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Head to the Deploy section of our docs site to get started.

See below for technical considerations and instructions.


Lightning enforces encryption at rest for credentials, TOTP backup codes, and webhook trigger authentication methods, for which an encryption key must be provided when running in production.

The key is expected to be a randomized set of bytes, 32 long; and Base64 encoded when setting the environment variable.

There is a mix task that can generate keys in the correct shape for use as an environment variable:

mix lightning.gen_encryption_key

Copy your key (NOT THIS ONE) and set it as PRIMARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY in your environment.


Lightning uses external worker processes for executing Runs. There are three settings required to configure worker authentication.


You can use the mix lightning.gen_worker_keys task to generate these for convenience.

For more information see the Workers documentation.

Environment Variables

Note that for secure deployments, it's recommended to use a combination of secrets and configMaps to generate secure environment variables.


  • WORKER_MAX_RUN_MEMORY_MB - how much memory (in MB) can a single run use?
  • RUN_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS - how long after the MAX_RUN_DURATION_SECONDS should the server wait for the worker to send back data on a run.
  • WORKER_MAX_RUN_DURATION_SECONDS - the maximum duration (in seconds) that workflows are allowed to run (keep this plus RUN_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS below your termination_grace_period if using kubernetes)
  • WORKER_CAPACITY - the number of runs a ws-worker instance will take on concurrently.
  • MAX_DATACLIP_SIZE_MB - the maximum size (in MB) of a dataclip created via the webhook trigger URL for a job. This limits the max request size via the JSON plug and may (in future) limit the size of dataclips that can be stored as run_results via the websocket connection from a worker.


Lightning enables connection to github via Github Apps. The following github permissions are needed for the github app:

Resource Access
Actions Read and Write
Contents Read and Write
Metadata Read only
Secrets Read and Write
Workflows Read and Write

These envrionment variables will need to be set in order to configure the github app:

  • GITHUB_APP_ID - the github app ID.
  • GITHUB_APP_NAME - the github app name
  • GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID - the github app Client ID
  • GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET - the github app Client Secret
  • GITHUB_CERT - the github app private key

You can access these from your github app settings menu. Also needed for the configurtaion is:

  • REPO_CONNECTION_SIGNING_SECRET - secret used to sign access tokens. This access token is used to authenticate requests made from the github actions. You can generate this using mix lightning.gen_encryption_key

AI Chat

🧪 Experimental

Lightning can be configured to use an AI chatbot for user interactions.

See openfn/apollo for more information on the Apollo AI service.

The following environment variables are required:

  • OPENAI_API_KEY - your OpenAI API key.
  • APOLLO_ENDPOINT - the endpoint for the OpenFn Apollo AI service.

Other config

  • ADAPTORS_PATH - where you store your locally installed adaptors
  • DISABLE_DB_SSL - in production the use of an SSL conntection to Postgres is required by default, setting this to "true" allows unencrypted connections to the database. This is strongly discouraged in real production environment.
  • K8S_HEADLESS_SERVICE - this environment variable is automatically set if you're running on GKE and it is used to establish an Erlang node cluster. Note that if you're not using Kubernetes, the "gossip" strategy is used for establish clusters.
  • LISTEN_ADDRESS" - the address the web server should bind to, defaults to to block access from other machines.
  • LOG_LEVEL - how noisy you want the logs to be (e.g. debug, info)
  • MIX_ENV - your mix env, likely prod for deployment
  • NODE_ENV - node env, likely production for deployment
  • ORIGINS - the allowed origins for web traffic to the backend
  • PORT - the port your Phoenix app runs on
  • PRIMARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY - a base64 encoded 32 character long string. See Encryption.
  • SCHEMAS_PATH - path to the credential schemas that provide forms for different adaptors
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE - a secret key used as a base to generate secrets for encrypting and signing data.
  • SENTRY_DSN - if using Sentry for error monitoring, your DSN
  • CORS_ORIGIN - a list of acceptable hosts for browser/cors requests (',' separated)
  • URL_HOST - the host, used for writing urls (e.g.,
  • URL_PORT - the port, usually 443 for production
  • URL_SCHEME - the scheme for writing urls, (e.g., https)
  • USAGE_TRACKER_HOST - the host that receives usage tracking submissions (defaults to
  • USAGE_TRACKING_DAILY_BATCH_SIZE - the number of days that will be reported on with each run of UsageTracking.DayWorker. This will only have a noticeable effect in cases where there is a backlog, or where reports are being generated retroactively (defaults to 10).
  • USAGE_TRACKING_ENABLED - enables the submission of anonymised usage data to OpenFn (defaults to true).
  • USAGE_TRACKING_RESUBMISSION_BATCH_SIZE - the number of failed reports that will be submitted on each resubmission run (defaults to 10).
  • USAGE_TRACKING_UUIDS - indicates whether submissions should include cleartext uuids or not. Options are cleartext or hashed_only, with the default being hashed_only.
  • QUEUE_RESULT_RETENTION_PERIOD_SECONDS - the number of seconds to keep completed (successful) ObanJobs in the queue (not to be confused with runs and/or history)
  • IS_RESETTABLE_DEMO - If set to yes it allows this instance to be reset to the initial "Lightning Demo" state. Note that this will destroy most of what you have in your database!
  • ALLOW_SIGNUP: Set to true to enable user access to the registration page. Set to false to disable new user registrations and block access to the registration page. Default is true.
  • EMAIL_ADMIN - This is used as the sender email address for system emails. It is also displayed in the menu as the support email.
  • EMAIL_SENDER_NAME - This is displayed in the email client as the sender name for emails sent by the application.

Google Oauth2

Using your Google Cloud account, provision a new OAuth 2.0 Client with the 'Web application' type.

Set the callback url to: https://<ENDPOINT DOMAIN>/authenticate/callback. Replacing ENDPOINT DOMAIN with the host name of your instance.

Once the client has been created, get/download the OAuth client JSON and set the following environment variables:

  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID - Which is client_id from the client details.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET - client_secret from the client details.

Salesforce Oauth2

Using your Salesforce developer account, create a new Oauth 2.0 connected application.

Set the callback url to: https://<ENDPOINT DOMAIN>/authenticate/callback. Replacing ENDPOINT DOMAIN with the host name of your instance.

Grant permissions as desired.

Once the client has been created set the following environment variables:

  • SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID - Which is Consumer Key from the "Manage Consumer Details" screen.
  • SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET - Which is Consumer Secret from the "Manage Consumer Details" screen.