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Pat Sullivan sullivanpj
A financial technology developer with a passion for learning new things, solving complicated problems, and giving back to the open source community.

@storm-software New York metropolitan area

Henry Yin yxcntu
A kdb+ developer
Ali Amani MrAliAmani
Machine Learning and NLP Enthusiast with hands-on experience in scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. Proficient in Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language P

Open to work

Han Wei Teo HanTeo

London, United Kingdom



Matthew Colbear matthewcolbear

@DataIntellectTech Belfast

Jack Jack-McDonough


DefconQ DefconQ
KDB Consultancy

DefconQ London

Sophie slocaDI

@DataIntellectTech Belfast

Sharon Gilmore SharonGilmore

Belfast, UK

Mammoth mammoth-digital
Unleash Underdog thinking.

@MammothDigital Belfast

Jemma Creighton jemmaborland

Data Intellect Belfast. UK

Alexander Unterrainer AUnterrainer
KDB/Q Consultant, Blogger Tick architecture, q, kdb


Jack Lundy puffin94

Northern Ireland

David Crossey davidcrossey
kdb/q developer based in Sydney

@KxSystems Sydney

Ryan Kavanagh ryank-di
Data Scientist/Engineer

AquaQ Belfast, NI

Cre Cremurtagh

AquaQ Analytics

Cormac O'Neill alexanderoneill
KDB+ Developer at @DataIntellectTech

Data Intellect Belfast, Northern Ireland

Cormac O'Neill CONeillAQ
Junior KDB+ Developer at AquaQ Analytics

@AquaQAnalytics Belfast, Northern Ireland