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Tung Jin Chew edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 24 revisions

What is Find?

Find is an end-user search interface for Micro Focus IDOL and Haven OnDemand


Compiling and Running Find



Configuring Find for IDOL

Configuring Find for HavenOnDemand

Modifying Find

What license does it use?

The MIT license - see the license file for details

Branches and Tags

We use Git Flow for our branching model.

Branch Structure

  • master is the latest "known good" version of the code
  • develop is the bleeding edge version of the code, which will contain unreleased and potentially unstable features
  • feature/* contains unfinished features that are not yet ready for release
  • release/* contains temporary release branches. At the end of every "sprint" (sprints are two-week long periods of work), we take a release branch from develop, e.g. release/sprint77. We test the branch and fix any high-priority bugs that are discovered. Two weeks later (at the end of the following sprint) we finish the release branch and merge the known-good code into the master branch.
  • onprem-release/* branches track released version of Find for IDOL customers.
  • Any other branches can be safely ignored at this stage. Treat them as feature branches.

Tag Structure

We have two types of tags - fixed tags that track a specific version (e.g. v1.0.3), and floating tags that track a commit that is deployed somewhere (e.g. hsod-preview).


If you want to contribute to Find, please open a pull request and send us some comments about your change. No promises that we'll accept it, but we will reply at least. We would strongly recommend opening a ticket first to discuss what you want to change, as it might be something that we're already working on! 😄


If you are an Micro Focus IDOL Express or Micro Focus IDOL Premium customer, support for Find is available to you via Customer Support, but only if you are running a version of Find which is distributed on the Big Data Download Center. No support is provided for the open source version of Find.

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