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CKS Challenge 2

Take me to the lab!

Please note that the competition status for CKS Challenges is ended. Please do not submit a solution. It will not be scored.


A number of applications have been deployed in the dev, staging and prod namespaces. There are a few security issues with these applications.

Inspect the issues in detail by clicking on the icons of the interactive architecture diagram in the lab and complete the tasks to secure the applications. Once done click on the Check button to validate your work.


Do the tasks in this order:

  1. dockerfile
    • Run as non root(instead, use correct application user)
    • Avoid exposing unnecessary ports
    • Avoid copying the Dockerfile and other unnecessary files and directories in to the image. Move the required files and directories (, requirements.txt and the templates directory) to a subdirectory called app under webapp and update the COPY instruction in the Dockerfile accordingly.
    • Once the security issues are fixed, rebuild this image locally with the tag kodekloud/webapp-color:stable

    The first two subtasks involve cleaning the Dockerfile...

    cd /root/webapp
    vi Dockerfile

    Change the Dockerfile thus:

    1. We are asked to move the application to subdirectory app, so change to COPY instruction in anticipation of this

      COPY ./app /opt
    2. Run as non root

      A user has been created with RUN adduser -D worker, but we are not switching to it, but are instead switching to root.

      Change the line USER root to USER worker

    3. Avoid exposing unnecessary ports. We don't need port 22 (SSH) for the app, so delete the following lines

      ## Expose port 22
      EXPOSE 22

      Now save and exit vi

    4. Move the app and related files to a new subdirectory app

      mkdir app
      mv app/
      mv requirements.txt app/
      mv templates app/
    5. Rebuild image

      docker build -t kodekloud/webapp-color:stable .
    6. Return to home directory

      cd ~
  2. kubesec
    • Fix issues with the /root/dev-webapp.yaml file which was used to deploy the dev-webapp pod in the dev namespace.
    • Redeploy the dev-webapp pod once issues are fixed with the image kodekloud/webapp-color:stable
    • Fix issues with the /root/staging-webapp.yaml file which was used to deploy the staging-webapp pod in the staging namespace.
    • Redeploy the staging-webapp pod once issues are fixed with the image kodekloud/webapp-color:stable

    When running kubesec we can use jq to extract the part of the JSON output that's relevant to identifying critical issues with the scanned manifest. Run without | jq and everything after to see the whole report.

    1. dev-webapp.yaml

      1. kubesec scan /root/dev-webapp.yaml | jq '.[] | .scoring.critical'

        Note that CapSysAdmin and AllowPrivilegeEscalation are called out.

      2. Edit the manifest:

        1. Remove the SYS_ADMIN capability
        2. Set allowPrivilegeEscalation to false
        3. Set the container's image to kodekloud/webapp-color:stable (which we built earlier)
      3. Don't recreate the pod yet. There's more to do in the next stage.

    2. staging-webapp.yaml

      1. kubesec scan /root/dev-webapp.yaml | jq '.[] | .scoring.critical'
      2. Note that this has exactly the same issues as dev-webapp.yaml. Perform exactly the same steps as for staging-webapp.yaml.

  3. dev-webapp

    Ensure that the pod dev-webapp is immutable:

    • This pod can be accessed using the kubectl exec command. We want to make sure that this does not happen. Use a startupProbe to remove all shells before the container startup. Use initialDelaySeconds and periodSeconds of 5. Hint: For this to work you would have to run the container as root!
    • Image used: kodekloud/webapp-color:stable (We have already done this above)
    • Redeploy the pod as per the above recommendations and make sure that the application is up.
    1. Check what shells are present in the container - shell commands are found in /bin directory and usually end with sh, e.g. sh itself, bash etc.

      kubectl exec -n dev dev-webapp -- ls /bin | grep sh



      fdflush isn't a shell, but the other two are. ash is a shell normally packaged with Alpine Linux.

    2. Create a startup probe according to the specification, and ensure the startup probe can run as root. Note that the probes aren't affected by the USER command in the Dockerfile.

      1. Edit dev-webapp.yaml

      2. Add the following under securityContext, if it is not already there

        runAsUser: 0
      3. Insert the probe

          - rm
          - /bin/sh
          - /bin/ash
        initialDelaySeconds: 5
        periodSeconds: 5
    3. Now recreate the running pod with everything we changed in step 2 and this step

      kubectl replace -f dev-webapp.yaml --force
  4. staging-webapp

    Ensure that the pod dev-webapp is immutable:

    • This pod can be accessed using the kubectl exec command. We want to make sure that this does not happen. Use a startupProbe to remove all shells before the container startup. Use initialDelaySeconds and periodSeconds of 5. Hint: For this to work you would have to run the container as root!
    • Image used: kodekloud/webapp-color:stable (We have already done this above)
    • Redeploy the pod as per the above recommendations and make sure that the application is up.

    Follow the same steps as for dev-webapp above, adjust staging-webapp.yaml and recreate the pod.

  5. prod-web
    • The deployment has a secret hardcoded. Instead, create a secret called prod-db for all the hardcoded values and consume the secret values as environment variables within the deployment.

    1. Examine the deployment manifest to see what this secret is

      kubectl get deployment -n prod prod-web -o yaml

      We can see there are 3 environment variables with values.

    2. Create a secret for these vars

      kubectl create secret generic prod-db -n prod \
          --from-literal DB_Host=prod-db \
          --from-literal DB_User=root \
          --from-literal DB_Password=paswrd
    3. Edit the deployment and change the env section to get the values from the secret

      kubectl edit deployment -n prod prod-web

      Replace the env block with

      - secretRef:
          name: prod-db
  6. prod-netpol
    • Use a network policy called prod-netpol that will only allow traffic only within the prod namespace. All the traffic from other namespaces should be denied.

    Note that all namespaces have a predefined label which is very useful when creating namespace-restricted network policies.

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: prod-netpol
      namespace: prod
      podSelector: {}       # apply to all pods in prod namespace
        - Ingress
        - from:
            - podSelector: {}                        # any pod...
            - namespaceSelector:
         prod  # ...only in prod namespace

Once all the above tasks are completed, click the Check button.

Automate the lab in a single script!

As DevOps engineers, we love everything to be automated!

Automation Script

Paste this entire script to the lab terminal, sit back and enjoy!
When the script completes, you can press the Check button and the lab will be complete!

start_time=$(date '+%s')

## Dockerfile
echo "Prep application for container"
cd ~/webapp
mkdir app
mv app/
mv requirements.txt app/
mv templates app/

echo "Sanitizing Dockerfile"
cat <<EOF > prog.sed
s/COPY \./COPY .\/app/
/EXPOSE 22/d
s/USER root/USER worker/

sed -i -f prog.sed Dockerfile

docker build -t kodekloud/webapp-color:stable .

cd ~

## kubesec
# Run kubesec manually, need to remove cap SYS_ADMIN and allowPrivilegeEscalation
echo "Issues in dev-webapp.yaml"
kubesec scan /root/dev-webapp.yaml | jq '.[] | .scoring.critical'
echo "Issues in staging-webapp.yaml"
kubesec scan /root/staging-webapp.yaml | jq '.[] | .scoring.critical'

## Fix kubesec issues in the local files
echo "Fixing these files"
cat <<EOF > prog.sed

sed -i -f prog.sed /root/dev-webapp.yaml
sed -i -f prog.sed /root/staging-webapp.yaml

## Staging

kubectl delete pod -n staging staging-webapp --grace-period 0 --force

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: staging-webapp
  name: staging-webapp
  namespace: staging
  nodeName: controlplane
  - env:
    - name: APP_COLOR
      value: pink
    image: kodekloud/webapp-color:stable
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: webapp-color
    resources: {}
        - NET_ADMIN
      runAsUser: 0
        - rm
        - /bin/sh
        - /bin/ash
      initialDelaySeconds: 5
      periodSeconds: 5

kubectl wait pods -n staging -l name=staging-webapp --for condition=Ready --timeout=90s

## dev

kubectl delete pod -n dev dev-webapp --grace-period 0 --force

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: dev-webapp
  name: dev-webapp
  namespace: dev
  nodeName: controlplane
  - env:
    - name: APP_COLOR
      value: darkblue
    image: kodekloud/webapp-color:stable
    imagePullPolicy: Never
    name: webapp-color
    resources: {}
        - NET_ADMIN
      runAsUser: 0
        - rm
        - /bin/sh
        - /bin/ash
      initialDelaySeconds: 5
      periodSeconds: 5

kubectl wait pods -n dev -l name=dev-webapp --for condition=Ready --timeout=90s

# prod web
# Cheat to get pod name
pod=$(kubectl get pod -n prod  | grep prod-web | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
for secret in $(kubectl get po -n prod $pod -o json | jq -r '.spec.containers[0].env | .[] | [.name, .value] | @csv' | tr -d  '"' | tr ',' '=')
    secrets="$secrets --from-literal=$secret"

kubectl create secret generic prod-db -n prod $secrets

#delete env and replace with envFrom
kubectl patch deployment -n prod prod-web --type json \
  -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env"},{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/envFrom", "value": [{"secretRef":{"name": "prod-db"}}]}]'

# Wait for rollout
kubectl rollout status deployment -n prod prod-web --timeout=90s

## Prod netpol
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: prod-netpol
  namespace: prod
  podSelector: {}
    - Ingress
    - from:
        - podSelector: {}
        - namespaceSelector:

end_time=$(date '+%s')
duration=$(( end_time - start_time ))
echo "Complete in ${duration}s"