- property: (
- (name: string, value?: P) => ExpectChain
- & (name: string) => ExpectChain
- ),
- length: (value: number) => ExpectChain | ExpectChain,
- lengthOf: (value: number) => ExpectChain,
- match: (regex: RegExp) => ExpectChain,
- string: (string: string) => ExpectChain,
- key: (key: string) => ExpectChain,
- keys: (key: string | Array, ...keys: Array) => ExpectChain,
- throw: (
- err?: Class | Error | RegExp | string,
- errMsgMatcher?: RegExp | string,
- msg?: string) => ExpectChain,
- respondTo: (method: string) => ExpectChain,
- itself: ExpectChain,
- satisfy: (method: (value: T) => bool) => ExpectChain,
- closeTo: (expected: T & number, delta: number) => ExpectChain,
- members: (set: mixed) => ExpectChain,
- oneOf: (list: Array) => ExpectChain,
- change: (obj: mixed, key: string) => ExpectChain,
- increase: (obj: mixed, key: string) => ExpectChain,
- decrease: (obj: mixed, key: string) => ExpectChain,
- // dirty-chai
- ok: () => ExpectChain,
- true: () => ExpectChain,
- false: () => ExpectChain,
- null: () => ExpectChain,
- undefined: () => ExpectChain,
- exist: () => ExpectChain,
- empty: () => ExpectChain,
- extensible: () => ExpectChain,
- sealed: () => ExpectChain,
- frozen: () => ExpectChain,
- // chai-immutable
- size: (n: number) => ExpectChain,
- // sinon-chai
- called: () => ExpectChain,
- callCount: (n: number) => ExpectChain,
- calledOnce: () => ExpectChain,
- calledTwice: () => ExpectChain,
- calledThrice: () => ExpectChain,
- calledBefore: (spy: mixed) => ExpectChain,
- calledAfter: (spy: mixed) => ExpectChain,
- calledWith: (...args: Array) => ExpectChain,
- calledWithMatch: (...args: Array) => ExpectChain,
- calledWithExactly: (...args: Array) => ExpectChain,
- // chai-as-promised
- eventually: ExpectChain,
- resolvedWith: (value: mixed) => Promise & ExpectChain,
- resolved: () => Promise & ExpectChain,
- rejectedWith: (value: mixed) => Promise & ExpectChain,
- rejected: () => Promise & ExpectChain,
- notify: (callback: () => mixed) => ExpectChain,
- fulfilled: () => Promise & ExpectChain,
- // chai-subset
- containSubset: (obj: Object | Object[]) => ExpectChain
- };
- declare function expect(actual: T): ExpectChain;
- declare function use(plugin: (chai: Object, utils: Object) => void): void;
- declare class assert {
- static(expression: mixed, message?: string): void;
- static fail(actual: mixed, expected: mixed, message?: string, operator?: string): void;
- static isOk(object: mixed, message?: string): void;
- static isNotOk(object: mixed, message?: string): void;
- static equal(actual: mixed, expected: mixed, message?: string): void;
- static notEqual(actual: mixed, expected: mixed, message?: string): void;
- static strictEqual(act: mixed, exp: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static notStrictEqual(act: mixed, exp: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static deepEqual(act: mixed, exp: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static notDeepEqual(act: mixed, exp: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static ok(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isTrue(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotTrue(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isFalse(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotFalse(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNull(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotNull(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isUndefined(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isDefined(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNaN(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotNaN(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isAbove(val: number, abv: number, msg?: string): void;
- static isBelow(val: number, blw: number, msg?: string): void;
- static isAtMost(val: number, atmst: number, msg?: string): void;
- static isAtLeast(val: number, atlst: number, msg?: string): void;
- static isFunction(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotFunction(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isObject(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotObject(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isArray(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotArray(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isString(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotString(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNumber(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotNumber(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isBoolean(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static isNotBoolean(val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static typeOf(val: mixed, type: string, msg?: string): void;
- static notTypeOf(val: mixed, type: string, msg?: string): void;
- static instanceOf(val: mixed, constructor: Function, msg?: string): void;
- static notInstanceOf(val: mixed, constructor: Function, msg?: string): void;
- static include(exp: string, inc: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static include(exp: Array, inc: T, msg?: string): void;
- static notInclude(exp: string, inc: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static notInclude(exp: Array, inc: T, msg?: string): void;
- static match(exp: mixed, re: RegExp, msg?: string): void;
- static notMatch(exp: mixed, re: RegExp, msg?: string): void;
- static property(obj: Object, prop: string, msg?: string): void;
- static notProperty(obj: Object, prop: string, msg?: string): void;
- static deepProperty(obj: Object, prop: string, msg?: string): void;
- static notDeepProperty(obj: Object, prop: string, msg?: string): void;
- static propertyVal(obj: Object, prop: string, val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static propertyNotVal(obj: Object, prop: string, val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static deepPropertyVal(obj: Object, prop: string, val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static deepPropertyNotVal(obj: Object, prop: string, val: mixed, msg?: string): void;
- static lengthOf(exp: mixed, len: number, msg?: string): void;
- static throws(
- func: () => any,
- err?: Class | Error | RegExp | string,
- errorMsgMatcher?: string | RegExp,
- msg?: string): void;
- static doesNotThrow(
- func: () => any,
- err?: Class | Error | RegExp | string,
- errorMsgMatcher?: string | RegExp,
- msg?: string): void;
- }
- declare var config: {
- includeStack: boolean,
- showDiff: boolean,
- truncateThreshold: number
- };
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/concurrently_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/concurrently_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc51a88..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/concurrently_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 638f2cadc87a05b03f4ac6d924e0351d
-// flow-typed version: <>/concurrently_v^3.5.0/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'concurrently'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'concurrently' {
- declare module.exports: any;
- * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
- * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
- * needed.
- */
-declare module 'concurrently/src/main' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/support/signal' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/test-functional' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/utils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-// Filename aliases
-declare module 'concurrently/src/main.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'concurrently/src/main'>;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/support/signal.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'concurrently/test/support/signal'>;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/test-functional.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'concurrently/test/test-functional'>;
-declare module 'concurrently/test/utils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'concurrently/test/utils'>;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/d3-dsv_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/d3-dsv_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5971cab0..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/d3-dsv_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: f5f482c4f3d4d749a2150a9d7c1a343b
-// flow-typed version: <>/d3-dsv_v^1.0.7/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'd3-dsv'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'd3-dsv' {
- declare module.exports: any;
- * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
- * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
- * needed.
- */
-declare module 'd3-dsv/build/d3-dsv' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/build/d3-dsv.min' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/rollup.config' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/csv' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/dsv' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/tsv' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-// Filename aliases
-declare module 'd3-dsv/build/d3-dsv.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/build/d3-dsv'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/build/d3-dsv.min.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/build/d3-dsv.min'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/index' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/rollup.config.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/rollup.config'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/csv.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/src/csv'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/dsv.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/src/dsv'>;
-declare module 'd3-dsv/src/tsv.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'d3-dsv/src/tsv'>;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/elasticsearch_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/elasticsearch_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cdc024f..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/elasticsearch_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 052beefd9e9251ea9f8e71fc24643701
-// flow-typed version: <>/elasticsearch_v^12.1.3/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'elasticsearch'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'elasticsearch' {
- declare module.exports: any;
- * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
- * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
- * needed.
- */
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.angular' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.jquery' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/0_90' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_0' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_1' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_2' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_3' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_4' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_5' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_6' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_7' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_0' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_1' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_2' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_3' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_4' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_0' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_x' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/browser_index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/master' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/client_action' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/client' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection_pool' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/_keep_alive_agent' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/angular' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/browser_index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/jquery' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/xhr' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/errors' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/host' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/log' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/logger' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/browser_index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/console' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/file' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stdio' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stream' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/tracer' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/nodes_to_host' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/random' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/round_robin' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/angular' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/json' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/find_common_protocol' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/sniff_on_connection_fault' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/utils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/angular' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/browser' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/jquery' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/lib' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-// Filename aliases
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.angular.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.angular'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.jquery.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.jquery'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/elasticsearch'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/0_90.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/0_90'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_0.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_0'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_1.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_1'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_2.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_2'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_3.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_3'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_4.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_4'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_5.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_5'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_6.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_6'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_7.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/1_7'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_0.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_0'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_1.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_1'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_2.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_2'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_3.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_3'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_4.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/2_4'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_0.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_0'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_x.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/5_x'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/browser_index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/browser_index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/master.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/apis/master'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/client_action.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/client_action'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/client.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/client'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection_pool.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection_pool'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connection'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/_keep_alive_agent.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/_keep_alive_agent'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/angular.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/angular'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/browser_index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/browser_index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/http'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/jquery.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/jquery'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/xhr.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/connectors/xhr'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/errors.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/errors'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/host.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/host'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/log.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/log'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/logger.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/logger'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/browser_index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/browser_index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/console.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/console'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/file.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/file'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stdio.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stdio'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stream.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/stream'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/tracer.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/loggers/tracer'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/nodes_to_host.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/nodes_to_host'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/random.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/random'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/round_robin.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/selectors/round_robin'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/angular.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/angular'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/index'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/json.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/serializers/json'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/find_common_protocol.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/find_common_protocol'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/sniff_on_connection_fault.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/transport/sniff_on_connection_fault'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/src/lib/utils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/src/lib/utils'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/angular.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/webpack_config/angular'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/browser.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/webpack_config/browser'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/jquery.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/webpack_config/jquery'>;
-declare module 'elasticsearch/webpack_config/lib.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'elasticsearch/webpack_config/lib'>;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/express_v4.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/express_v4.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8418cf7..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/express_v4.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 1e4577f4ead8bf5f0adbdaa1a243c60a
-// flow-typed version: ef2fdb0770/express_v4.x.x/flow_>=v0.32.x
-import type { Server } from 'http';
-import type { Socket } from 'net';
-declare type express$RouterOptions = {
- caseSensitive?: boolean,
- mergeParams?: boolean,
- strict?: boolean
-declare class express$RequestResponseBase {
- app: express$Application;
- get(field: string): string | void;
-declare type express$RequestParams = {
- [param: string]: string
-declare class express$Request extends http$IncomingMessage mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
- baseUrl: string;
- body: any;
- cookies: {[cookie: string]: string};
- connection: Socket;
- fresh: boolean;
- hostname: string;
- ip: string;
- ips: Array;
- method: string;
- originalUrl: string;
- params: express$RequestParams;
- path: string;
- protocol: 'https' | 'http';
- query: {[name: string]: string};
- route: string;
- secure: boolean;
- signedCookies: {[signedCookie: string]: string};
- stale: boolean;
- subdomains: Array;
- xhr: boolean;
- accepts(types: string): string | false;
- accepts(types: Array): string | false;
- acceptsCharsets(...charsets: Array): string | false;
- acceptsEncodings(...encoding: Array): string | false;
- acceptsLanguages(...lang: Array): string | false;
- header(field: string): string | void;
- is(type: string): boolean;
- param(name: string, defaultValue?: string): string | void;
-declare type express$CookieOptions = {
- domain?: string,
- encode?: (value: string) => string,
- expires?: Date,
- httpOnly?: boolean,
- maxAge?: number,
- path?: string,
- secure?: boolean,
- signed?: boolean
-declare type express$RenderCallback = (err: Error | null, html?: string) => mixed;
-declare type express$SendFileOptions = {
- maxAge?: number,
- root?: string,
- lastModified?: boolean,
- headers?: {[name: string]: string},
- dotfiles?: 'allow' | 'deny' | 'ignore'
-declare class express$Response extends http$ServerResponse mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
- headersSent: boolean;
- locals: {[name: string]: mixed};
- append(field: string, value?: string): this;
- attachment(filename?: string): this;
- cookie(name: string, value: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
- clearCookie(name: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
- download(path: string, filename?: string, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => void): this;
- format(typesObject: {[type: string]: Function}): this;
- json(body?: mixed): this;
- jsonp(body?: mixed): this;
- links(links: {[name: string]: string}): this;
- location(path: string): this;
- redirect(url: string, ...args: Array): this;
- redirect(status: number, url: string, ...args: Array): this;
- render(view: string, locals?: {[name: string]: mixed}, callback?: express$RenderCallback): this;
- send(body?: mixed): this;
- sendFile(path: string, options?: express$SendFileOptions, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): this;
- sendStatus(statusCode: number): this;
- header(field: string, value?: string): this;
- header(headers: {[name: string]: string}): this;
- set(field: string, value?: string|string[]): this;
- set(headers: {[name: string]: string}): this;
- status(statusCode: number): this;
- type(type: string): this;
- vary(field: string): this;
- req: express$Request;
-declare type express$NextFunction = (err?: ?Error | 'route') => mixed;
-declare type express$Middleware =
- ((req: express$Request, res: express$Response, next: express$NextFunction) => mixed) |
- ((error: ?Error, req: express$Request, res: express$Response, next: express$NextFunction) => mixed);
-declare interface express$RouteMethodType {
- (middleware: express$Middleware): T;
- (...middleware: Array): T;
- (path: string|RegExp|string[], ...middleware: Array): T;
-declare class express$Route {
- all: express$RouteMethodType;
- get: express$RouteMethodType;
- post: express$RouteMethodType;
- put: express$RouteMethodType;
- head: express$RouteMethodType;
- delete: express$RouteMethodType;
- options: express$RouteMethodType;
- trace: express$RouteMethodType;
- copy: express$RouteMethodType;
- lock: express$RouteMethodType;
- mkcol: express$RouteMethodType;
- move: express$RouteMethodType;
- purge: express$RouteMethodType;
- propfind: express$RouteMethodType;
- proppatch: express$RouteMethodType;
- unlock: express$RouteMethodType;
- report: express$RouteMethodType;
- mkactivity: express$RouteMethodType;
- checkout: express$RouteMethodType;
- merge: express$RouteMethodType;
- // @TODO Missing 'm-search' but get flow illegal name error.
- notify: express$RouteMethodType;
- subscribe: express$RouteMethodType;
- unsubscribe: express$RouteMethodType;
- patch: express$RouteMethodType;
- search: express$RouteMethodType;
- connect: express$RouteMethodType;
-declare class express$Router extends express$Route {
- constructor(options?: express$RouterOptions): void;
- route(path: string): express$Route;
- static (options?: express$RouterOptions): express$Router;
- use(middleware: express$Middleware): this;
- use(...middleware: Array): this;
- use(path: string|RegExp|string[], ...middleware: Array): this;
- use(path: string, router: express$Router): this;
- handle(req: http$IncomingMessage, res: http$ServerResponse, next: express$NextFunction): void;
- // Can't use regular callable signature syntax due to https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/3084
- $call: (req: http$IncomingMessage, res: http$ServerResponse, next?: ?express$NextFunction) => void;
-declare class express$Application extends express$Router mixins events$EventEmitter {
- constructor(): void;
- locals: {[name: string]: mixed};
- mountpath: string;
- listen(port: number, hostname?: string, backlog?: number, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): Server;
- listen(port: number, hostname?: string, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): Server;
- listen(port: number, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): Server;
- listen(path: string, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): Server;
- listen(handle: Object, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): Server;
- disable(name: string): void;
- disabled(name: string): boolean;
- enable(name: string): express$Application;
- enabled(name: string): boolean;
- engine(name: string, callback: Function): void;
- /**
- * Mixed will not be taken as a value option. Issue around using the GET http method name and the get for settings.
- */
- // get(name: string): mixed;
- set(name: string, value: mixed): mixed;
- render(name: string, optionsOrFunction: {[name: string]: mixed}, callback: express$RenderCallback): void;
- handle(req: http$IncomingMessage, res: http$ServerResponse, next?: ?express$NextFunction): void;
-declare module 'express' {
- declare export type RouterOptions = express$RouterOptions;
- declare export type CookieOptions = express$CookieOptions;
- declare export type Middleware = express$Middleware;
- declare export type NextFunction = express$NextFunction;
- declare export type RequestParams = express$RequestParams;
- declare export type $Response = express$Response;
- declare export type $Request = express$Request;
- declare export type $Application = express$Application;
- declare module.exports: {
- (): express$Application, // If you try to call like a function, it will use this signature
- static: (root: string, options?: Object) => express$Middleware, // `static` property on the function
- Router: typeof express$Router, // `Router` property on the function
- };
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/flow-bin_v0.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/flow-bin_v0.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c538e208..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/flow-bin_v0.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 6a5610678d4b01e13bbfbbc62bdaf583
-// flow-typed version: 3817bc6980/flow-bin_v0.x.x/flow_>=v0.25.x
-declare module "flow-bin" {
- declare module.exports: string;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/flow-typed_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/flow-typed_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b02767ee..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/flow-typed_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 21e51b690ccdb4073bbcd43245ad9978
-// flow-typed version: <>/flow-typed_v^2.1.2/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'flow-typed'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'flow-typed' {
- declare module.exports: any;
- * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
- * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
- * needed.
- */
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/cli' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/create-stub' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/install' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/runTests' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/search' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/update-cache' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/update' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/validateDefs' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/version' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/cacheRepoUtils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/codeSign' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/fileUtils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowProjectUtils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowVersion' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/git' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/github' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/isInFlowTypedRepo' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/libDefs' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/node' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmLibDefs' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmProjectUtils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/semver' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/stubUtils' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/validationErrors' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-// Filename aliases
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/cli.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/cli'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/create-stub.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/create-stub'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/install.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/install'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/runTests.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/runTests'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/search.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/search'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/update-cache.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/update-cache'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/update.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/update'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/validateDefs.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/validateDefs'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/commands/version.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/commands/version'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/cacheRepoUtils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/cacheRepoUtils'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/codeSign.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/codeSign'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/fileUtils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/fileUtils'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowProjectUtils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowProjectUtils'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowVersion.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/flowVersion'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/git.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/git'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/github.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/github'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/isInFlowTypedRepo.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/isInFlowTypedRepo'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/libDefs.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/libDefs'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/node.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/node'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmLibDefs.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmLibDefs'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmProjectUtils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/npm/npmProjectUtils'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/semver.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/semver'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/stubUtils.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/stubUtils'>;
-declare module 'flow-typed/dist/lib/validationErrors.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'flow-typed/dist/lib/validationErrors'>;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/font-awesome_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/font-awesome_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de03986..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/font-awesome_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: c647c7a73da0b343c9531f328e472a83
-// flow-typed version: <>/font-awesome_v^4.7.0/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'font-awesome'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'font-awesome' {
- declare module.exports: any;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/fs-extra_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/fs-extra_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bafa596..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/fs-extra_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-declare module 'fs-extra' {
- declare module.exports: any;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/husky_vx.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/husky_vx.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c53beb..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/husky_vx.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: b71dbea18593384f7aa1f8de6b216ee0
-// flow-typed version: <>/husky_v^0.14.3/flow_v0.54.0
- * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
- *
- * 'husky'
- *
- * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
- *
- * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
- * community by sending a pull request to:
- * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed
- */
-declare module 'husky' {
- declare module.exports: any;
- * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
- * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
- * needed.
- */
-declare module 'husky/__tests__/index' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/bin/install' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/bin/uninstall' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/install' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/uninstall' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/find-hooks-dir' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/find-parent' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/get-hook-script' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/is-husky' {
- declare module.exports: any;
-// Filename aliases
-declare module 'husky/__tests__/index.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/__tests__/index'>;
-declare module 'husky/bin/install.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/bin/install'>;
-declare module 'husky/bin/uninstall.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/bin/uninstall'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/install.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/install'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/uninstall.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/uninstall'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/find-hooks-dir.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/utils/find-hooks-dir'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/find-parent.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/utils/find-parent'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/get-hook-script.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/utils/get-hook-script'>;
-declare module 'husky/src/utils/is-husky.js' {
- declare module.exports: $Exports<'husky/src/utils/is-husky'>;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/isomorphic-fetch_v2.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/isomorphic-fetch_v2.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4692d54e..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/isomorphic-fetch_v2.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 47370d221401bec823c43c3598266e26
-// flow-typed version: ec28077c25/isomorphic-fetch_v2.x.x/flow_>=v0.25.x
-declare module 'isomorphic-fetch' {
- declare module.exports: (input: string | Request | URL, init?: RequestOptions) => Promise;
diff --git a/flow-typed/npm/jquery_v3.x.x.js b/flow-typed/npm/jquery_v3.x.x.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7919b680..00000000
--- a/flow-typed/npm/jquery_v3.x.x.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3259 +0,0 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 066808d234ac8be670d3464bfc58baef
-// flow-typed version: b43dff3e0e/jquery_v3.x.x/flow_>=v0.28.x
-/* eslint-disable max-len, no-unused-vars, flowtype/no-weak-types */
-// Flow-typed type definitions for jQuery 3.x.x
-// Project: http://jquery.com/
-// Author: Dieter Oberkofler
-// Original definitions by:
-// Boris Yankov
-// Christian Hoffmeister
-// Steve Fenton
-// Diullei Gomes
-// Tass Iliopoulos
-// Jason Swearingen
-// Sean Hill
-// Guus Goossens
-// Kelly Summerlin
-// Basarat Ali Syed
-// Nicholas Wolverson
-// Derek Cicerone
-// Andrew Gaspar
-// James Harrison Fisher
-// Seikichi Kondo
-// Benjamin Jackman
-// Poul Sorensen
-// Josh Strobl
-// John Reilly
-// Dick van den Brink
-/* *****************************************************************************
-Copyright (c: any) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not us: void;
-this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
-License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
-and limitations under the License.
-***************************************************************************** */
- * Interface for the AJAX setting that will configure the AJAX request
- */
-declare interface JQueryAjaxSettings {
- /**
- * The content type sent in the request header that tells the server what kind of response it will accept in return. If the accepts setting needs modification, it is recommended to do so once in the $.ajaxSetup() method.
- */
- accepts?: any;
- /**
- * By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation. Note that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request is active. As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the success/error/complete callback options instead of the corresponding methods of the jqXHR object such as jqXHR.done() or the deprecated jqXHR.success().
- */
- async?: boolean;
- /**
- * A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHTTPRequest: any) object before it is sent. Use this to set custom headers, etc. The jqXHR and settings objects are passed as arguments. This is an Ajax Event. Returning false in the beforeSend function will cancel the request. As of jQuery 1.5, the beforeSend option will be called regardless of the type of request.
- */
- beforeSend?: (jqXHR: JQueryXHR, settings: JQueryAjaxSettings) => any;
- /**
- * If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser. Note: Setting cache to false will only work correctly with HEAD and GET requests. It works by appending "_={timestamp}" to the GET parameters. The parameter is not needed for other types of requests, except in IE8 when a POST is made to a URL that has already been requested by a GET.
- */
- cache?: boolean;
- /**
- * A function to be called when the request finishes (after success and error callbacks are executed). The function gets passed two arguments: The jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHTTPRequest: any) object and a string categorizing the status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror"). As of jQuery 1.5, the complete setting can accept an array of functions. Each function will be called in turn. This is an Ajax Event.
- */
- complete?: (jqXHR: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string) => any;
- /**
- * An object of string/regular-expression pairs that determine how jQuery will parse the response, given its content type. (version added: 1.5)
- */
- contents?: {
- [key: string]: any;
- };
- // According to jQuery.ajax source code, ajax's option actually allows contentType to set to "false"
- // https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/issues/742
- /**
- * When sending data to the server, use this content type. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", which is fine for most cases. If you explicitly pass in a content-type to $.ajax(), then it is always sent to the server (even if no data is sent). The W3C XMLHttpRequest specification dictates that the charset is always UTF-8; specifying another charset will not force the browser to change the encoding.
- */
- contentType?: any;
- /**
- * This object will be made the context of all Ajax-related callbacks. By default, the context is an object that represents the ajax settings used in the call ($.ajaxSettings merged with the settings passed to $.ajax).
- */
- context?: any;
- /**
- * An object containing dataType-to-dataType converters. Each converter's value is a function that returns the transformed value of the response. (version added: 1.5)
- */
- converters?: {
- [key: string]: any;
- };
- /**
- * If you wish to force a crossDomain request (such as JSONP) on the same domain, set the value of crossDomain to true. This allows, for example, server-side redirection to another domain. (version added: 1.5)
- */
- crossDomain?: boolean;
- /**
- * Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. Object must be Key/Value pairs. If value is an Array, jQuery serializes multiple values with same key based on the value of the traditional setting (described below).
- */
- data?: any;
- /**
- * A function to be used to handle the raw response data of XMLHttpRequest.This is a pre-filtering function to sanitize the response. You should return the sanitized data. The function accepts two arguments: The raw data returned from the server and the 'dataType' parameter.
- */
- dataFilter?: (data: any, ty: any) => any;
- /**
- * The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none is specified, jQuery will try to infer it based on the MIME type of the response (an XML MIME type will yield XML, in 1.4 JSON will yield a JavaScript object, in 1.4 script will execute the script, and anything else will be returned as a string).
- */
- dataType?: string;
- /**
- * A function to be called if the request fails. The function receives three arguments: The jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest: any) object, a string describing the type of error that occurred and an optional exception object, if one occurred. Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "abort", and "parsererror". When an HTTP error occurs, errorThrown receives the textual portion of the HTTP status, such as "Not Found" or "Internal Server Error." As of jQuery 1.5, the error setting can accept an array of functions. Each function will be called in turn. Note: This handler is not called for cross-domain script and cross-domain JSONP requests. This is an Ajax Event.
- */
- error?: (jqXHR: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string, errorThrown: string) => any;
- /**
- * Whether to trigger global Ajax event handlers for this request. The default is true. Set to false to prevent the global handlers like ajaxStart or ajaxStop from being triggered. This can be used to control various Ajax Events.
- */
- global?: boolean;
- /**
- * An object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with requests using the XMLHttpRequest transport. The header X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest is always added, but its default XMLHttpRequest value can be changed here. Values in the headers setting can also be overwritten from within the beforeSend function. (version added: 1.5)
- */
- headers?: {
- [key: string]: any;
- };
- /**
- * Allow the request to be successful only if the response has changed since the last request. This is done by checking the Last-Modified header. Default value is false, ignoring the header. In jQuery 1.4 this technique also checks the 'etag' specified by the server to catch unmodified data.
- */
- ifModified?: boolean;
- /**
- * Allow the current environment to be recognized as "local," (e.g. the filesystem), even if jQuery does not recognize it as such by default. The following protocols are currently recognized as local: file, *-extension, and widget. If the isLocal setting needs modification, it is recommended to do so once in the $.ajaxSetup() method. (version added: 1.5.1)
- */
- isLocal?: boolean;
- /**
- * Override the callback function name in a jsonp request. This value will be used instead of 'callback' in the 'callback=?' part of the query string in the url. So {jsonp:'onJSONPLoad'} would result in 'onJSONPLoad=?' passed to the server. As of jQuery 1.5, setting the jsonp option to false prevents jQuery from adding the "?callback" string to the URL or attempting to use "=?" for transformation. In this case, you should also explicitly set the jsonpCallback setting. For example, { jsonp: false, jsonpCallback: "callbackName" }
- */
- jsonp?: any;
- /**
- * Specify the callback function name for a JSONP request. This value will be used instead of the random name automatically generated by jQuery. It is preferable to let jQuery generate a unique name as it'll make it easier to manage the requests and provide callbacks and error handling. You may want to specify the callback when you want to enable better browser caching of GET requests. As of jQuery 1.5, you can also use a function for this setting, in which case the value of jsonpCallback is set to the return value of that function.
- */
- jsonpCallback?: any;
- /**
- * The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT"). (version added: 1.9.0)
- */
- method?: string;
- /**
- * A mime type to override the XHR mime type. (version added: 1.5.1)
- */
- mimeType?: string;
- /**
- * A password to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request.
- */
- password?: string;
- /**
- * By default, data passed in to the data option as an object (technically, anything other than a string) will be processed and transformed into a query string, fitting to the default content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". If you want to send a DOMDocument, or other non-processed data, set this option to false.
- */
- processData?: boolean;
- /**
- * Only applies when the "script" transport is used (e.g., cross-domain requests with "jsonp" or "script" dataType and "GET" type). Sets the charset attribute on the script tag used in the request. Used when the character set on the local page is not the same as the one on the remote script.
- */
- scriptCharset?: string;
- /**
- * An object of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code. f the request is successful, the status code functions take the same parameters as the success callback; if it results in an error (including 3xx redirect), they take the same parameters as the error callback. (version added: 1.5)
- */
- statusCode?: {
- [key: string]: any;
- };
- /**
- * A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the dataType parameter; a string describing the status; and the jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest: any) object. As of jQuery 1.5, the success setting can accept an array of functions. Each function will be called in turn. This is an Ajax Event.
- */
- success?: (data: any, textStatus?: string, jqXHR?: JQueryXHR) => any;
- /**
- * Set a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request. This will override any global timeout set with $.ajaxSetup(). The timeout period starts at the point the $.ajax call is made; if several other requests are in progress and the browser has no connections available, it is possible for a request to time out before it can be sent. In jQuery 1.4.x and below, the XMLHttpRequest object will be in an invalid state if the request times out; accessing any object members may throw an exception. In Firefox 3.0+ only, script and JSONP requests cannot be cancelled by a timeout; the script will run even if it arrives after the timeout period.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- /**
- * Set this to true if you wish to use the traditional style of param serialization.
- */
- traditional?: boolean;
- /**
- * The type of request to make ("POST" or "GET"), default is "GET". Note: Other HTTP request methods, such as PUT and DELETE, can also be used here, but they are not supported by all browsers.
- */
- type?: string;
- /**
- * A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.
- */
- url?: string;
- /**
- * A username to be used with XMLHttpRequest in response to an HTTP access authentication request.
- */
- username?: string;
- /**
- * Callback for creating the XMLHttpRequest object. Defaults to the ActiveXObject when available (IE: any), the XMLHttpRequest otherwise. Override to provide your own implementation for XMLHttpRequest or enhancements to the factory.
- */
- xhr?: any;
- /**
- * An object of fieldName-fieldValue pairs to set on the native XHR object. For example, you can use it to set withCredentials to true for cross-domain requests if needed. In jQuery 1.5, the withCredentials property was not propagated to the native XHR and thus CORS requests requiring it would ignore this flag. For this reason, we recommend using jQuery 1.5.1+ should you require the use of it. (version added: 1.5.1)
- */
- xhrFields?: {
- [key: string]: any;
- };
- * Interface for the jqXHR object
- */
-declare class JQueryXHR {
- /**
- * The .overrideMimeType() method may be used in the beforeSend() callback function, for example, to modify the response content-type header. As of jQuery 1.5.1, the jqXHR object also contains the overrideMimeType() method (it was available in jQuery 1.4.x, as well, but was temporarily removed in jQuery 1.5).
- */
- overrideMimeType(mimeType: string): any;
- /**
- * Cancel the request.
- *
- * @param statusText A string passed as the textStatus parameter for the done callback. Default value: "canceled"
- */
- abort(statusText?: string): void;
- /**
- * Incorporates the functionality of the .done() and .fail() methods, allowing (as of jQuery 1.8) the underlying Promise to be manipulated. Refer to deferred.then() for implementation details.
- */
- then (doneCallback: (data: any, textStatus: string, jqXHR: JQueryXHR) => R, failCallback?: (jqXHR: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string, errorThrown: any) => void): JQueryPromise ;
- /**
- * Property containing the parsed response if the response Content-Type is json
- */
- responseJSON?: any;
- /**
- * A function to be called if the request fails.
- */
- error(xhr: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string, errorThrown: string): void;
- done (doneCallback: (data: any, textStatus: string, xhr: JQueryXHR) => R): JQueryPromise ;
- fail (failCallback: (xhr: JQueryXHR, textStatus: string, errorThrown: string) => void): void;
- * Interface for the JQuery callback
- */
-declare class JQueryCallback {
- /**
- * Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to a callback list.
- *
- * @param callbacks A function, or array of functions, that are to be added to the callback list.
- */
- add(callbacks: Function): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to a callback list.
- *
- * @param callbacks A function, or array of functions, that are to be added to the callback list.
- */
- add(callbacks: Function[]): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Disable a callback list from doing anything more.
- */
- disable(): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Determine if the callbacks list has been disabled.
- */
- disabled(): boolean;
- /**
- * Remove all of the callbacks from a list.
- */
- empty(): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Call all of the callbacks with the given arguments
- *
- * @param arguments The argument or list of arguments to pass back to the callback list.
- */
- fire(...arguments: any[]): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Determine if the callbacks have already been called at least once.
- */
- fired(): boolean;
- /**
- * Call all callbacks in a list with the given context and arguments.
- *
- * @param context A reference to the context in which the callbacks in the list should be fired.
- * @param arguments An argument, or array of arguments, to pass to the callbacks in the list.
- */
- fireWith(context?: any, args?: any[]): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Determine whether a supplied callback is in a list
- *
- * @param callback The callback to search for.
- */
- has(callback: Function): boolean;
- /**
- * Lock a callback list in its current state.
- */
- lock(): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Determine if the callbacks list has been locked.
- */
- locked(): boolean;
- /**
- * Remove a callback or a collection of callbacks from a callback list.
- *
- * @param callbacks A function, or array of functions, that are to be removed from the callback list.
- */
- remove(callbacks: Function): JQueryCallback;
- /**
- * Remove a callback or a collection of callbacks from a callback list.
- *
- * @param callbacks A function, or array of functions, that are to be removed from the callback list.
- */
- remove(callbacks: Function[]): JQueryCallback;
- * Allows jQuery Promises to interop with non-jQuery promises
- */
-declare class JQueryGenericPromise {
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved, rejected, or still in progress.
- *
- * @param doneFilter A function that is called when the Deferred is resolved.
- * @param failFilter An optional function that is called when the Deferred is rejected.
- */
- then < U > (doneFilter: (value?: T, ...values: any[]) => U | JQueryPromise < U > , failFilter?: (...reasons: any[]) => any, progressFilter?: (...progression: any[]) => any): JQueryPromise < U > ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved, rejected, or still in progress.
- *
- * @param doneFilter A function that is called when the Deferred is resolved.
- * @param failFilter An optional function that is called when the Deferred is rejected.
- */
- then(doneFilter: (value?: T, ...values: any[]) => void, failFilter?: (...reasons: any[]) => any, progressFilter?: (...progression: any[]) => any): JQueryPromise < void > ;
- * Interface for the JQuery promise/deferred callbacks
- */
-declare interface JQueryPromiseCallback {
- (value?: T, ...args: any[]): void;
-declare class JQueryPromiseOperator < T, U > {
- (callback1: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...callbacksN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryPromise < U > ;
- * Interface for the JQuery promise, part of callbacks
- */
-declare class JQueryPromise extends JQueryGenericPromise {
- /**
- * Determine the current state of a Deferred object.
- */
- state(): string;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is either resolved or rejected.
- *
- * @param alwaysCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that is called when the Deferred is resolved or rejected.
- * @param alwaysCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved or rejected.
- */
- always(alwaysCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...alwaysCallbacksN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryPromise ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved.
- *
- * @param doneCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved.
- * @param doneCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved.
- */
- done(doneCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...doneCallbackN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryPromise ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is rejected.
- *
- * @param failCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that are called when the Deferred is rejected.
- * @param failCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is rejected.
- */
- fail(failCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...failCallbacksN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryPromise ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object generates progress notifications.
- *
- * @param progressCallbacks A function, or array of functions, to be called when the Deferred generates progress notifications.
- */
- progress(progressCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...progressCallbackN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryPromise ;
- // Deprecated - given no typings
- pipe(doneFilter?: (x: any) => any, failFilter?: (x: any) => any, progressFilter?: (x: any) => any): JQueryPromise ;
- * Interface for the JQuery deferred, part of callbacks
- */
-declare class JQueryDeferred extends JQueryGenericPromise {
- /**
- * Determine the current state of a Deferred object.
- */
- state(): string;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is either resolved or rejected.
- *
- * @param alwaysCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that is called when the Deferred is resolved or rejected.
- * @param alwaysCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved or rejected.
- */
- always(alwaysCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...alwaysCallbacksN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryDeferred ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved.
- *
- * @param doneCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved.
- * @param doneCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is resolved.
- */
- done(doneCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...doneCallbackN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryDeferred ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is rejected.
- *
- * @param failCallbacks1 A function, or array of functions, that are called when the Deferred is rejected.
- * @param failCallbacks2 Optional additional functions, or arrays of functions, that are called when the Deferred is rejected.
- */
- fail(failCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...failCallbacksN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryDeferred ;
- /**
- * Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object generates progress notifications.
- *
- * @param progressCallbacks A function, or array of functions, to be called when the Deferred generates progress notifications.
- */
- progress(progressCallback1?: JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [], ...progressCallbackN: Array < JQueryPromiseCallback | JQueryPromiseCallback [] > ): JQueryDeferred ;
- /**
- * Call the progressCallbacks on a Deferred object with the given args.
- *
- * @param args Optional arguments that are passed to the progressCallbacks.
- */
- notify(value?: any, ...args: any[]): JQueryDeferred