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Qume Qume2005
A college girl, a super programming enthusiast


Ned Konz ned-pcs

Product Creation Studio Seattle, WA, USA

embedded, php, js

rembong hcm

Koki Mizumoto 21km43
Waseda University Major: Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering Research subject: Advanced Processor Architecture

Waseda University Japan

Gene Hightower gene-hightower
We have nothing to hide, only everything to protect.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Marco annoyedmilk
🥛 Annoyedmilk here! 🚀 Embedded dev in C/C++/Python. Mission: Turning caffeine and code into bugs... I mean, features! ☕🐞🚀
Daniel Melendrez dzalf
PhD in Nanomaterials. Arduino fan but my true love is Teensy. I have a strong infatuation with C#. Founder of Ivory Electronics Ltd

The University of Manchester Manchester, UK

Shreyas Murali chechu2k5
* Graduate Degree in EE * Post Graduate Degree in CSE * Software Engineer with 15+ years work experience * Electronics enthusiast

Bothell, WA

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

eelaix eelaix
evcharger platform developer, based on Amazon FreeRTOS, vue client full software and hardware supported.

Shenzhen Xiaoniu New Energy Co.,Ltd. Shenzhen, China

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Pascal Brunot PBrunot

Schneider Electric Italy

Caroline Palomarrrr
22 | CS Student at TTU | More active on gitlab

CEO @ GLOP Industries Either Lubbock or Fort Worth, TX

wankey wankey

Shanghai China

João Albuquerque Joao-Alb

IAV GmbH São Paulo, Brazil

Qitas qitas
年轮在骨,厚积于芯 中国->上海

Thomas Reidemeister treideme
CTO @labforge. Building AI and stereo cameras for a living. Electronics, embedded computing, martial arts enthusiast.

Labforge Inc. Waterloo, Canada