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149 lines (99 loc) · 9.04 KB


We are glad that you are willing to contribute to the TinyVueMobile open source project. There are many forms of contribution, and you can choose one or more of them according to your strengths and interests:

  • Report new defect
  • Provide more detailed information for existing defects, such as supplementary screenshots, more detailed reproduction steps, minimum reproducible demo links, etc.
  • Submit Pull requests to fix typos in the document or make the document clearer and better
  • Add the official assistant WeChat opentiny-official and join the technical exchange group to participate in the discussion.

When you personally use the TinyVueMobile component library and participate in many of the above contributions, as you become familiar with TinyVueMobile, you can try to do something more challenging, such as:

  • Fix defects, you can start with Good-first issue.
  • Implement new features.
  • Improve unit testing.
  • Translate the document.
  • Participate in code review.

Bug Reports

If you encounter problems in the process of using TinyVueMobile components, you are welcome to submit Issue to us. Before submitting Issue, please read the relevant official documentation carefully to confirm whether this is a defect or an unimplemented function.

If it is a defect, select Bug report template when creating a new Issue. The title follows the format of [componentName] defect description. For example: [select] filtering function, the selected option cannot be selected again after it has been deleted.

Issue that reports defects mainly needs to fill in the following information:

  • Version numbers of @opentiny/vue-mobile and vue.
  • The performance of the defect can be illustrated by screenshot, and if there is an error, the error message can be posted.
  • Defect reproduction step, preferably with a minimum reproducible demo link.

If it is a new feature, select Feature request template. The title follows the format of [componentName] new feature description. For example: [select] selection box is too long to display, hope to support the configuration of tips prompt.

The following information is required for the Issue of the new feature:

  • What problems does this feature mainly solve for users?
  • What is the api of this feature?

Pull Requests

Before submitting pull request, please make sure that your submission is in line with the overall plan of TinyVueMobile. Generally, issues that marked as bug are encouraged to submit pull requests. If you are not sure, you can create a Discussion for discussion.

Pull Request Specification

Commit Message

The commit message should be in the form of a type(scope): description of the message, e.g. fix(theme-mobile): [button, alert] fix xxx bug.

  1. type: must be one of build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, release, style, test, improvement.

  2. scope.

  • Package names in the packages directory, e.g. theme-mobile, mobile, demos
  • Component name under the package name in the packages directory, e.g., theme-mobile/alert, mobile/alert
  • The name of the component (lowercase, center dot): e.g.: alert, button ......

Pull Request Title

  1. The specification of the title is the same as the commit information, which is entered in the form of type(scope): description information.
  1. Example title:
  • Supplement alert component document: docs(alert): [alert] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, docs(demos): [alert] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Supplement alert component test case: test(alert): [alert] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Fixed bug in alert package theme-mobile: fix(theme-mobile): [alert] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pull Request Description

The PR description uses a template, and it is necessary to fill in the relevant information of the PR according to the template, mainly including:

  • PR Checklist: Whether the Commit information is compliant with the specifications, whether it supplements the E2E test cases, and whether it supplements the documentation
  • PR Type: Bugfix / Feature / Code style update / Refactoring and so on
  • Issue Number
  • Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

Local Startup Steps

  • Click the Fork button in the upper right corner of the TinyVueMobile code repository to Fork the upstream repository to the personal repository.
  • Clone personal repository to local.
  • Associated with the upstream repository to facilitate the synchronization of the latest code of the upstream repository.
  • Run pnpm i under the TinyVueMobile project root directory to install node dependencies.
  • After finishing dependencies install,run pnpm preSite to init the demos site.
  • Run pnpm dev to launch the component library website.
  • Open the browser to visit: http://localhost:3101/
# You need to replace username with your own user name
git clone [email protected]:username/tiny-vue-mobile.git
cd tiny-vue-mobile

# Associate upstream repository
git remote add upstream [email protected]:opentiny/tiny-vue-mobile.git

# Installation
pnpm i

# init demos site
pnpm preSite

# Launch demos site
pnpm dev

Submit a PR

  • Make sure that you have completed the steps in local startup and can visit http://localhost:3101/ normally.
  • Synchronize upstream repository dev branch latest code: git pull upstream dev.
  • Create a new branch git checkout-b username/feature1 upstream/ dev from the upstream repository dev branch. The name of the branch should be username/feat- xxx / username/fix- xxx.
  • Local coding.
  • Submit according to Commit Message Format specification. PR that do not conform to the submission specification will not be merged.
  • Submit to remote repository: git push origin branchName.
  • Open the Pull requests link of the TinyVueMobile code repository and click the New pull request button to submit the PR.
  • According to the PR template, please provide the following information: PR self-check items, PR type, related Issue ID, whether it is a destructive change.
  • Project Committer conducts Code Review and makes comments.
  • The PR author adjusts the code according to the opinion. Please note that when a branch initiates PR, the subsequent commit will be synchronized automatically, and there is no need to resubmit the PR.
  • Project administrator merges PR.

The contribution process is over, thank you for your contribution!

Join OpenTiny Community

If you are interested in our open source project, you are welcome to join our open source community in the following ways.

  • Add official assistant WeChat: opentiny-official to join our technical exchange group.
  • Add to the mailing list: [email protected]

If you have submitted Issue or PR to OpenTiny, you can comment on Issue or Pull Request, asking @all-contributors to add a contributor:

@all-contributors please add @<username> for <contributions>

For detailed rules, please refer to