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Carson Elm-Picard carsonelmpicard
Designer & Journalist currently working out of Boston, MA.

Boston, MA

Yoohyun Jung yoohyunjung
data editor | boston globe

boston globe

Jasmine Taylor JasTaylor
Front End Developer in Boston, MA
Rob Reid reliablerascal
Education Data Developer

Texas Tribune Austin, Texas

Peter Mumford photocurio
just one more espresso and I'll get on it..

Boston Globe Media Dover, NH

Sean MacBride seanmacb
Dark energy, gravitational waves, cosmology, instrumentation

University of Zurich Zurich

sean mcclure smcclure17
data & software & similar things

The Boston Globe Boston, MA

Luana Nova luananova
Content Designer. Data Storyteller. Journalist.


Zé Florentino zeflorentino
Repórter e estudante de jornalismo de dados.
Victor Hugo Gabriel VHSVictor
I love coding

Curitiba, Brazil

Daigo Fujiwara-Smith daigofuji
Newsroom Developer for Founder Baseball Hack Day

The Boston Globe, Baseball Hack Day Portland, ME

Bianca biamuniz
estudante, sempre

@apublica São Paulo, Brasil

Cameron LaFreniere cameron-lafreniere
Software Eng @vectorgrp working on Dev Tools Product - C++, Python - Data Driven - Computer Science B.S.

Vector North America @vectorgrp Providence, Rhode Island