Releases: olton/metroui
Releases · olton/metroui
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 10)
- fix modern input initialize with value
- remove alert for check select2 plugin exists
- add public methods slideTo, nextSlide, priorSlide for carousel
- fix carousel method slideToSlide if next index eq current
- add rtl support for input controls
- add input range
- add new preloaders
- fix slider value method if target is defined
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 9)
- add hotkeys binding
- fix fluent-menu initialize
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 8)
- upd font declaration add sans-serif
- add responsive for sidebar
- add tile factor 1.25 for devices with width <= 800px
- add hint timeout
- add hint time delay
- add hotkeys plugin by John Resig
- add noConflict support
- init RTL support (partial)
- move all media to standalone file metro-responsive
- add support for RequireJS
- add charm widget
- add fluent menu
- add color schemes module metro-schemes
- add color schemes for app-bar
- add color schemes for v-menu
- add color schemes for d-menu
- add color schemes for t-menu
- add color schemes for sidebar
- fix min width for sidebar2 item
- add rotate dropdown-toggle marker
- add onclick event and touch for tile plugin
- upd touch support for slider
- upd event binding model for widgets Event binding
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 7)
- add padding for container on mobile devices
- add handler for fitImage for window resize
- remove important from app-bar
- add darcula scheme for app-bar
- add Animations, thx to Meneses Evandro
- add Metro Icon Font Animations, thx to Meneses Evandro
- add colored bullets for lists
- add new color classes to set color for before and after
- add flex-grid
- add f-menu (flex)
- add full-size (100%) for odd last cells in grid
- add template admin panel with sidebar
- add offset for cells for grid (default and condensed)
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 6)
- add support user defined onsubmit for validator over data-on-submit attribute
- add light color for nav-button
- remove outline for nav-button
- fix square(round, cycle)-button sizes
- change calendar min-width to 220px or 13.75rem
- fix class collapsed for treeview leaf
- add states for select2
- upd Metro Icon Fonts (added new 33 icons)
- fix static rating
- remove min-width for input
- add states for table rows
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 5)
- fix triggering for input when clear button clicked
- fix panel heading style bug
- New widget Validator
- fix dropdown.js pull-request 768
- fix full size for modern input
- carousel: Added duration based timeout to next/prev event
- upd tabcontrol docs
- fix drop shadow for menu for ie9
- fix appbar dropdown toggle for ie
- upd treeview for value for check and radio
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 4)
- New widget Keypad
- fixed float for dataTables
- return from v2 breadcrumbs type
- add maxDate for calendar widget
- fixed set value method for rating
- upd demo for rating
- upd calendar, add pre-stored days
- upd datepicker for pre-stored days
- add flexible to appbar by Daniel Milbrandt
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 3)
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 2)
optimize important use
Metro UI CSS v3 (beta 1)
3.0.0-beta.1 Init v3