Mixlib::CLI provides a class-based command line option parsing object, like the one used in Chef, Ohai and Relish. To use in your project:
require 'rubygems' require 'mixlib/cli' class MyCLI include Mixlib::CLI option :config_file, :short => "-c CONFIG", :long => "--config CONFIG", :default => 'config.rb', :description => "The configuration file to use" option :log_level, :short => "-l LEVEL", :long => "--log_level LEVEL", :description => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", :required => true, :proc => Proc.new { |l| l.to_sym } option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => "Show this message", :on => :tail, :boolean => true, :show_options => true, :exit => 0 end # ARGV = [ '-c', 'foo.rb', '-l', 'debug' ] cli = MyCLI.new cli.parse_options cli.config[:config_file] # 'foo.rb' cli.config[:log_level] # :debug
If you are using this in conjunction with Mixlib::Config, you can do something like this (building on the above definition):
class MyConfig extend(Mixlib::Config) log_level :info config_file "default.rb" end class MyCLI def run(argv=ARGV) parse_options(argv) MyConfig.merge!(config) end end c = MyCLI.new # ARGV = [ '-l', 'debug' ] c.run MyConfig[:log_level] # :debug
Available arguments to ‘option’:
- :short
The short option, just like from optparse. Example: “-l LEVEL”
- :long
The long option, just like from optparse. Example: “–level LEVEL”
- :description
The description for this item, just like from optparse.
- :default
A default value for this option
- :required
Prints a message informing the user of the missing requirement, and exits. Default is false.
- :on
Set to :tail to appear at the end, or :head to appear at the top.
- :boolean
If this option takes no arguments, set this to true.
- :show_options
If you want the option list printed when this option is called, set this to true.
- :exit
Exit your program with the exit code when this option is specified. Example: 0
- :proc
If set, the configuration value will be set to the return value of this proc.
Have fun!