Fabio Benedetti
I study living stuff on Earth and I (try to) rely on numerical approaches to (try to) understand where they are, what they do and when it matters to ecosystems.
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften (IPS, Uni. Bern) Altenbergrain 21, 3013 Bern
Valentina Schüller
PhD student in numerical analysis at Lund University.
Lund, Sweden
Julian Geiger
Chemist by training - Ph.D. in the ICIQ. Currently, Postdoc/Research Software Engineer at PSI. Love for everything FOSS 🚀
Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen
Kutay Dönmez
Atmospheric Scientist (MSc) | Atmospheric Data Science | Climate Modeling | Urban Climate | Python
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - EMPA Zurich/Switzerland
Felix Zaussinger
Public Policy, Climate Change & Data Science @ GIB Foundation & ETH Zurich
Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation Zurich