A re-frame application that demonstrates how to use AWS Amplify Cognito with an automautomatic Authenticator wrapper. It uses the AWS Amplify react UI features with almost no code on your part.
With a very simple wrapper around the app, you automatically get full integration with AWS Cognito and a UI to do
- Sign-up
- Sign-in
- Sign-out
- Password change
You don't have to write any UI or detailed AWS code to get all these features. You can easily add other AWS Amplify services on top of this.
Once you have this basic setup, its easy to add Federated Social Login, OTP, etc. just by following the AWS Amplify documentation.
See the wiki page: Setup and Initial Creation of App With Authentication for a full explanation on how to:
- Create initial re-frame / re-com / shadow-cljs project scaffolding
- Add AWS Amplify to the project
- Add the Amplify Authenticator to the project
- An AWS Account that you have administrative access to
- git
- Java
- Node.js and npm
- Clojure
- Clojurscript
- shadow-cljs
- leiningen
- Have an editor and know how to use it
Refer to the shadow-cljs Emacs / CIDER documentation.
The mentioned dir-local.el
file has been created.
Compile css file once.
lein garden once
Automatically recompile css file on change.
lein garden auto
lein clean
lein dev
shadow-cljs will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.
Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:8280.
(There aren't any actual tests right now)
Install karma and headless chrome
npm install -g karma-cli
And then run your tests
lein clean
lein run -m shadow.cljs.devtools.cli compile karma-test
karma start --single-run --reporters junit,dots
lein prod
- Webapp assets are all under
- Amplify AWS Backend code is all under
The amplify.yml
file is the build instructions for the AWS Amplify CI and Deployment.
Instructions for setting up your own AWS Amplify Deploy is in the wiki at Deploy to CloudFront with Amplify Console
An example of the code running from such a deploy may be at https://reframe-amplify.lab.omnyway.net/
Copyright 2019 Omnyway Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License