Imperial College London United Kingdom

TJ Singh TarjinderSingh
Assistant Professor in Computational and Statistical Genomics (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University

Columbia University and NYGC New York, NY

Alankar Atreya eracube
Building technology to improve the quality of life.