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芬格尔 Jane-fine
nostalgia is a disease

China Earth

Chao maishaoshao
PhD candidate in infectious disease modelling in Germany.

Halle, Germany

YiChao Ding JeffDing
OpenI Experience Officer, MindSpore Senior Developer, Ascend Excellent Developer, Reasearch Mindspore, Ascend, AI For Science, LLM


Yan Wang kingxiaofire
Student of NEU

NEU China

Yang Yu yuyang733
Programming with Java, C/C++ and Python, etc. Interested in Distributed System, High-Performance Big Data/Data Lake Storage based on Cloud Object Storage.

@Tencent Shenzhen, China

Shane VIKI623
P.h.d candidate at SJTU focusing on AI for Chemistry. NLP Master of ICT, CAS, Software Engineering Bachelor of USETC.
ZhangPeng Jamplesmise
Hunan University of Finance and Economics


Hello! 👋 I'm K Shivani , i am recently graduation enthusiast with a passion for graphic design, web design, content writing.
Kevin Zhang zhangjinnan
Prajna is wisdom!

metax ShangHai

Xiaming Chen caesar0301
AGIKG/KR researcher @Bai-Yu-Lan and @lambdacogito | Engineer @aliyun | Ph.D @sjtu


AmadeusQ a0x
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

@Baiguanlab Shanghai, China

Justin Justin666521
college student

Google USA

Zhaoyu Guo DayuGuo
"Seize the day, gather ye rosebuds while ye may."

Big Data Institute, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Shanghai

Bolin Lai BolinLai
Keep Happy and Carry On.

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA

hayden Hayden234
Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Haoyu Geng hygeng
CS Ph.D. student@Shanghai Jiao Tong University

SJTU Shanghai