Always enter the development shell before doing anything else. This will make sure everyone is using the same version of tools, to avoid any system discrepancies.
Install Nix if you have not already.
If you have direnv installed, the shell will automatically activate and deactive anytime you change directories. You may have to grant permissions initially with:
direnv allow
Otherwise, you can manually enter the shell with:
Deploy dependent services (e.g. Postgres, Redis):
skaffold -m obs-portal-deps run
Start application development loop:
skaffold -m obs-portal dev
This will build & deploy all components, wait for them to ready and then tail their logs.
It will also watch all source-code files and automatically re-deploy/restart all necessary components when they change.
The API server should be running at
You can access the Django Admin interface ( with the default superuser admin:admin
Customize environment variables further in ./k8s/envs/local/{settings,secrets}.env
When you exit the development loop using CTRL-C
, it will also cleanup all deployed resources. If you'd like to keep things
running in the background use skaffold -m obs-portal run
To compleltely clean-up everything:
skaffold -m obs-portal,obs-portal-deps delete