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Ontology Java SDK Interface

Version 1.0.0

English / 中文


This document provides a list of interfaces and their methods used in the Java SDK.

They are:

  • Init
  • Communication with block chain interface
  • Wallet manager
  • Digit asset
  • Digit identity
  • Neo smart contract deploy and invoke
  • Native smart contract invoke
  • Verify Signature


Main Function Description
1 sdk.setRpc(rpcUrl) set rpc
2 sdk.setRestful(restUrl) set restful
3 sdk.setWesocket(wsUrl, lock) set websocket
4 wm.setDefaultConnect(wm.getWebSocket()); set desualt
5 wm.openWalletFile("OntAssetDemo.json"); open wallet

Communication with block chain interface

Main Function Description
1 getNodeCount() query node count
2 getBlock(15) query block
3 getBlockJson(15) query block
4 getBlockJson("txhash") query block
5 getBlock("txhash") query block
6 getBlockHeight() query height
7 getTransaction("txhash") query transaction
8 getStorage("contractaddress", key) query storage
9 getBalance("address") query balance
10 getContractJson("contractaddress") query contract
11 getSmartCodeEvent(59) query contract event
12 getSmartCodeEvent("txhash") query contract event
13 getBlockHeightByTxHash("txhash") query transaction block height
14 getMerkleProof("txhash") get merkle proof
15 sendRawTransaction("txhexString") send transaction
16 sendRawTransaction(Transaction) send transaction
17 sendRawTransactionPreExec() send prepare execution transaction
18 getAllowance("ont","from","to") query allowance
19 getMemPoolTxCount() query memory pool transaction count
20 getMemPoolTxState() query memory pool transaction state
21 syncSendRawTransaction("data") sync Send RawTransaction

Wallet manager

Digital assets

Main Function Description
1 Account importAccount(String encryptedPrikey, String pwd,byte[] salt,String address) import account
2 Account createAccount(String password) create account
3 Account createAccountFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) create with private key
4 AccountInfo createAccountInfo(String password) create with private key
5 AccountInfo createAccountInfoFromPriKey(String password, String prikey) create with private key
6 AccountInfo getAccountInfo(String address, String password,byte[] salt) get account info
7 List getAccounts() get accounts
8 Account getAccount(String address) get account
9 Account getDefaultAccount() get default account

Digital identity

Main Function
1 Identity importIdentity(String encryptedPrikey, String pwd,String address)
2 Identity createIdentity(String password)
3 Identity createIdentityFromPriKey(String password, String prikey)
4 IdentityInfo createIdentityInfo(String password)
5 IdentityInfo createIdentityInfoFromPriKey(String password, String prikey)
6 IdentityInfo getIdentityInfo(String ontid, String password)
7 List getIdentitys()
8 Identity getIdentity(String ontid)
9 Identity getDefaultIdentity()
10 Identity addOntIdController(String ontid, String key, String id)

Mnemonic and keystore

Main Function
1 Map exportIdentityQRCode(Wallet walletFile, Identity identity)
2 Map exportAccountQRCode(Wallet walletFile,Account account)
3 String getPriKeyFromQrCode(String qrcode,String password)
4 String generateMnemonicCodesStr()
5 byte[] getSeedFromMnemonicCodesStr(String mnemonicCodesStr)
6 byte[] getPrikeyFromMnemonicCodesStrBip44(String mnemonicCodesStr)
7 String encryptMnemonicCodesStr(String mnemonicCodesStr, String password, String address)
8 decryptMnemonicCodesStr(String encryptedMnemonicCodesStr, String password,String address)

Digital assets:

** Native digit assets - ONT**

Main Function Description
1 String sendTransfer(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) transfer
2 long queryBalanceOf(String address) query Balance
3 long queryAllowance(String fromAddr,String toAddr) query Allowance
4 String sendApprove(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) Approve
5 String sendTransferFrom(Account sendAcct, String fromAddr, String toAddr,long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) TransferFrom
6 String queryName() query Name
7 String querySymbol() query Symbol
8 long queryDecimals() query Decimals
9 long queryTotalSupply() query TotalSupply

** Native digit assets - ONG**

Main Function Description
1 String sendTransfer(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) transfer
2 long queryBalanceOf(String address) get balance
3 long queryAllowance(String fromAddr,String toAddr) get llowance
4 String sendApprove(Account sendAcct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) Approve
5 String sendTransferFrom(Account sendAcct, String fromAddr, String toAddr,long amount,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) TransferFrom
6 String queryName() query name
7 String querySymbol() query Symbol
8 long queryDecimals() query Decimals
9 long queryTotalSupply() query TotalSupply
10 String claimOng(Account sendAcct, String toAddr, long amount, Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) claim ong
11 String unclaimOng(String address) query unclaim ong

NEO Nep-5 digit assets

Main Function Description
1 void setContractAddress(String codeHash) set contract address
2 String sendInit(Account acct, Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) init
3 long sendInitGetGasLimit() prepare execution init
4 String sendTransfer(Account acct, String recvAddr, long amount,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) transfer
5 long sendTransferGetGasLimit(Account acct, String recvAddr, long amount) prepare execution transfer
6 String queryBalanceOf(String addr) query balance
7 String queryTotalSupply() query TotalSupply
8 String queryName() query name
9 String queryDecimals() query decimals
10 String querySymbol() query Symbol

Digital Identity


Main Function Description
1 String getContractAddress() get contract address
2 Identity sendRegister(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) register ontid
3 Identity sendRegisterPreExec(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) prepare execution registryontid
4 Identity sendRegisterWithAttrs(Identity ident, String password,byte[] salt,Attribute[] attributes,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) register ontid with add attribute
5 String sendAddPubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String newpubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) add pubkey
6 String sendAddPubKey(String ontid,String recoveryOntid, String password,byte[] salt, String newpubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) add pubkey
7 String sendGetPublicKeys(String ontid) add pubkey
8 String sendRemovePubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) remove pubkey
9 String sendRemovePubKey(String ontid, String recoveryOntid,String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) remove pubkey
10 String sendGetKeyState(String ontid,int index) get pubkey status
11 String sendAddAttributes(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) add attribute
12 String sendGetAttributes(String ontid) query attribute
13 String sendRemoveAttribute(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String path,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) remove attribute
14 String sendAddRecovery(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String recoveryOntid,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) add Recovery
15 String sendChangeRecovery(String ontid, String newRecovery, String oldRecovery, String password,byte[] salt,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice) change Recovery
16 String sendGetDDO(String ontid) get DDO


Main Function
1 Transaction makeRegister(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
2 Transaction makeRegisterWithAttrs(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes, String payer, long gaslimit, long gasprice)
3 Transaction makeAddPubKey(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String newpubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
4 Transaction makeAddPubKey(String ontid,String recoveryAddr,String password,byte[] salt,String newpubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
5 Transaction makeRemovePubKey(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String removePubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
6 Transaction makeRemovePubKey(String ontid,String recoveryAddr, String password, byte[] salt,String removePubkey,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
7 Transaction makeAddAttributes(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, Attribute[] attributes,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
8 Transaction makeRemoveAttribute(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String path,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
9 Transaction makeAddRecovery(String ontid, String password,byte[] salt, String recoveryAddr,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)


Main Function
1 public Object getMerkleProof(String txhash)
2 boolean verifyMerkleProof(String claim)
3 String createOntIdClaim(String signerOntid, String pwd,byte[] salt, String context, Map claimMap, Map metaData,Map clmRevMap,long expire)
4 boolean verifyOntIdClaim(String claim)

Claim record

Main Function
1 String sendCommit(String issuerOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String subjectOntid,String claimId,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
2 String sendRevoke(String issuerOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String claimId,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
3 String sendGetStatus(String claimId)

Neo smart contract deploy and invoke

Deploy and invoke

Main Function Description
1 DeployCode makeDeployCodeTransaction(String code, boolean needStorage, String name, String version, String author, String email, String desp, byte vmtype,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) deploy
2 InvokeCode makeInvokeCodeTransaction(String codeAddr,String method,byte[] params, byte vmtype, String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice) invoke

Native smart contract invoke

Authority manager contract

Authority manager

Main Function
1 String sendTransfer(String adminOntId,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr, String newAdminOntID,int key,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
2 String assignFuncsToRole(String adminOntID,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String role,String[] funcName,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice)
3 String assignOntIDsToRole(String adminOntId,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String role,String[] ontIDs, int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice)
4 String delegate(String ontid,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String toOntId,String role,int period,int level,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice)
5 String withdraw(String initiatorOntid,String password,byte[] salt,String contractAddr,String delegate, String role,int key,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit,long gasprice)


Main Function
1 Transaction makeTransfer(String adminOntID,String contractAddr, String newAdminOntID,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
2 Transaction makeAssignFuncsToRole(String adminOntID,String contractAddr,String role,String[] funcName,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
3 Transaction makeAssignOntIDsToRole(String adminOntId,String contractAddr,String role,String[] ontIDs, int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
4 Transaction makeDelegate(String ontid,String contractAddr,String toAddr,String role,int period,int level,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)
5 Transaction makeWithDraw(String ontid,String contractAddr,String delegate, String role,int key,String payer,long gaslimit,long gasprice)

Governance contract

| | Main Function | | Description| -----|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 1 | String registerCandidate(Account account, String peerPubkey, long initPos, String ontid,String ontidpwd,byte[] salt, long keyNo, Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) | Mortgage a certain ONT, consume a certain amount of additional ONG, apply to become a candidate node | | 2 | String unRegisterCandidate(Account account, String peerPubkey,Account payerAcct, long gaslimit, long gasprice) | Cancel the application to become a candidate node, unfreeze the mortgaged ONT| | 3 | String withdrawOng(Account account,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Extract untied ong| | 4 | String getPeerInfo(String peerPubkey) | Query node information| | 5 | String getPeerInfoAll() | Query all nodes| | 6 | String getAuthorizeInfo(String peerPubkey,Address addr) | Query the authorization information of a certain address to a node| | 7 | String withdraw(Account account,String peerPubkey[],long[] withdrawList,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Take out the mortgage ONT in an unfrozen state| | 8 | String quitNode(Account account,String peerPubkey,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | Exit node| | 9 | String addInitPos(Account account,String peerPubkey,int pos,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node adds the initPos interface, which can only be called by the node owner.| | 10| String reduceInitPos(Account account,String peerPubkey,int pos,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node reduces the initPos interface and can only be called by the node owner. The initPos cannot be lower than the promised value, and cannot be lower than 1/10 of the accepted number of licenses.| | 11| String setPeerCost(Account account,String peerPubkey,int peerCost,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node sets the proportion of its own exclusive incentives| | 12| String changeMaxAuthorization(Account account,String peerPubkey,int maxAuthorize,Account payerAcct,long gaslimit,long gasprice) | The node modifies the maximum number of authorized ONTs it accepts.| | 13| String getPeerAttributes(String peerPubkey) | Query node attribute information| | 14| String getSplitFeeAddress(String address) | Query the incentives for an address|

Verify Signature

com.github.ontio.account.Account acct = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme);
byte[] data = "12345".getBytes();
DataSignature sign = new DataSignature(ontSdk.defaultSignScheme, acct, data);
byte[] signature = sign.signature();

com.github.ontio.account.Account acct2 = new com.github.ontio.account.Account(false,acct.serializePublicKey());
DataSignature sign2 = new DataSignature();
System.out.println(sign2.verifySignature(acct2, data, signature));