Version 1.0.0
English / 中文
This document provides a list of interfaces and their methods used in the Java SDK.
They are:
- Init
- Communication with block chain interface
- Wallet manager
- Digit asset
- Digit identity
- Neo smart contract deploy and invoke
- Native smart contract invoke
- Verify Signature
Main Function | Description | |
1 | sdk.setRpc(rpcUrl) | set rpc |
2 | sdk.setRestful(restUrl) | set restful |
3 | sdk.setWesocket(wsUrl, lock) | set websocket |
4 | wm.setDefaultConnect(wm.getWebSocket()); | set desualt |
5 | wm.openWalletFile("OntAssetDemo.json"); | open wallet |
Main Function | Description | |
1 | getNodeCount() | query node count |
2 | getBlock(15) | query block |
3 | getBlockJson(15) | query block |
4 | getBlockJson("txhash") | query block |
5 | getBlock("txhash") | query block |
6 | getBlockHeight() | query height |
7 | getTransaction("txhash") | query transaction |
8 | getStorage("contractaddress", key) | query storage |
9 | getBalance("address") | query balance |
10 | getContractJson("contractaddress") | query contract |
11 | getSmartCodeEvent(59) | query contract event |
12 | getSmartCodeEvent("txhash") | query contract event |
13 | getBlockHeightByTxHash("txhash") | query transaction block height |
14 | getMerkleProof("txhash") | get merkle proof |
15 | sendRawTransaction("txhexString") | send transaction |
16 | sendRawTransaction(Transaction) | send transaction |
17 | sendRawTransactionPreExec() | send prepare execution transaction |
18 | getAllowance("ont","from","to") | query allowance |
19 | getMemPoolTxCount() | query memory pool transaction count |
20 | getMemPoolTxState() | query memory pool transaction state |
21 | syncSendRawTransaction("data") | sync Send RawTransaction |
Digital assets
Main Function | Description | |
1 | Account importAccount(String encryptedPrikey, String pwd,byte[] salt,String address) | import account |
2 | Account createAccount(String password) | create account |
3 | Account createAccountFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) | create with private key |
4 | AccountInfo createAccountInfo(String password) | create with private key |
5 | AccountInfo createAccountInfoFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) | create with private key |
6 | AccountInfo getAccountInfo(String address, String password,byte[] salt) | get account info |
7 | List getAccounts() | get accounts |
8 | Account getAccount(String address) | get account |
9 | Account getDefaultAccount() | get default account |
Digital identity
Main Function | |
1 | Identity importIdentity(String encryptedPrikey, String pwd,String address) |
2 | Identity createIdentity(String password) |
3 | Identity createIdentityFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) |
4 | IdentityInfo createIdentityInfo(String password) |
5 | IdentityInfo createIdentityInfoFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) |
6 | IdentityInfo getIdentityInfo(String ontid, String password) |
7 | List getIdentitys() |
8 | Identity getIdentity(String ontid) |
9 | Identity getDefaultIdentity() |
10 | Identity addOntIdController(String ontid, String key, String id) |
Mnemonic and keystore
Main Function | |
1 | Map exportIdentityQRCode(Wallet walletFile, Identity identity) |
2 | Map exportAccountQRCode(Wallet walletFile,Account account) |
3 | String getPriKeyFromQrCode(String qrcode,String password) |
4 | String generateMnemonicCodesStr() |
5 | byte[] getSeedFromMnemonicCodesStr(String mnemonicCodesStr) |
6 | byte[] getPrikeyFromMnemonicCodesStrBip44(String mnemonicCodesStr) |
7 | String encryptMnemonicCodesStr(String mnemonicCodesStr, String password, String address) |
8 | decryptMnemonicCodesStr(String encryptedMnemonicCodesStr, String password,String address) |
** Native digit assets - ONT**
Main Function | Description | |
1 | String sendTransfer(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | transfer |
2 | long queryBalanceOf(String address) | query Balance |
3 | long queryAllowance(String fromAddr,String toAddr) | query Allowance |
4 | String sendApprove(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Approve |
5 | String sendTransferFrom(Account sendAcct, String fromAddr, String toAddr,long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | TransferFrom |
6 | String queryName() | query Name |
7 | String querySymbol() | query Symbol |
8 | long queryDecimals() | query Decimals |
9 | long queryTotalSupply() | query TotalSupply |
** Native digit assets - ONG**
Main Function | Description | |
1 | String sendTransfer(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | transfer |
2 | long queryBalanceOf(String address) | get balance |
3 | long queryAllowance(String fromAddr,String toAddr) | get llowance |
4 | String sendApprove(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Approve |
5 | String sendTransferFrom(Account sendAcct, String fromAddr, String toAddr,long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | TransferFrom |
6 | String queryName() | query name |
7 | String querySymbol() | query Symbol |
8 | long queryDecimals() | query Decimals |
9 | long queryTotalSupply() | query TotalSupply |
10 | String claimOng(Account sendAcct, String toAddr, long amount, Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) | claim ong |
11 | String unclaimOng(String address) | query unclaim ong |
NEO Nep-5 digit assets
Main Function | Description | |
1 | void setContractAddress(String codeHash) | set contract address |
2 | String sendInit(Account acct, Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | init |
3 | long sendInitGetGasLimit() | prepare execution init |
4 | String sendTransfer(Account acct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) | transfer |
5 | long sendTransferGetGasLimit(Account acct, String recvAddr, long amount) | prepare execution transfer |
6 | String queryBalanceOf(String addr) | query balance |
7 | String queryTotalSupply() | query TotalSupply |
8 | String queryName() | query name |
9 | String queryDecimals() | query decimals |
10 | String querySymbol() | query Symbol |
Main Function | Description | |
1 | String getContractAddress() | get contract address |
2 | Identity sendRegister(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | register ontid |
3 | Identity sendRegisterPreExec(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | prepare execution registryontid |
4 | Identity sendRegisterWithAttrs(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Attribute[] attributes,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | register ontid with add attribute |
5 | String sendAddPubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String newpubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | add pubkey |
6 | String sendAddPubKey(String ontid,String recoveryOntid, String password,byte[] salt, String newpubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | add pubkey |
7 | String sendGetPublicKeys(String ontid) | add pubkey |
8 | String sendRemovePubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | remove pubkey |
9 | String sendRemovePubKey(String ontid, String recoveryOntid,String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | remove pubkey |
10 | String sendGetKeyState(String ontid,int index) | get pubkey status |
11 | String sendAddAttributes(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | add attribute |
12 | String sendGetAttributes(String ontid) | query attribute |
13 | String sendRemoveAttribute(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String path,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | remove attribute |
14 | String sendAddRecovery(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String recoveryOntid,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | add Recovery |
15 | String sendChangeRecovery(String ontid, String newRecovery, String oldRecovery, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) | change Recovery |
16 | String sendGetDDO(String ontid) | get DDO |
Main Function | |
1 | Transaction makeRegister(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
2 | Transaction makeRegisterWithAttrs(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes, String payer, long gaslimit, long gasprice) |
3 | Transaction makeAddPubKey(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String newpubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
4 | Transaction makeAddPubKey(String ontid,String recoveryAddr,String password,byte[] salt,String newpubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
5 | Transaction makeRemovePubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
6 | Transaction makeRemovePubKey(String ontid,String recoveryAddr, String password, byte[] salt,String removePubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
7 | Transaction makeAddAttributes(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
8 | Transaction makeRemoveAttribute(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String path,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
9 | Transaction makeAddRecovery(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String recoveryAddr,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
Main Function | |
1 | public Object getMerkleProof(String txhash) |
2 | boolean verifyMerkleProof(String claim) |
3 | String createOntIdClaim(String signerOntid, String pwd,byte[] salt, String context, Map claimMap, Map metaData,Map clmRevMap,long expire) |
4 | boolean verifyOntIdClaim(String claim) |
Claim record
Main Function | |
1 | String sendCommit(String issuerOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String subjectOntid,String claimId,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
2 | String sendRevoke(String issuerOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String claimId,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
3 | String sendGetStatus(String claimId) |
Deploy and invoke
Main Function | Description | |
1 | DeployCode makeDeployCodeTransaction(String code, boolean needStorage, String name, String version, String author, String email, String desp, byte vmtype,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | deploy |
2 | InvokeCode makeInvokeCodeTransaction(String codeAddr,String method,byte[] params, byte vmtype, String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | invoke |
Authority manager
Main Function | |
1 | String sendTransfer(String adminOntId,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr, String newAdminOntID,int key,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
2 | String assignFuncsToRole(String adminOntID,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String role,String[] funcName,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
3 | String assignOntIDsToRole(String adminOntId,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String role,String[] ontIDs, int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
4 | String delegate(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String toOntId,String role,int period,int level,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
5 | String withdraw(String initiatorOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String delegate, String role,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
Main Function | |
1 | Transaction makeTransfer(String adminOntID,String contractAddr, String newAdminOntID,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
2 | Transaction makeAssignFuncsToRole(String adminOntID,String contractAddr,String role,String[] funcName,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
3 | Transaction makeAssignOntIDsToRole(String adminOntId,String contractAddr,String role,String[] ontIDs, int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
4 | Transaction makeDelegate(String ontid,String contractAddr,String toAddr,String role,int period,int level,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
5 | Transaction makeWithDraw(String ontid,String contractAddr,String delegate, String role,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) |
| | Main Function | | Description| -----|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 1 | String registerCandidate(Account account, String peerPubkey, long initPos, String ontid,String ontidpwd,byte[] salt, long keyNo, Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) | Mortgage a certain ONT, consume a certain amount of additional ONG, apply to become a candidate node | | 2 | String unRegisterCandidate(Account account, String peerPubkey,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) | Cancel the application to become a candidate node, unfreeze the mortgaged ONT| | 3 | String withdrawOng(Account account,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Extract untied ong| | 4 | String getPeerInfo(String peerPubkey) | Query node information| | 5 | String getPeerInfoAll() | Query all nodes| | 6 | String getAuthorizeInfo(String peerPubkey,Address addr) | Query the authorization information of a certain address to a node| | 7 | String withdraw(Account account,String peerPubkey[],long[] withdrawList,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Take out the mortgage ONT in an unfrozen state| | 8 | String quitNode(Account account,String peerPubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Exit node| | 9 | String addInitPos(Account account,String peerPubkey,int pos,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node adds the initPos interface, which can only be called by the node owner.| | 10| String reduceInitPos(Account account,String peerPubkey,int pos,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node reduces the initPos interface and can only be called by the node owner. The initPos cannot be lower than the promised value, and cannot be lower than 1/10 of the accepted number of licenses.| | 11| String setPeerCost(Account account,String peerPubkey,int peerCost,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node sets the proportion of its own exclusive incentives| | 12| String changeMaxAuthorization(Account account,String peerPubkey,int maxAuthorize,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node modifies the maximum number of authorized ONTs it accepts.| | 13| String getPeerAttributes(String peerPubkey) | Query node attribute information| | 14| String getSplitFeeAddress(String address) | Query the incentives for an address|
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
byte[] data = "12345".getBytes();
DataSignature sign = new DataSignature(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme, acct, data);
byte[] signature = sign.signature();
com.github.ontio.account.Account acct2 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(false,acct.serializePublicKey());
DataSignature sign2 = new DataSignature();
System.out.println(sign2.verifySignature(acct2, data, signature));