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Tektagon Open Edition (OE) is a HRoT orchestration firmware solution for the AST1060 SOC. It provides Intel PFR 2.0 HRoT solution.

Source code Layout

The Tektagon OE solution based on common core has a baseline functionality that can be adapted and ported to various platforms. Where this can be reused for various platforms by modifying theabstraction layers.In Tektagon source tree OS zephyr will be the base layer and under base application and other modules are added as subdirectories. Where the Tektagon source tree structure under Zephyr base is as follows.

Folders Description
ApplicationLayer Tektagon OE specific implementation was added here.
Arch Zephyr OS layer – contains implementation & portings of various architectures
Boards Zephyr base – contains implementations and porting of different devices
Cmake CMake toolchain and zephyr dependencies
Doc Documentation for zephyr structure and support
Drivers Zephyr based drivers
Dts Bindings for various devices under boards are added here
FunctionalBlocks Cerberus based core functional implementation
HardwareAbstraction Contains Functional interface based on Cerberus core and other essential modules for application layer (i.e Tektagon OE)
Include Zephyr based header definitions are included here
Kernel Kernel implementations
Lib Zephyr’s library functions implementations.
Modules Zephyr supported modules implementations
samples Sample for various devices based on zephyr
scripts Scripts and other useful tools for zephyr
Share Packages shared by zephyr
Silicon Silicon (i.e., Platforms specific) implementation. (here AST1060)
soc SoC file for boards based on zephyr
Subsys Sub systems supported based on zephyr
Tests Unit test suite for zephyr samples
Wrapper Wrapper function for Application layer is implemented

Building Firmware sources

Clone the repo to your Linux machine

Follow the steps below to properly clone the repo from your terminal.

  1. git clone --recurse-submodules -b Tag Name Clone URL tektagon_oe
  2. cd tektagon_oe

Optional steps to perform

  1. git checkout Branch Name
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. git submodule update --remote

Setup & Build Zephyr/Tektagon in Linux environment

Follow the numbered steps below to setup your Linux environment to build.

  1. wget
  2. sudo bash
  3. sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf \ ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget \ python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xz-utils file \ make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev
  4. pip3 install --user -U west
  5. pip3 install virtualenv
  6. echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
  7. source ~/.bashrc
  8. pip3 install --user -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
  9. pip3 install docutils==0.16
  10. pip3 install sphinx-tabs==3.2
  11. pip3 install pyyaml==6.0
  12. pip3 install six==1.15.0
  13. pip3 install testresources
  14. pip3 install click==8
  15. cd ~
  16. wget
  17. chmod +x
  18. ./ -- -d ~/zephyr-sdk-0.13.2
  19. sudo cp ~/zephyr-sdk-0.13.2/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/openocd/contrib/60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
  20. sudo udevadm control --reload

Building Zephyr/Tektagon in Linux environment

To build zephyr run “bash tektagon” under root folder. It will initialize west and update west modules for first build which might take time. From next build it starts with building sources.

You can find zephyr.elf under build directory.!

Setup & Build Zephyr/Tektagon in Windows environment

Follow these steps to:

  • Set up a command-line Zephyr development environment on Windows
  • Get the source code and Build

Install dependencies for Windows build

  1. Install chocolatey, using the steps provided in the below URL

  2. Open a cmd.exe terminal window as Administrator. To do so, press the Windows key, type cmd.exe, right-click the Command Prompt search result, and choose Run as Administrator.

  3. Disable global confirmation to avoid having to confirm the installation of individual programs: choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation

  4. Use choco to install the required dependencies:

choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
choco install ninja gperf python311 git dtc-msys2 wget 7zip
  1. Download the Zephyr SDK bundle:
  1. Extract the Zephyr SDK bundle archive: 7z x zephyr-sdk-0.17.0_windows-x86_64.7z

  2. Run the Zephyr SDK bundle setup script:

cd zephyr-sdk-0.17.0
  1. Download GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain from this URL "" gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-win32.exe

  2. Install "gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-win32.exe" in the path C:\gnu_arm_embedded

  3. Set these variables in system environment variables

GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = C:\gnu_arm_embedded
  1. Install west using this command: pip install west

  2. Close the terminal window.

Clone and Build the OCP Tektagon CE project in Windows

  1. Open a cmd.exe terminal window as a regular user

  2. Clone the OCP Tektagon Community Edition repository using the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Note: Ensure that Git is installed on your system, and the Git executable path is properly configured in the PATH environment variable.

  1. Run the build command:
cd OCP-OSF-Tektagon_Community_Edition
build.cmd tektagon
  1. During the first build, the script will initialize west and update west modules, which might take some time. Subsequent builds will start directly with source compilation.

  2. Verify that the project builds successfully.

  3. Run the build command again to ensure no dependency updates occur, and the build starts directly.

  4. You can find zephyr.elf, zephyr.bin, uart_zephyr.bin under build directory \OCP-OSF-Tektagon_Community_Edition\oe-src\build\zephyr.

Programming AST1060

Refer to the Aspeed Zephy SDK User Guide section SPI Flash Boot for steps to program the firmware onto the AST1060 EVB flash. On other platforms pl. refer to the platform documentation on flashing the firmware.

Release Information

version 1.1.00

  • Following changes are done in this version
    • Restructured the repo in such a way to clone the zephyr and cerberus source instead of keeping them as a source copy
    • Added the patches for security vulnerability issues those will be applied during build time
    • Added fixes for the issues reported in this OCP repo

version 1.0.00

  • Intel PFR T-1 Operations
    • Intel PFR BMC Active region verification
    • Intel PFR PCH Active region verification
    • Intel PFR BMC Recovery region verification
    • Intel PFR PCH Recovery region verification
  • Intel PFR Provisioning
    • Intel PFR will be enabled after Intel PFR provisioning
    • Users can use BMC pfrtool to do the PFR provisioning
    • Command: pfrtool --bus <bus_id> --slave 0x38 --provision /usr/local/bin/config/rk_pub.pem
  • Intel PFR SMBus Mailbox
    • AST1060 is using SMBus Mailbox register file to communication with BMC and PCH
  • BMC Boot Release
  • 1060 External Mux Control
  • Log Support
  • Key Management
    • Decommissioning
      • Intel PFR decommissioning
      • Users can use Decommissioning image to decommission the Intel PFR
    • Key Cancellation
      • Intel PFR key cancellation
      • Users can generate key cancellation image to cancel specific CSK Key ID
      • If the Key ID is canceled, capsule image with that key ID is not allowed to update
  • SPI Filtering
  • SMBus Filtering
  • Firmware Update
    • YafuFlash tool for users to do the firmware update from BMC
  • Anti-Rollback
    • BMC/PCH/1060 is not allowed to rollback to old SVN number

Known Sightings

  • Nil