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Building and Running OpenMPI

Howard Pritchard edited this page Aug 23, 2016 · 17 revisions

This page describes how to build and run Open MPI to test the libfabric GNI provider. It is assumed the user is building Open MPI on a Cray XC system like tiger or edision/cori, and that you have built and installed a copy of libfabric.

Building and Installing Open MPI

First, if you don't already have a clone of Open MPI

% git clone

This is the OMPI development repository. If you want a more stable version, use Don't use the default branch (v1.10). Checkout the latest non-dev branch (e.g., v2.x). Alternatively, the official tarball release can be obtained at With the tarball release, one can skip the step in the build stage.

Next, configure and build/install Open MPI. Note you will not want to try to build the Open MPI using the Cray compiler.

% cd ompi
% ./
% module load PrgEnv-gnu
% ./configure --prefix=ompi_install_dir --with-libfabric=your_libfabric_install_dir --disable-dlopen
% make -j 8 install

Note if you are wanting to run MPI multi-threaded tests which use MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, you will need to configure Open MPI as follows

% ./configure --prefix=ompi_install_dir --with-libfabric=your_libfabric_install_dir --enable-mpi-thread-multiple --disable-dlopen

It is not necessary to specify --disable-dlopen, but it facilitates double checking that binaries linked using the mpiccc script are in fact using the correct libraries.

Running Open MPI with libfabric

First you will need to build an MPI app using Open MPI's compiler wrapper:

% export PATH=ompi_install_dir/bin:${PATH}
% mpicc -o my_app my_app.c

To make sure you are using Open MPI's ofi mtl set the following:

% export OMPI_MCA_pml=cm

In addition, it is recommended to disable other portions of Open MPI that may also be using GNI. To do this, set the following environment variable:

% export OMPI_MCA_btl=self,vader,tcp

On Tiger, the application can be launched using srun:

% srun -n 2 -N 2 ./my_app

On systems using aprun, like NERSC edison/cori aprun can be used:

% aprun -n 2 -N 1 /my_app

If you'd like to double check against the sockets provider, do the following

% export OMPI_MCA_mtl_ofi_provider_exclude=gni
% srun -n 2 -N 2 ./my_app

This will force the OFI MTL to use the sockets provider.

Special note for those packing MPI processes on to KNL nodes. You will want to disable the uGNI BTL when running in this mode. One way to do this at runtime is to set the following environment variable:

% export OMPI_MCA_btl=self,vader,tcp

Building and Testing OSU MPI benchmarks

OSU provides a relatively simple set of MPI benchmark tests which are useful for testing the GNI libfabric provider.

% wget
% tar -zxvf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.0.tar.gz
% cd osu-micro-benchmarks-5.0
% ./configure CC=mpicc
% make

In the mpi/pt2pt and mpi/collective subdirectories there are a number of tests. To test, for example Open MPI send/recv message latency, osu_latency can be used

% cd mpi/pt2pt
% srun -n 2 -N 2 ./osu_latency

You can use the run_osu script ( to test your libfabric library using the OSU benchmarks in a few configurations (works with aprun or srun). You must pass the script the path to the OSU microbenchmarks directory and a path to your libfabric install.

NOTE: When running the one-sided tests, it is recommended to set the environment variable OMPI_MCA_osc to pt2pt.