The include/vsg/commands [header directory contains the scene graph level VkCommand integration classes.
Vulkan commands have a specific role in Vulkan so to encapsulate this the vsg::Command pure virtual base class provides virtual void dispatch(CommandBuffer&) const [is overridden in the subclasses to provide specific Vulkan command calls.
- include/vsg/commands/BindIndexBuffer.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdBindIndexBuffer
- [include/vsg/commands/BindVertexBuffers.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdBindVertexBuffers
- include/vsg/commands/Command.h - node base class that for VkCommand related class
- include/vsg/commands/Commands.h - group class for holding vsg::Command
- include/vsg/commands/CopyImage.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdCopyImage
- include/vsg/commands/Dispatch.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdDispatch
- include/vsg/commands/Draw.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdDraw
- include/vsg/commands/DrawIndexed.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdDrawIndexed
- include/vsg/commands/NextSubPass.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdNextSubpass
- include/vsg/commands/PipelineBarrier.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdPipelineBarrier
- include/vsg/commands/PushConstants.h - node class encapsulating vkCmdPushConstants