- Flower Transects (1300-2500m, 6 transects, 2x/Month) � Estimate the total available hummingbird resources
Q1: How do available resources change along the elevation gradient over time?
Table of 10 most abundant hummingbird visited plants with total number of flowers records
planttable <- aggregate(full.fl$Total_Flowers, by = list(toupper(full.fl$Family),
full.fl$Iplant_Double), sum)
plantT <- na.omit(planttable[order(planttable$x), ])
colnames(plantT) <- c("Family", "Latin", "Flowers")
print(xtable(plantT[1:10, ]), type = "html")
Family | Latin | Flowers | |
17 | SOLANACEAE | Brugmansia candida | 1.00 |
34 | ACANTHACEAE | Columnea picta | 1.00 |
51 | GESNERIACEAE | Gasteranthus leopardus | 1.00 |
55 | GESNERIACEAE | Goeppertia affinis | 1.00 |
86 | FABACEAE | Mimosa albida | 1.00 |
92 | ERICACEAE | Palicourea lineata | 1.00 |
116 | ERICACEAE | Sphyrospermum sodiroi | 1.00 |
6 | BEGONIACEAE | Begonia | 2.00 |
24 | CAPPARIDACEAE | Centropogon nigricans | 2.00 |
30 | GESNERIACEAE | Columnea lanata | 2.00 |
Hummingbird Transects (1300-2500m, 6 transects, 2x/Month) � Collect geospatial data on hummingbird elevation ranges and interactions
Hummingbird Flower Cameras (6am-6pm,2days,~30X/Month, placed at the most abundant flower resources)
Flower Morphology (Corolla width, corolla length for majority of species, nectar concentration for a subset)
Hummingbird Morphology (for all but 1 species, 17 morphological traits, from Gary Stiles)
Flower Phylogeny (Genus Level phylogeny with branch lengths informed by the Angiosperm supertree)
Hummingbird Phylogeny (Both a molecular divergence and time tree are available for all species, from Jimmy McGuire)
Fine-scale temperature data (35 ibuttons were placed along the elevation transect to record temperature every hr for 1 year)
## speed dist
## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2
## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26
## Median :15.0 Median : 36
## Mean :15.4 Mean : 43
## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56
## Max. :25.0 Max. :120
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