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© 2017 Darryl Morris

License: MIT

Ropsten: 0.3.6-beta

Exclusive Token Holder Fund Contract


Bakt is a payable and dividends paying Ethereum contract in which ERC20 token holders elect a single holder as Trustee to manage the fund. It may be suitable for private investor groups of up to 255 members who have pre-established trust arrangements. It does not enforce trust in the trustee.


  • Holds a fund of Ether.
  • Can accept payments to its default function.
  • Maintains a balance of committed and uncommitted ether.
  • Records Holders' proportional investments in the form of transferable ERC20 tokens.
  • Allows token transfer only to another registered Holder.
  • Records Holders' balance of ether.
  • Creates new tokens when a Holder purchases an offer with ether.
  • Destroys tokens upon a Holder redeeming tokens for ether proportional to their share of the fund upto the token price.
  • Allows Holders to vote for a Trustee in proportion to their holdings.
  • Allows the Trustee to issue a token offer to a potential or existing Holder at a rate of 1000 tokens/ether.
  • Allows the Trustee to revoke an outstanding offer.
  • Allows the Trustee to add new holders.
  • Allows the Trustee to pay dividends to the Holders.
  • Allows the Trustee to unilaterally order the withdrawal of uncommitted funds.
  • Allows the Trustee to destroy the contract on the condition of 0 supply and 0 committed ether
  • Allows Holders to order the withdrawal of their balance of ether.
  • Prevents pending transactions from being sent until after a set delay.
  • Allows a holder with greater than 10% of tokens to block a pending transaction.
  • Allows any holder to execute a transaction past its pending timestamp.
  • Allows a holder with greater than 10% of tokens to cause a panic.
  • Prevents all actions during a panic except for voting, blocking, receiving payments and calming.
  • Allows any holder to calm after an elapsed period after a panic.


Governance Model

Bakt provides a perpetual and liquid mechanism to elect a trustee of the fund. This requires a vote count across the entire membership of holders in O(N) time after every change to a single holder's voting preference or balance of tokens. A necessary bounding limit upon holder numbers is required to prevent Out Of Gas errors. This has been set at 255 and so forces the election loop to O(255) time regardless of the actual number of Holders registered.

This limit impacts upon the freedom to transfer tokens by limiting the recipients to registered holders only. It is this property which renders the contract exclusive.

Holders are explicitly added to the contract by the Trustee and a new holder's voting preference defaults to the current Trustee until they explicitly change it by calling vote().

Token Model

The token model used is a variable supply in which tokens are created upon purchase() of an issue() offering and destroyed upon redeem() (I have avoided the terms buy and sell which I use to indicate in other contracts the invariable supply trading of tokens).

An issue(address, amount) will create an offer of new tokens to a holder for the constant rate of 1000 tokens/ether and which expires within 7 days.

A purchase() creates and amount of new tokens from an offer to a holder

A redeem(amount) destroys the amount of tokens and commits a value of ether to the holder's etherBalance of:

by proprtion held of fund balance

balanceOf[holder] * fundBalance / totalSupply

or where fundBalance / totalSupply > 0.001 ether

amount * 0.001 ether

Fund Model

The contract manages its balance of ether in a number of sub-balances which it tracks through a the metric committedEther. committedEther is subtracted from the contract balance to derive fundBalance():

fundBalance = this.balance - committedEther;

The Trustee has access to the fundBalance and may order its withdrawal at any time or commit an amount of it as dividends payments.

committedEther is the total ether held in all holder etherBalance's, pending transactions and unclaimed dividends.

committedEther = etherBalances[1..255] + unclaimed dividends[1..255] + pending transactions[0..255]

A holder can order the withdrawal of their etherBalance at any time by calling withdraw(uint).

Ether can leave the contract only through a call to sendPending().

Security Model

Given the potential for the trustee to unilaterally steal the fundBalance, a time delay for pending transactions must be set upon initialising the contract. Transactions initiated by withdraw() (by holders) and execute() (by the trustee) will be subject to this delay and open for inspection and blocking by other holders.

A followup call to sendPending() will execute the oldest transaction in the pending queue (a FIFO queue) if its time lock has expired or revert the transaction if it was blocked.

An additional PANIC() mechanism can be enacted to block most state mutating functions of the contract panic period set during initialisation. The exceptions are vote() block() and PANIC(). This should only be called if there is serious behavioural problems with the contract or the trustee. It is intended to allow time for the holders to be notified and vote for a different trustee.


Bakts can be created by calling createNew(<name>, <owner>) of a deployed BaktFactory contract. Bakt factories have been deployed at:



Rinkeby: 0xb8bd4eb11e55d928a40d2e5c0b927724c7044288



The Bakt contract can be operated from an Ethereum wallet such as Parity or Mist by selecting Watch Contracts and filling in the details and ABI.

A newly deployed contract must be initialised by calling the function _init(_panicPeriodISeconds, _pendingPeriodInSeconds). The address of the creating account is the Trustee and can add new holders with a call to addHolder(address) or 'issue(address, amount)'


A Meteor driven GUI is provided to make creation and interaction with Bakts simpler and resides in the /app subdirectory of this repository. This GUI can also create new Bakts.

Bakt Functions


function Bakt(address _creator, bytes32 _regName, address _trustee)

A SandalStraps compliant constructor

_creator The address of the creating contract or account (used by a SandalStraps factory)

_regName A unique name in the scope of a SandalStraps registrar

_trustee The address of the initial holder (will be msg.sender if blank)


function() payable;

Accepts payment to the default function


function destroy();

Destroy the contract and transfer remaining ether to the trustee address on the conditions that:

  • all tokens have been destroyed
  • committed ether is 0


function _init(uint40 _panicDelayInSeconds, uint40 _pendingDelayInSeconds) returns (bool);

WARNING This action is one off and is irrevocable! This will set the OTP (One Time Programable) panic and pending periods. Holders cannot be added until this function has been called.

_panicDelayInSeconds The panic delay period in seconds. (1 day == 86400 seconds)

_pendingDelayInSeconds The pending period in seconds.


function fundBalance() constant returns (uint);

Returns the balance of uncommitted ether funds.


function committedEther() constant returns (uint);

Returns the combined balance of ether committed to holder accounts, unclaimed dividends and values in pending transactions.


function tokenPrice() constant returns (uint);

Returns the constant TOKENPRICE.


function trustee() constant returns (address);

Returns the ether price at which to buy tokens


function regName() constant returns (bytes32)

A unique name within the scope of a SandalStraps Registrar


function holders(address);

Returns Holder data cast from struct Holder to an array

address The address of a holder.


function holderIndex(uint) constant returns (address[]);

Returns an address of a holder at an index from 1 to 255

uint8 The index of a holder


function pendingTxs(uint);

Returns transaction details cast from struct TX to array

uint8 The index of a pending transaction


function ptxHead() constant returns (uint8);

Return the pending transaction index of the youngest pending transaction


function ptxTail() constant returns (uint8);

Returns the pending transaction index of the oldest pending transaction

ERC20 Functions


function totalSupply() constant returns (uint);

Return total count of tokens


function balanceOf(address _addr) constant returns (uint);

Returns the ERC20 token balance of the holder

_addr The address of a holder


function transfer(address _to, uint _amount) returns (bool);

Transfers an amount of tokens from one registered holder to another

_to the address of a Holder to transfer token to

_amount Amount of tokens to transfer


function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) returns (bool);

Transfers tokens from one registered holder to another by an allowed third-party

_from The addres of a holder from which to transfer

_to The address of a holder to transfer to

_amount The amount of tokens to transfer


function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) returns (bool);

Approves a third-party account to transfer an amount of tokens on behalf of the Holder

_spender The address of the approved third-party (not restricted to registered holders)

_amount The amount which is allowed to be transfered


function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256);

Returns the amount of remaining tokens that an approved thrid-party can send

_owner The adddress of the holder owning tokens

_spender The address of the account approved to transfer tokens

Security Functions


function PANIC() returns (bool);

Allows a Holder with >10% to cause the contract to Panic. This will block most state changing functions for a delay of 2 days. Exceptions are vote(), blockPendingTx(uint _txIdx) and PANIC()


function calm() returns (bool);

Allows a Holder to release the contract from a Panicked state after the panic period has expired.


function panicked() returns (bool);

Returns the Panic flag state. false == calm, true == panicked


function timeToCalm() returns (uint40);

Returns the time-stamp after which a Panic can be released by calm()


function sendPending() returns (bool);

Execute the first transaction in the pendingTxs queue after it's pending time lock has expired. The transaction will be reverted if it has been blocked or fails.


function blockPendingTx(uint _txIdx) returns (bool);

Allows a holder with >10% to block a pending transaction with the given index. Transactions can be blocked by any holder at any time but must still be cleared from the pending transactions queue once the time lock has expired.

_txIdx _txIdx Index of the transaction in the pending transactions table.

Holder Functions


function vote(address _candidate) returns (bool);

Allows a Holder to vote for a preferred Trustee

_candidate The address of the preferred holder


function etherBalanceOf(address _addr) constant returns (uint);

Returns a holder's withdrawable balance of ether

_addr The address of a holder


function withdraw(uint _value) returns (bool);

Initiate a withdrawal from the Holder's etherBalance. It must be followed up with sendPending() once the time lock has expired.

_value The value in ether to be withdrawn.

Returns success.


function withdrawFor(address _addr uint _value) returns (bool);

Initiate a withdrawal from a Holder's etherBalance to their etherum account. It must be followed up with sendPending() once the time lock has expired.

_addr The address of a holder

_value The value in ether to be withdrawn.

Returns success


function withdrawFrom(uint _value) returns (bool);

Calls withdraw(_value) of an external contract in which the Bakt instance may have a balance of value.

_addr The address of an external contract.

_value The value in ether to be withdrawn.

Returns success


function purchase() payable returns (bool);

Create tokens from an offer.


function redeem(uint _amount) returns (bool);

Destructively redeems token for their ether value being the lesser of _amount * fundBalance()/totalSupply or _amount / tokenPrice()

_amount The amount of tokens to redeem.

Returns success


function vacate(address _addr) returns (bool);

To vacate and deregister a Holder on the conditions that:

  • their token balance is 0
  • their ether balance is 0
  • there are no pending transactions

_addr The address of a holder to vacate.

Trustee Functions


function execute(address _to, uint _value, bytes _data) returns (uint8);

Allows the trustee to unilaterally order a transaction as the contract and potentially withdraw the entire fundBalance(). Such transactions are held in the pending transactions queue for a period of 1 day during which they may be blocked by any holder.

_to The recipient address

_value value of ether to send upto a maximum of fundBalance()

_data the call data to be sent with the transaction.


function payDividends(uint _value) returns (bool);

Allows the Trustee to commit an amount of ether from fundBalance() to be collected by the holders in proportion to their token holdings.

_value An amount of ether to be distributed to holders.


function addHolder(address _addrs) returns (bool);

Allows the Trustee to register new holder accounts by providing an array of addresses.

_addrs and array of upto 20 addresses.


function issue(address _addr, uint _amount) returns (bool);

Issues a token offer to a potential or existing holder. The offer expires within 7 days.

_addr The address of a holder to who an offer will be made.

_amount The amount of tokens to be created in the offer.

Returns success


function revoke(address _addr) returns (bool)

Revoke an outstanding offer.

_addr The address of a holder to whom an offer had been made.

Returns success.



Triggered when contract recieved a payment.

Withdrawal(sender, recipient, value);

Triggered when a ether is sent from the contract.

TransactionPending(pTX, sender, recipient, value, timeLock);

Triggered when a transaction is ordered.

TransactionBlocked(by, pTX);

Triggered when a pending transaction is blocked by a holder.

TransactionFailed(sender, recipient, value);

Triggered when a transaction fails either by being blocked or failure of receipt.

DividendsPaid(supply, value);

Triggered when the trustee pays dividends.

Transfer(from, to, value);

ERC20 transfer notification.

Approval(owner,  spender, value);

ERC20 approval notification.


Triggered on change of trustee.


Trigger when a new holder is added.


Triggered when a holder vacates.

TokensCreated(holder, amount);

Triggered when tokens are created during a funding round.

TokensDestroyed(holder, amount);

Triggered when tokes are destroyed during a redeeming round.


Triggered when a hold causes a panic.


Triggered when a holder calms a panic.


Triggered when an odder is revoked.


Triggered when a holder vacates.


Trigger when there is a change to payment acceptance.