Releases: opensciencegrid/topology
Releases · opensciencegrid/topology
Webapp 1.17.1
- Fix time zone offsets in downtime forms
Webapp 1.17.0
- SOFTWARE-4346: Add consistent endpoints for topology stashcache authfile lookups
- Fix auto-restart cron job failure due to missing pkill on CentOS Stream 8-based images
Webapp 1.16.1
- Fix auto-restart cron job failure due to missing pkill on CentOS Stream 8-based images
Webapp 1.16.0
- Add osg-scitokens-mapfile endpoint (SOFTWARE-5093)
- Add VO display (SOFTWARE-5095)
Webapp 1.15.1
Fix Apache configuration for EL8
Webapp 1.15.0
- Update to OSG 3.6 and EL8
- Add resource display (SOFTWARE-5086)
Webapp 1.14.0
Additional changes for SOFTWARE-5051:
- Simplified JSON output for project information.
- Support CORS for the JSON endpoint.
Webapp 1.13.0
Add JSON-formatted project endpoint (SOFTWARE-5051)
Webapp 1.12.1
Fix sites sites not appearing as CC* on the map. (SOFTWARE-4957)
Webapp 1.12.0
Add Description and Subject fields for token issuers in VO YAML files (#2171)