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Latest commit

55b533a · Feb 7, 2024


89 lines (72 loc) · 3.91 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (72 loc) · 3.91 KB

Contributing to Pixi


Thank you for your interest in contributing to Pixi! We value the contributions from our community and look forward to collaborating with you.

Code of Conduct

Before contributing, please read our Code of Conduct. We expect all our contributors to follow it to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Getting Started

Familiarize yourself with Pixi: Understand its functionality and codebase. Set up your environment: Ensure you have the necessary tools and dependencies.

How to Contribute

  • Find an Issue: Look for open issues or create a new issue to discuss your idea.
  • Fork the Repository: Make a copy of the repository to your account.
  • Create a Branch: Create a branch in your fork to work on your changes.
  • Develop and Test: Implement your changes and make sure they are thoroughly tested.
  • Write Clear Commit Messages: Make your changes easy to understand.
  • Create a Pull Request: Submit your changes for review.


Discuss your change in the issue before developing the solution when the design is not predefined. This will help speedup the actual pull request review.

Pull Request Process

  • Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards, we use automated tooling for that, try pixi run lint.
  • Document new code using the Rust docstrings like we do in most places.
  • Update the or documentation (docs/) with details of changes to the interface, if applicable.
  • Your pull request will be reviewed by maintainers, who may suggest changes.

Reporting Bugs

  • Use the issue tracker to report bugs.
  • Clearly describe the issue, including steps to reproduce the bug.
  • Include any relevant logs or error messages.

Feature Requests

  • Use the issue tracker to suggest new features.
  • Explain how the feature would be beneficial to the project.

Questions and Discussions

For general questions, consider using our chat platform: Discord


Your contributions are highly appreciated and will be credited accordingly.


By contributing to Pixi, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its LICENSE.

Tips while developing on pixi

Pixi is a pixi project so use a preinstalled pixi to run the predefined tasks

pixi run build
pixi run lint
pixi run test
pixi run test-all
pixi run install # only works on unix systems as on windows you can't overwrite the binary while it's running

Get your code ready for a PR

We use pre-commit to run all the formatters and linters that we use. If you have pre-commit installed on your system you can run pre-commit install to run the tools before you commit or push. If you don't have it on your system either use pixi global install pre-commit or use the one in your environment.

pixi run lint

When you commit your code, please try to come up with a good commit message. The maintainers (try to) use conventional-commits.

# This is the conventional commit convention:
git commit -m "<type>[optional scope]: <description>"
# An example:
git commit -m "feat: add xxx to the pixi.toml"

Color decisions in the ui code

We use the console::style function to colorize the output of the ui.

use console::style;
println!("{} {}", style("Hello").green(), style("world").red());

To sync the colors of the different parts of the ui, we use the following rules:

  • style("environment").magenta(): The environment name
  • style("feature").cyan(): The feature name
  • style("task").blue(): The task name

These styles are put in the consts module or are a .fancy_display() on the names. If you want to add a new generic color, please add it there.