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Enzo Lizama Paredes enzoftware
Passionate mobile software engineer at @Superformula. Embracing challenges, a soccer enthusiast, and sharing insights as an article author at @kodecocodes.

Lima, Perú

Mrljdx mrljdx
Strength grows through adversity.


Abdalla badr AbdallaBadreldin
Native Mobile Developer

@MomentumSolutionsOrg Egypt

Nahuel Borromeo NahuelBorromeo
Passionate software engineer crafting scalable, secure and maintainable software.

Lima, Perú.

Hagi Ayala hagiayaladev

Lima, Perú

Alfredo Soto Nolazco n3o4lfr3d0
Angular web developer Jr.

Sintad Lima-Perú

Eduardo Ignacio Jaramillo Carrasco ejaramillo
I am an Android Software Developer

Valdivia, Chile

Marco Villanueva Soto Marco-Villanueva20
¡Hola! Soy Marco de Lima, Perú. 🌎 Me encanta desarrollar aplicaciones web con Java y Spring Boot. 🚀 Actualmente, estoy explorando el mundo de Kotlin y lo e


Jose Flavio Quispe Irrazábal jflavio11
Senior Software Engineer. Public & private repos.

@Android-Dev-Peru Lima - Perú

Gonzalo Lozg gonzalo-droid
Programa por comida y me gustan los gatos . Mobile Developer 💻🇵🇪🌎


Facundo D Rodriguez FacundoRo
Software Developer , Maths and Physics teacher, interest in AI and cognitive science
Retromantis Retromantis
Indie Game Developer

Lima - Perú

Pedro Rau pedrorau
Mobile Developer


Carlo Huamán tohure
#Jesus is the way, the truth and the life | Dad, Mobile Architect | 🚴🥭🍫🍊

BCP Perú

Eduardo José Medina Alfaro emedinaa
Android developer, instructor, Kotlin evangelist and Swift enthusiast

Mapsalud Lima, Peru

Juan Cocchi Thirstypooch
Laravel + Vue, rustacean 🦀

ThirstyPooch Lima, Perú

Johann Jara Sánchez johannfjs
Mobile Developer | Entrepreneur


Ivan Espinosa ivarespark
Mobile & Web developer

Proyecto Blue Spark Peru

Marlon M Arteaga Morales marlonpya
Developer Mobile Android e iOS with(this) { put(it, "bebe") put(it, "danza") put(it, "sueña") ..

@strawtechberry Perú

Jeanmartin Pachas Villa JeanmartinPV
• Flutter & Dart • .NET & SQL SERVER Other encodings too :D

@SiDC-TW Chincha - Perú

Bhérring Paucar Bonifacio probhe31
Dev, sleep and repeat


Jamil Hans Flores Chalco JamilHans
Android Developer | Kotlin

Lima, Perú

Sandy Valdivia Sanv18
Software Developer


José Antonio Campillo Espallardo joseantoniocampillo
Android Developer

O2O - One2One Digital Strategy Madrid, Spain

Josué Durand Pebe JosueDurand96
Software Developer #Flutter #Java #Android #Swift #Php #Kotlin #Dart #Angular #JavaScript #MachineLearning #IA #DeepLearning #Python

Mobile Developer Peru Lima

Sandro Delgadillo DevPianist
Senior Mobile Engineer | Flutter | Android | iOS

Lima, Perú

Alberto Lazo betolix
Focused on developing tools that collect and analyze data to drive smarter, evidence-based decisions.
