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def-lkb edited this page Oct 20, 2013 · 34 revisions

This document is a work in progress, any feedback or addition is welcomed.

There are two ways of installing merlin: through opam and manually. If you do not wish to try the development version, it is recommended to install merlin through opam.

Installing merlin and its emacs mode with opam

To install merlin with opam just issue

opam install merlin

It should download and install the last release of merlin. To check that merlin is indeed installed (and that you have a well configured opam) you can try to run ocamlmerlin.

Then add the following at the end of your emacs configuration file (for instance ~/.emacs.el) :

(setq opam-share (substring (shell-command-to-string "opam config var share") 0 -1))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat opam-share "/emacs/site-lisp"))
(require 'merlin)

Then whenever you start emacs, merlin will be loaded. Try it by issuing (in emacs) M-x merlin-version. It should display the version of merlin you are using.

You can now skip the next section and play with merlin.

Installing merlin manually

To compile and install merlin, the process is standard:

git clone
cd merlin
./configure --prefix /usr/local
sudo make install

You can specify any path for the prefix, and merlin will install itself in this directory (the default being /usr/local).

You can now run ocamlmerlin to check if the installation is successful.

The process is similar to the installation with opam, you have to append to your emacs configuration file (for instance ~/.emacs.el):

(add-to-list 'load-path "<PREFIX>/share/emacs/site-lisp")
(require 'merlin)

where <PREFIX> is the prefix you specified to the configure script of merlin in the previous step. You can now restart emacs and check if that worked by issuing M-x merlin-version.

Discovering the emacs mode

To enable the mode, issue (in a ML buffer, merlin works only on implementations):

M-x merlin-mode

If you wish to enable merlin whenever you open a ML buffer you can put the following in your configuration file:

(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'merlin-mode)

if you are using tuareg, or

(add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'merlin-mode)

if you are using the caml-mode.

Synchronization and error reporting

Merlin works by synchronizing your buffer with a toplevel, and querying the toplevel to get the type of expressions or to provide completion. Synchronization is done automatically when you save your before, and when you call a command.

When calling a command emacs and merlin will reconcile their view of the buffer up to your cursor position, that way merlin will use the environment active at that position to compute the answer to your query.

Upon saving emacs will ask merlin about all the errors (of syntax or type) in your buffer, and display them to you. If your buffer contains error the erroneous chunks of the buffer will indeed be highlighted and emacs will display markers in the margin (! for errors, ? for warnings').

You can jump to errors using the merlin-next-error command (C-c C-x by default).

Note the you can tell merlin not to report warnings using:

(setq merlin-report-warnings nil)

One last point, you can force merlin to synchronize up to the point by using the command merlin-to-point, then only errors before the cursor will show up.


The emacs mode provides two ways of completing expressions:

  • completion-at-point: the native completion engine of emacs
  • auto-complete: a fancier completion system, installed by default on emacs 24, and available on marmalade.

Completion using completion-at-point should work out of the box. To try it, for instance type List.m followed by M-x completion-at-point (bound to M-tab by default in emacs 24), it will display a completion buffer with the different candidates and their types.


emacs completion at point

By default, if auto-complete is installed, merlin will only register a source named merlin-ac-source and do nothing about it. If you issue:

(setq merlin-use-auto-complete-mode t)

it will enable auto-complete in merlin buffers and add the merlin source to the default sources. You can now use auto-complete as you usually do.
On top of that merlin defines a binding C-c <tab> (merlin-try-complete) that calls explicitly auto-complete.

Using auto-complete-mode you should see something looking like this:

emacs auto complete mode

If you don't like auto-complete triggering completion after a few characters, you should consider setting:

(setq ac-start-auto nil)

Getting the types of expressions

To get the type of ident under the cursor, call merlin-type-enclosing (bound to C-c C-t by default). It will highlight the ident and display its type. You can then call C-<up> (and C-<down>) to climb the typed tree and see type of bigger expressions surrounding the cursor.

The result should look something like this :

emacs type enclosing

If there is an active region, it will instead display the type of the region.

Further calls to C-c C-t will improve the verbosity of the displayed type, by expanding aliases.

Also, note that merlin-type-expr (C-c t by default) will prompt you for an arbitrary expression and will try to type it in the context active at your cursor position.

Source browsing

First you can navigate between phrases of your buffer using merlin-phrase-next (C-c C-n) and merlin-phrase-prev (C-c C-p).

Merlin also provide a way to switch between files of your project using the commands merlin-switch-to-ml / merlin-switch-to-mli, these will prompt you for a (toplevel) module name, and will then open the associated ml[i] file.

And last but not least : the command merlin-locate (bound to C-c C-l by default) when called on an identifier will try to bring you to the place were it is introduced (i.e. defined or bound).
You can also use that facility from auto-complete completion menu, issuing C-c C-l when that menu is open will call the locate command on the highlighted suggestion.

Note that it might happen that merlin fails to find the definition location of the identifier you gave him, several things might explain that:

  1. you are asking him for the definition of something defined in an other file and:
    • either that file is not in the load path of merlin (you need to setup a .merlin!)
    • or you didn't compile with -bin-annot.
  2. you are asking him for the definition of something local to your file but the place where that thing is defined doesn't parse or doesn't typecheck, and the identifier is not present in the environment

If it doesn't work, but none of the above explains why, open an issue!

Getting further

Resynchronizing merlin with your project

Or " I've changed the interface of a module of my project, why doesn't merlin pick it up? "

If you have changed the interface of an other module of your project, and want merlin to know about it, you need to refresh its .cmi cache using merlin-refresh (bound to C-c C-u by default).

For people using OMake or jenga's polling, wrapper scripts are provided to notify merlin at the end of each successful compilation cycle. They are called omake-merlin and jenga-merlin respectively.

If you want to restart the merlin processus, issue merlin-restart-process (bound to C-c r).

Configuring your project

Or " why doesn't merlin know about my other files? "

By default, when you edit a file in a directory foo/ merlin will add foo/ to its load path. As your projects grow however, your files will often be spread among several (sub)directories, at this point you will need to inform merlin about the structure of your project.

To do that, you need to create a .merlin file at the root of your project. A .merlin file will look something like :

# structure of my awesome project
S src
S src/foo
S src/bar

B _build/src
B _build/src/foo
B _build/src/bar

The S directive tells merlin where to find source files and the B tells it where to find cmi (used for basically everything) and cmt (used for merlin-locate) files.

There is a lot more to .merlin files than just S and B. Have a look at the power guide to .merlin to know more.

Using libraries

Or " merlin complains about 'Unbound module Core' "

When you want to use external libraries that you installed with findlib (that's the case when you install them with opam) you need to tell merlin which ones you use.

You can do that on a per-session basis using the merlin-use command which will prompt you for a package name (completion on packages name is provided, but you can always call ocamlfind list from a shell to have the list of installed packages).

Or you can set it once and for all for your project by adding the directive PKG followed by packages name to the .merlin of your project. For example :

PKG core lwt

Using syntax extensions

Or " merlin complains about 'Unbound value lwt' "

Merlin has specifics support for syntax extensions, however not all are enabled by default. Those who aren't enabled are the one introducing new keywords, lwt for example.

You can activate these by using the EXT directive in the .merlin of your project.
