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Agnostic CMS Harmonizer

An agnostic library to handle communication with multiple CMS in an agnostic way.

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Find the latest package version on the One Beyond NPM Registry

Quick Start

Install the library via npm:

npm i @onebeyond/agnostic-cms-harmonizer

Use the harmonized providers:

 import { ContentfulClient } from '@onebeyond/agnostic-cms-harmonizer';
 const client = new ContentfulClient({

 await client.init();

 const entry = await client.getEntry<MyEntry>({ entryId: '123' });

 const collection = await client.getCollection<MyCollection>({ collectionId: '123' });

The library exposes a common interface for multiple CMSs and outputs harmonized data instead raw responses.

Each CMS provider exposes the getEntry and getCollection methods to request one or multiple entries accordingly.

First, supply the vendor-related configuration parameters to the constructor:

const cmsClient = new CmsClient(vendorConfigurationObject)

The client instance must call the init() method to configure the provider before attempting to request data from the CMS:

await client.init();

Now use the harmonizer methods of the cmsCLient.

 const entry = await client.getEntry<MyEntry>({ entryId: '123' });

 const collection = await client.getCollection<MyCollection>({ collectionId: '123' });




Install Contentful CLI or alternatively use npx contentful-cli

Environment Variables

  1. You have to create a space in contentful to run the tests.
  2. Follow the instructions here to create an API key.
  3. Setup your .env file as follows


Import Content

To run the e2e tests you need to be authenticated in your contentful account and import the dummy content into the space you created before. The content you need to import is located at __tests__/exports/contentful/agnostic-cms-harmonizer_space.json and should not be updated.

Login to Contentful and import test content with the CLI:

contentful login

contentful space import --content-file __tests__/exports/contentful/agnostic-cms-harmonizer_space.json --space-id <your-contentful-space-id> --environment-id <your-contentful-environment-id>

Or by using NPX:

npx contentful-cli login

npx contentful-cli space import --content-file __tests__/exports/contentful/agnostic-cms-harmonizer_space.json --space-id <your-contentful-space-id> --environment-id <your-contentful-environment-id>

Export Content

To update the test content you need to export the updated content from Contentful.

Export the content using the CLI

contentful space export --config ./__tests__/exports/contentful/config.json --space-id <your-contentful-space-id> --environment-id <your-contentful-environment-id>

Or by using NPX:

npx contentful-cli space export --config ./__tests__/exports/contentful/config.json --space-id <your-contentful-space-id> --environment-id <your-contentful-environment-id>

Continous Integration

The pipeline is configured to use the Contentful space managed by the account during the E2E tests execution. If the content of these tests needs to be updated in the provider, you must have access to this vault, otherwise, you can open an issue referencing the new content exported.

Run the test suites

  • Run unit tests
npm run test
  • Run end to end tests
npm run test:e2e


The project uses tsdoc to generate the technical documentation from the source code.

  • Build the documentation
npm run docs:build
  • Run in watch mode to look for file changes and update immediately
npm run docs:build:watch
  • Serve the build output statically
npm run docs:serve


  • We are open to improvements in the issues section.
  • Check the wiki for more context on the internal workings of this library.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Íñigo Marquínez Prado
Íñigo Marquínez Prado

💻 📖 👀
Àlex Serra
Àlex Serra

💻 ⚠️ 📖 👀
Matyas Angyal
Matyas Angyal

👀 💻 📖 ⚠️
Ulises Gascón
Ulises Gascón

Roberto Hernández
Roberto Hernández

💻 ⚠️ 📖 👀

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!