Please read the detailed docs
This is the working project of the next generation Guillotina server based on asyncio.
- Python >= 3.7
- PostgreSQL >= 9.6
We use pip
pip install guillotina
If you don't have a PostgreSQL server to play with, you can run one with Docker.
Download and start the Docker container by running
make run-postgres
To run the server
curl http://localhost:8080
Or, better yet, use Postman to start playing with API.
You can also navigate in your Guillotina server with its built-in web admin interface by visiting http://localhost:8080/+admin/.
Read more Guillotina-Heroku.
Using pip (requires Python > 3.7)
git clone [email protected]:plone/guillotina.git
cd guillotina
python3.7 -m venv .
./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./bin/pip install -r contrib-requirements.txt
./bin/pip install -e .[test]
./bin/pre-commit install
We're using pytest
./bin/pytest guillotina
and for test coverage
./bin/pytest --cov=guillotina guillotina/
With file watcher...
./bin/ptw guillotina --runner=./bin/py.test
Default root access can be done with AUTHORIZATION header : Basic root:root
You can also run Guillotina with Docker!
First, run PostgreSQL
docker run --rm \
-e POSTGRES_DB=guillotina \
-e POSTGRES_USER=guillotina \
-p \
--name postgres \
Then, run Guillotina
docker run --rm -it \
--link=postgres -p \
guillotina/guillotina:latest \
g -c '{"databases": [{"db": {"storage": "postgresql", "dsn": "postgres://guillotina:@postgres/guillotina"}}], "root_user": {"password": "root"}}'
This assumes you have a config.yaml in your current working directory
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