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Brian DeShong bdeshong

D5G Technology, LLC Atlanta, GA

Seth Reichert STReichert
Using data science to build more equitable cities and transportation systems.

UCLA Los Angeles

Jack Fitzgerald j17d
PhD Student @ Queen's DESEL

Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Dylan Mikesell dylanmikesell

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Oslo, Norway

Ph.D. student @ Technion

Tel Aviv

Theo TheodorosKyriakopoulos

University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN, USA

Lily Conrad conradlml

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Jennifer Peebles jenniferpeebles
Journalist at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper in Atlanta, Ga. I (heart) public records. Slowest banjo picker in the ATL.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta GA

Bill Grimm billgrimm-MGS
Geographic Information Systems Specialist at the Minnesota Geological Survey

Minnesota Geological Survey St. Paul, MN

Thomas CSS-Aachen-Thomas

Computer Science Studies Lab Aachen

Samantha Shanny-Csik samanthacsik
Data Training Coordinator @NCEAS & Lecturer at @UCSB-MEDS (Bren)

University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA

David Coyle dlcoyle-usgs
Software developer for the USGS Water Mission Area (WMA).

U. S. Geological Survey Reston, VA

Jack bopo16
A spatial scientist 📊 geologist ⛏️ and GIS/map guy 🗺️ trying to do things with computers

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Zhao Yinjie JYZjdl
a student from Shaanxi Normal University

Shaanxi Normal University China

Daniel Miranda dmirandaUSGS
Geographer, US Geological Survey, Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center

US Geological Survey (USGS) Austin, TX

Zhou Jiangcheng Zhou-Jiangcheng
A PhD student majoring in seismology at Peking University.

Peking University Beijing,China

Barrie Chileen Martinez bchileen
USACE Geographer ORCID 0000-0002-6960-8167

USACE Rock Island, IL

Aashish Sarode aashishsarode

九州工業大学 北九州市、日本

dikshie dikshie

Keio University Japan

Dan Crocker dancrocker
Environmental Analyst


Jacob Hedman jrhedman
2018 graduate in Computer Science from UNCC             2019 - Present: Contractor w/Infosys as a Data Engineer
Sam samvmdev
Software and Other Solutions Developer

Los Angeles, CA


Madison, Wisconsin

Taher Chegini cheginit
A hydrologist and Python developer with a knack for data analysis and visualization, and working with web services

Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

AJKhattak-NOAA ajkhattak
- Computational surface/subsurface modeler - Water Resources Scientist

Office of Water Prediction - NOAA

Katie Harrington knharrington
Staff Biologist @ Mote Marine Laboratory | MS in Data Intelligence student @ USF

Mote Marine Laboratory Sarasota, FL

Juan Camilo Nauj29
I´m a Hydrogeologist and I want to use data science to improve my knowledge about water.
Thomas Tam skyrockets-21
ML Research Assistant and Graduate TA @ Carnegie Mellon University | Delivering Impactful Predictions, Analytics and Insights

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA