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136 lines (136 loc) · 97.7 KB
FValue Name Other names Short description Languages where it is attested as morphological case English Czech Slovak Polish Belarusian Russian Bulgarian Lithuanian Latvian Italian Spanish Portuguese German Dutch Swedish Arabic (ar translit)
Argument alignment
Nom nominative direct S and A function Czech Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
Acc accusative objective, oblique P function Czech Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc
Abs absolutive intransitive, passive, patient S and P function Basque
Erg ergative A function Basque
Dat dative recipient Czech Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat
Agt agentive agent (e.g. in passive clause if different from other cases) Japanese av
Static location (may include direction if it does not have its own morph; may include temporal location if it does not have its own morph)
Loc locative location without finer distinctions Czech at (Loc is morphological case but it is always combined with preposition) (Loc is morphological case but it is always combined with preposition) (Loc is morphological case but it is always combined with preposition) Loc (Loc is morphological case but it is always combined with preposition) Loc Loc an+Dat aan vid فِي
Ine inessive inside of an enclosed area Finnish in, inside v+Loc, uvnitř+Gen v+Loc, vnútri+Gen v+Loc, wewnątrz+Gen у+Loc, унутры+Gen в+Loc, внутри+Gen в, във viduje iekšpus in en em in+Dat, innerhalb+Gen in, binnen, achterin i, inom, innanför دَاخِلَ dāḫila
Ces interessive central essive in the middle of an area, among a group Mehweb among, amid uprostřed+Gen uprostred+Gen pośrodku+Gen, wśród+Gen пасярод+Gen, пасярэдзіне+Gen, сярод+Gen посередине+Gen, посреди+Gen, среди+Gen насред, сред vidury dentro, dentro a dentro de, en medio de dentro de, por dentro inmitten+Gen te midden van bland ضِمنَ, وَسطَ ḍimna, wasṭa
Int intrative between X and Y between mezi+Ins medzi+Ins między+Ins, pomiędzy+Ins між+Gen, між+Ins, паміж+Gen, паміж+Ins между+Gen, между+Ins между, помежду tarp starp fra, tra, tra di entre entre zwischen+Dat tussen mellan, emellan بَينَ bayna
Ext external extessive outside an enclosed area, not necessarily on its surface outside, out of vně+Gen mimo+Gen міма+Gen, паза+Ins вне+Gen, снаружи+Gen, мимо+Gen извън ārpus fuori, fuori di fuera, fuera de, afuera fora de außerhalb+Gen buiten utanför, utom, utåt خَارِجَ ḫāriǧa
Ade adessive pertingent on the surface of something (any side) Finnish on na+Loc na+Loc na+Loc на+Loc, на+Gen на+Loc на apie, ties pie, uz+Gen/Dat auf+Dat op عَلَى ʿalā
Adt superadessive on the upper surface (on top) of X atop ant su, su di encima de em cima de, acima de
Adh lateradessive on the side surface (e.g. hanging on wall)
Apu apudessive next to something Mehweb beside, aside, alongside, next to vedle+Gen vedľa+Gen koło+Gen, obok+Gen па+Acc, паабапал+Gen возле+Gen до šalia, greta, arti, arčiausiai blakus accanto a al lado de ao lado de neben+Dat dichtbij bredvid, intill بِجَانِبِ biǧānibi
Chz chezative at the place where X lives Shipibo Konibo by u+Gen u+Gen u+Gen, przy+Loc у+Gen у+Gen при, у pas līdzās bei+Dat bij
Cir circumessive around something around, round kolem+Gen, dokola+Gen, okolo+Gen okolo+Gen dokoła+Gen, wokół+Gen вакол+Gen вокруг+Gen, кругом+Gen около aplink ap, apkārt, riņķī attorno a, intorno a alrededor de em torno de, ao redor de um+Acc omheen, rond, rondom kring, omkring, runt, runtomkring نَحوَ naḥwa
Prx proximative pergressive near something (not necessarily next to it) Kamu near blízko+Dat, blízko+Gen, nedaleko+Gen, poblíž+Gen blízko+Gen, neďaleko+Gen blisko+Gen, niedaleko+Gen, nieopodal+Gen недалёка+Gen, окала+Gen, каля+Gen, окала+Gen, паўз+Acc, пры+Loc близ+Gen, вблизи+Gen, около+Gen, подле+Gen край kitas, netoli klāt, tuvu, tuvāk vicino, vicino a cerca de perto de nahe+Dat nabij, vlakbij nära, närmare قُربَ qurba
Dst distantive far from something far from daleko od+Gen toli nuo lontano da lejos de longe de
Sup superessive above something Hungarian above nad+Ins nad+Ins, ponad+Ins nad+Ins, ponad+Ins, powyżej+Gen над+Ins, паверх+Gen, панад+Ins над+Ins, выше+Gen, поверх+Gen, сверх+Gen над, върху virš, aukščiau virs, augšpus sopra sobre sobre über+Dat, oberhalb+Gen boven, bovenaan, bovenin, bovenop, bovenuit ovanför, ovanpå فَوقَ fawqa
Sub subessive below something Lezgian below, beneath, under pod+Ins, vespod+Gen pod+Ins pod+Ins, poniżej+Gen пад+Ins под+Ins, ниже+Gen под žemiau, po+Ins zem, lejpus sotto debajo de, bajo embaixo unter+Dat, unterhalb+Gen beneden, onder, onderaan, onderuit nedanför, nedom, under تَحتَ taḥta
Ant antessive in front of something, before something in front of před+Ins, vpředu+Gen pred+Ins przed+Ins перад+Ins, спераду+Gen перед+Ins, впереди+Gen пред priešais pretī, priekšā davanti, davanti a delante de, frente a na frente de vor+Dat voor, vooraan framför, inför أَمَامَ ʾamāma
Pst postessive behind something, beyond / after a point Lezgian behind, beyond, past za+Ins za+Ins za+Ins, poza+Ins за+Ins, ззаду+Gen за+Ins, позади+Gen, сзади+Gen зад, отвъд už+Gen aiz, garām, viņpus dietro, dietro a, dietro di detrás de atrás de hinter+Dat achter, voorbij bak, bakom, förbi وَرَاءَ warāʾa
Ori orientative turned towards something Manchu
Rev revertive negative orientation (turned away from something) Manchu
Opp oppositive opposite to something opposite naproti+Dat naproti+Dat naprzeciw+Dat, naprzeciwko+Dat напроці+Gen, напроціў+Gen, насупраць+Gen, насупроць+Gen напротив+Gen, насупротив+Gen срещу iepretim, pretim, otrpus gegenüber+Dat tegenover
Tot total spread in an area (if different from perlative) throughout из
Direction focused on origin
Abl ablative from a point, without finer distinctions Finnish from od+Gen od+Gen od+Gen ад+Gen от+Gen от, откъм nuo no da de de von+Dat van, vandaan, vandoor från مِن min
Egr egressive originative, initiative marking the point where action starts Udmurt
Ela elative inelative origin inside something Hungarian z+Gen, zevnitř+Gen z+Gen z+Gen з+Gen из+Gen, из+Par, изнутри+Gen aus+Dat uit, vanuit ifrån مِن دَاخِلِ min dāḫili
Cne interelative central elative origin in the middle of something Mehweb zprostřed+Gen spośród+Gen
Ite intraelative origin between X and Y from between spomedzi+Gen spomiędzy+Gen измежду
Exe exelative origin outside something مِن خَارِجِ min ḫāriǧi
Del delative adelative origin on the surface of something Hungarian off s+Gen с+Gen, с+Par عَن ʿan
Ape apudelative origin next to something
Spe superelative origin atop or above something Lezgian from above znad+Gen знад+Gen, зпанад+Gen vanop مِن فَوقِ min fawqi
Sbe subelative origin below something Lezgian from under zpod+Gen spod+Gen spod+Gen зпад+Gen изпод+Gen
Ane antelative origin in front of something
Pse postelative origin behind something Lezgian from behind zpoza+Gen spoza+Gen spoza+Gen, zza+Gen зза+Gen, зпаза+Gen da dietro vanachter مِن وَرَاءِ min warāʾi
Direction focused on path
Per perlative through or along something, without finer distinctions Warlpiri po+Loc po+Loc po+Loc па+Dat, па+Loc по+Dat по pa attraverso por por durch+Acc door, doorheen genom عَن طَرِيقِ ʿan ṭarīqi
Crs perlative across across something across napříč+Gen, napříč+Ins naprieč+Ins poprzez+Acc упоперак+Gen поперек+Dat, поперек+Gen skersai tramite a través de através de overheen tvärsigenom
Lng perlative along along something along podél+Gen pozdĺž+Gen wzdłuż+Gen уздоўж+Gen вдоль+Gen įkandin gar lungo a lo largo de ao longo de langs, langsheen, langszij längs
Pro prolative prosecutive, vialis movement using a surface or way (by way of / through) Erzya via услед+Dat, наўздагон+Dat путем+Gen via via عَبرَ ʿabra
Inx inprolative intranslative movement through a point inside something Mehweb through skrz+Acc скрозь+Acc сквозь+Acc pro caur, cauri
Cnx interprolative intertranslative, cenral prolative movement through the middle of something Mehweb
Adx adprolative adtranslantive movement through a point on the surface of something Mehweb поверх+Gen
Apx apudprolative apudtranslative movement through a point near something Mehweb
Spx superprolative supertranslative movement through a point above something Mehweb over přes+Acc cez+Acc przez+Acc цераз+Acc, праз+Acc через+Acc през per pār, pāri over över
Sbx subprolative subtranslative movement through a point below something
Cix circumprolative movement around something, skipping something ob+Acc
Asc ascentive ascending path up daugiau, aukštyn
Dsc descentive descending path down dolu+Ins žemyn
Direction focused on destination
Lat lative to a point, without finer distinctions Erzya to накрай, подир prie uz+Acc/Dat a a a an+Acc naar, richting gentemot لِ li
Ter terminative marking the point where action stops Hungarian up to po+Acc po+Acc по+Acc ligi, kiek ad
Ill illative inlative destination inside something Finnish into do+Gen, dovnitř+Gen do+Gen do+Gen да+Gen, у+Acc до+Gen, до+Par, внутрь+Gen до Ill, į adentro para dentro de in+Acc inpå
Cnl interlative central lative destination in the middle of area/group Mehweb doprostřed+Gen
Itl intralative destination between X and Y mezi+Acc medzi+Acc, pomedzi+Acc zwischen+Acc إِلَى بَينِ ʾilā bayni
Exl exlative destination outside something لِخَارِجِ, إِلَى خَارِجِ liḫāriǧi, ʾilā ḫāriǧi
All allative adlative, addirective destination on the surface of something Finnish na+Acc na+Acc na+Acc на+Acc на+Acc на auf+Acc إِلَى ʾilā
Apl apudlative destination next to something Mehweb k+Dat k+Dat ku+Dat к+Dat к+Dat към link zu+Dat naartoe till تُجَاهَ tuǧāha
Spl superlative superdirective destination atop or above something Lezgian onto nad+Acc nad+Acc, ponad+Acc nad+Acc über+Acc
Sbl sublative subdirective destination below or under something Hungarian to under pod+Acc pod+Acc, popod+Acc pod+Acc пад+Acc под+Acc unter+Acc
Anl antlative destination in front of something před+Acc pred+Acc przed+Acc vor+Acc
Psl postlative postdirective destination behind or beyond something Lezgian za+Acc za+Acc za+Acc за+Acc за+Acc hinter+Acc achteraan
Temporal (if the morph is different from spatial location or direction)
Tan temporal antessive before a point in time before, prior to dokud, nežli spred+Gen aż, dopóki, póki, sprzed, zanim напрыканцы+Gen, напярэдадні+Gen накануне+Gen, прежде чем додето, докато, допреди, дорде, пред, преди prieš pirms antes de antes de alvorens, vooraleer, voordat förrän, innan قَبلَ qabla
Ttr temporal terminative until a point in time until, till pokým покамест, покуда iki, kol līdz hasta até tot tills حَتَّى ḥattā
Lim limitative specifying a deadline: by a point in time senast
Tem temporal at, on, in, upon a point in time Hungarian upon v+Acc v+Acc w+Acc у+Acc в+Acc навръх كَ ka
Tpx temporal approximative temporal circumessive around a point in time circa około+Gen порядка+Gen omstreeks framemot
Din durative initiative during the initial phase of a period počátkem+Gen, začátkem+Gen začiatkom+Gen напачатку+Gen anfangs+Gen
Dur durative during a period during, within, whilst během+Gen, postupem+Gen, při+Loc počas+Gen, pri+Loc podczas+Gen падчас+Gen, напрацягу+Gen при+Loc, пока metu durante, entro, mentre, quando durante durante, enquanto während+Gen gedurende, tijdens خِلَالَ, أَثنَاءَ ḫilāla, ʾaṯnāʾa
Der durative era during the era of something / somebody za+Gen za+Gen
Dtr durative terminative during the final phase of a period koncem+Gen, závěrem+Gen koncom+Gen
Tdi temporal distributive frequency (“daily, on Sundays”)
Tps temporal postessive after a point or period after jakmile, jen co ak, keď, čo пасля+Gen, апасля+Gen после+Gen, спустя+Acc, едва отпреди, след, щом po+Gen pēc, pakaļ appena, dopo después de depois de nach+Dat na, zogauw efter, tidigast بَعدَ, إِثرَ baʿda, ʾiṯra
Teg temporal egressive temporal originative since a point in time since počínaje+Ins kopš desde desde seit+Dat vanaf sedan مُنذُ munḏu
Tbt temporal interessive between two points in time tussendoor
Atr complement, attribute that jménem+Nom, zdali, že že што что че che que que dass dat أَنَّ ʾanna
Gen genitive possessive belonging to, composed of something Czech of Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen de, di de de Gen Gen Gen Gen
Psd possessed construct possession marked on the possessed entity Tlingit
Par partitive indefinite identity, part of a set Finnish Par
Dis distributive per something Hungarian per po+Acc pro+Acc per per
Com comitative associative, sociative together with something Estonian with s+Ins s+Ins z+Ins з+Ins с+Ins с, със su ar, līdzi con, più con com mit+Dat met med, jämte مَعَ maʿa
Orn ornative proprietive equipped with something Dumi
Abe abessive caritive, privative, caritative without something Finnish without bez+Gen bez+Gen bez+Gen без+Gen без+Gen, без+Par без be bez salvo, senza sin sem ohne+Acc zonder utan دُونَ, مِن دُونِ dūna, min dūni
Inc inclusive including something including včetně+Gen vrátane+Gen уключаючы+Acc einschließlich+Acc, inklusive+Acc inclusief inklusive
Add additive besides, in addition to something Estonian popri+Loc oprócz+Gen, prócz+Gen акрамя+Gen, акром+Gen кроме+Gen, помимо+Gen покрай līdztekus oltre a, oltre che salvo além außer+Dat benevens, naast, behalve förutan, förutom, utom, utöver بِاَلإِضَافَةِ إِلَى bi-al-ʾiḍāfati ʾilā
Exc exclusive except something except kromě+Gen, mimo+Acc, mimo+Gen, vyjma+Gen okrem+Gen кроме+Gen, апрача+Gen, апроч+Gen освен išskyrus eccetto, tranne excepto exceto ausschließlich+Acc exclusief, behoudens exklusive, frånsett سِوَى siwā
Sbs substitutive instead of something Mehweb instead of, rather than místo+Gen, namísto+Gen miesto+Gen, namiesto+Gen zamiast+Gen замест+Gen, заместа+Gen вместо+Gen, взамен+Gen вместо vietoj, vietoje, užuot anziché, piuttosto en vez de, en lugar de em vez de statt+Gen, anstatt+Gen, anstelle+Gen بَدَلًا مِن badalan min
Ess essive prolative temporary state Finnish as jako, formou+Gen ako, akože jako быццам как като come, quale como como als, zoals såsom كَمَا kamā
Equ equative same as something Turkish che tra alias
Sem semblative similative similar to something Wagiman like jak, jakby, niby, niczym як, нібы вроде+Gen, наподобие+Gen, подобно+Dat kaip, lyg, tarsi wie evenals, alsof liksom مِثلَ miṯla
Rpl replicative in a similar way as X does it Mehweb
Dsm dissemblative dissimilative dissimilar to something unlike, as opposed to oproti+Dat oproti+Dat skirtingai nuo tvärtemot
Cmp comparative better / worse / other than something Erzya than než než niż чым чем спрямо negu, nei nekā als dan än
Dif differential difference (by how much) o+Acc o+Acc o+Acc тем
Tra translative factive change of state Finnish
Exe exessive transition away from a state Estonian
Cmt comment whereas whereas kdežto, přičemž, zatímco kým, pričom laddove, tanto mientras enquanto terwijl medan
Cause, consequence, circumstance, other
Cau causative causal cause Hungarian because of, due to kvůli+Dat, vinou+Gen, vlivem+Gen, zásluhou+Gen, jelikož, ježto, poněvadž, protože, takže kvôli+Dat, lebo, pretože, takže, vďaka+Dat dzięki+Dat, bo, gdyż, ponieważ дзякуючы+Dat, паколькі, дзеля+Gen благодаря+Dat, вследствие+Gen, изза+Gen благодарение, вследствие, заради, понеже, поради dėl, nes, kadangi, jog, dėka dēļ, labad grazie, preché, perciò, siccome por causa de, gracias a, porque porque wegen+Gen, dank+Dat, dank+Gen aangezien, ingevolge, mee, vanwege, vermits, want, wegens då, eftersom, emedan, igenom بِسَبَبِ, لِأَنَّ bisababi, liʾanna
Pur purposive motivative purpose (if distinguishable from cause) in order to aby aby aby, ażeby, żeby абы чтобы, дабы para que para om, omdat, teneinde, zodat att مِن أَجلِ, لِكَي min ʾaǧli, li-kay
Cns considerative taking circumstance into account; giving something in exchange for something else Warlpiri given, considering ввиду+Gen въз, съгласно, съобразно rispetto a acerca de em relação a bezüglich+Gen gezien, krachtens, overeenkomstig, voorzover مُقَابِلَ muqābila
Ign ignorative ignoring circumstance regardless nech независимо comunque ongeacht oavsett مَهمَا mahmā
Ccs concessive concession despite, notwithstanding navzdory+Dat, vzdor+Dat, ač, ačkoli, byť, přestože, třebaže napriek+Dat, hoci wbrew+Dat, chociaż, choć, choćby, mimo, pomimo хаця, хоць вопреки+Dat, пусть, хоть, хотя въпреки, макар nors, nepaisant anchorché, benqué, malgrado, nonostante, quantunque, sebbene, seppure a pesar de apesar de trotz+Gen, trotz+Dat alhoewel, desondanks, echter, evenwel, hoewel, hoezeer, niettegenstaande, ofschoon, ondanks trots, ehuruväl, fast, fastän رَغمَ raġma
Cnd conditional condition depending on, in case of, if jestli, jestliže, ledaže, li, pakliže, pokud, zda ak, keby, pokiaľ, či gdy, gdyby, jeśli, jeżeli, skoro калі, раз ежели, если, коли ако, само kai, jei, jeigu, nebent allorché, allorquando, casomai, qualora, quasi, se, sempreché, solo si, quando se, quando wenn, falls, sofern indien, mits, naargelang, tenzij, wanneer, zolang allteftersom, när, såvida إِذَا, لَو ʾiḏā, law
Ncnd negative conditional negative condition unless
The themative topic about, concerning, regarding, as for, as to o+Loc, stran+Gen o+Loc, ohľadom+Gen o+Loc аб+Loc, адносна+Gen, наконт+Gen о+Loc, об+Loc, насчет+Gen, про+Acc откъм, относно par riguardo, riguardo a aangaande, inzake, omtrent angående, beträffande حَولَ, بِشَأنِ ḥawla, bišaʾn
Quo quotative source of information according to podle+Gen, dle+Gen podľa+Gen wedle+Gen, według+Gen паводле+Gen, згодна+Dat, згодна+Gen согласно+Dat, сообразно+Dat според pagal secondo según segundo gemäß+Dat volgens, blijkens, getuige alltefter, enligt حَسَبَ ḥasaba
Ins instrumental instructive by means of / using something Czech using Ins, pomocí+Gen, prostřednictvím+Gen Ins, pomocou+Gen, prostredníctvom+Gen Ins Ins, шляхам+Gen Ins, посредством+Gen посредством, чрез Ins Ins mediante, via mediante por meio de middels بِ bi
Ben benefactive destinative for the benefit of someone Basque for pro+Acc pre+Acc dla+Gen для+Gen для+Gen за už+Acc labā para para, por für+Acc tegen för لَدَى ladā
Mal malefactive negative benefit (for the harm of someone) Amharic
Adv adversative against something against proti+Dat, kontra+Nom, versus+Nom, vůči+Dat proti+Dat, voči+Dat przeciw+Dat, przeciwko+Dat, wobec+Gen супраць+Gen, супроць+Gen, насуперак+Dat против+Gen, наперекор+Dat, версус+Nom против pret, pretēji anti, contro contra contra gegen+Acc tegenaan mot, emot, kontra ضِدَّ ḍidda
Evi evitative aversive avoiding / fearing something Warlpiri
Voc vocative form of address Czech Voc Voc Voc Voc
Conj conjunctive X and Y and a, i a, i i, a і, а и и un e y e und en, ook och, som وَ wa
Nnor negative conjunctive neither X nor Y nor, neither ani ani ani ни нито ne nè, né ni nem weder, noch noch varken
Disj disjunctive X or Y or, either nebo, či alebo lub, albo або, ці или или vai o o ou oder of, ofte, ofwel eller أَو ʾaw
Other conjunctions
Advs adversative X but Y but, yet, though ale, avšak, však, nýbrž ale ale але, аднак, затое, прычым но, зато но tačiau bet ma pero mas aber, sondern maar men لٰكِنَّ lākinna
Reas reason X because / for Y (if paratactic; hypotactic constructions would be Case=Cau above) for neboť lebo bo ведь защото jo denn want för, ty
Cnsq consequence X therefore Y so, therefore tedy, tak takže, tak tak, dlatego таму поэтому така tātad, tā quindi pues, entonces então also, so dus, daarom därför, så فَ fa
Cnsc consecutive Y after X (applicable only to predicates and only if different from conjuctive) Swahili
Temp temporal X when Y when
Doubt introduces doubt X whether Y whether ob