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Specialization and Plant - Hummingbird Interactions: Synopsis of Current Results

Data Collection


  • Flower Transects (1300-2500m, 6 transects, 2x/Month) � Estimate the total available hummingbird resources

Q1: How do available resources change along the elevation gradient over time? plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Table of 10 most abundant hummingbird visited plants with total number of flowers records


planttable <- aggregate(full.fl$Total_Flowers, by = list(toupper(full.fl$Family), 
    full.fl$Iplant_Double), sum)

plantT <- na.omit(planttable[order(planttable$x), ])
colnames(plantT) <- c("Family", "Latin", "Flowers")
print(xtable(plantT[1:10, ]), type = "html")
Family Latin Flowers
17 SOLANACEAE Brugmansia candida 1.00
34 ACANTHACEAE Columnea picta 1.00
51 GESNERIACEAE Gasteranthus leopardus 1.00
55 GESNERIACEAE Goeppertia affinis 1.00
86 FABACEAE Mimosa albida 1.00
92 ERICACEAE Palicourea lineata 1.00
116 ERICACEAE Sphyrospermum sodiroi 1.00
6 BEGONIACEAE Begonia 2.00
24 CAPPARIDACEAE Centropogon nigricans 2.00
30 GESNERIACEAE Columnea lanata 2.00
  • Hummingbird Transects (1300-2500m, 6 transects, 2x/Month) � Collect geospatial data on hummingbird elevation ranges and interactions

  • Hummingbird Flower Cameras (6am-6pm,2days,~30X/Month, placed at the most abundant flower resources)

  • Flower Morphology (Corolla width, corolla length for majority of species, nectar concentration for a subset)

  • Hummingbird Morphology (for all but 1 species, 17 morphological traits, from Gary Stiles)

  • Flower Phylogeny (Genus Level phylogeny with branch lengths informed by the Angiosperm supertree)

  • Hummingbird Phylogeny (Both a molecular divergence and time tree are available for all species, from Jimmy McGuire)

  • Fine-scale temperature data (35 ibuttons were placed along the elevation transect to record temperature every hr for 1 year)

##      speed           dist    
##  Min.   : 4.0   Min.   :  2  
##  1st Qu.:12.0   1st Qu.: 26  
##  Median :15.0   Median : 36  
##  Mean   :15.4   Mean   : 43  
##  3rd Qu.:19.0   3rd Qu.: 56  
##  Max.   :25.0   Max.   :120

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