ID: DA_1
Name: Add a DA
Priority: High
Type: Positive
User can add a DA through OSC UI.
Required Initial State:
OSC has Virtualization Connector (VC), Manager Connector (MC), and Service Function (SF) added.
- Launch OSC web application:
. - Login to OSC.
- Click Setup->Distributed Appliance->Add.
- Provide a unique DA name e.g. My-DA1. (Start with a letter, 13 chars max, alphanumeric and dash '-' only)
- Select the previously added Manager Connector.
- Select the previously added Service Function.
- Check Enable for the OpenStack Virtualization System.
- Select the Manager Domain and Encapsulation Type if applicable.
- Click OK.
Expected Result:
Distributed Appliance with the name My-DA1 should be added. Manager and VNF Model must be shown, Job Status must be PASSED.
ID: DA_2
Name: Delete a DA
Priority: High
Type: Positive
User can delete an existing DA.
Required Initial State:
OSC has DA added, but the DA isn't bound to any Security Group (SG).
- Launch OSC web application:
. - Login to OSC.
- Click Setup->Distributed Appliance->Delete.
- Click OK to delete DA.
Expected Result:
The DA should be deleted.
ID: DA_3
Name: Force delete a DA which has been bound to SG.
Priority: High
Type: Positive
User can force delete a DA which has SG bound.
Required Initial State:
OSC has a DA added and it's bound to a Security Group (SG).
- Launch OSC web application:
. - Login to OSC.
- Click Setup->Distributed Appliance->Delete.
- Popup confirmation with force delete selection.
- Click OK and reconfirm force delete selection to delete the DA.
Expected Result:
The DA should be deleted.
Note: Also ensure to delete the VNF instance on OpenStack since forcing deleting a DA on OSC will not delete the deployed instance.