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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Kim Yongbeom Yongbeom-Kim
Year 4 Computer Science student at the National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

Bruce Wang brucewzj99
Software Engineer Undergraduate!


Gavin Loo rawsashimi1604

Standard Chartered Bank Singapore

Yaiza Canopoli yaizacanopoli
Self-taught developer currently building in JavaScript


Tommy Lee naturalDev0
ZeroHero App - ( | PolyParcelSg - (


Zeyan liuhahi
Software Developer📍Singapore ✨ Shifting focus from UI to AI


Chee Aun cheeaun
Product-first Front-end Engineer. Interested in design, dataviz, maps, public transport & stickers.

Unemployed since Jul'22 Singapore