#Template on how to file a bug or contribute
Can you help us out in labelling this by telling us what kind of ticket this this? You can say:
- Bug Report
- Feature Idea
- Feature Pull Request
- New Module Pull Request
- Bugfix Pull Request
- Documentation Report
- Docs Pull Request
Let us know what version of Open vStorage you are using.
Let us know what version of HEALTH CHECK you are using.
What have you changed about your HEALTH CHECK installation/configuration?
Let us know what OS your are running. Please supply output of uname -a
Please summarize your request in this space. What are you trying to do?
- Provide your (possible) changes to the HEALTH CHECK
- Provide your actions
Please enter your expected results in this space. When running the steps supplied above in the previous section, what do/did you expect to happen?
Please enter your actual results in this space. When running the steps supplied above, what actually happened?