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pyGraphs library


This repository contain some functions for manipulating graphs objects.

The librairy now contain the following files :

  1. Contains primitives for the treatment of vectors and matrices (with python's lists)

  2. Contains basics functions to manipulate non oriented graphs

    • nbSommets(G) Return the number of nodes from G graph
    • nbArete(G) Return the number of edges from G graph
    • ajouteArete(G, i, j) Add an edge between nodes i and j in G graph
    • enleveArete(G, i, j) Delete an edge between nodes i and j in G graph
    • deg(G, i) Return i's degree
    • degre(G) Return G degree
    • listeToMatrice(G) Transform adjacency list in adjacency matrix
    • nonOriente(G) Verify adjacency list symetry (to verify if G is non-oriented)
    • kuratowski(n) Return adjacency list Vector from the n'th Kuratowski graph
    • areteToListe(n, L) Transform edges list in adjacency list
    • matriceToListe(M) Transform adjacency matrix in adjacency list
    • sousG(G,i) Return a copy of G without i
  3. Contains basics functions to manipulate oriented graphs

    • nbSommets(G) Return the number of nodes from G graph
    • nbArcs(G) Return the number of edges from G graph
    • ajouteArc(G, i, j) Add an edge between nodes i and j in G graph
    • enleveArc(G, i, j) Delete an edge between nodes i and j in G graph
    • degS(G, i) Return i's out-degree
    • degreS(G) Return G degree
    • degE(G, i) Return i's in-degree
    • listeToMatrice(G) Transform adjacency list in adjacency matrix
    • voisinage(G, i) Return i's neighborhood
    • areteToListe(n, L) Transform edges list in adjacency list
    • matToListe(M) Transform adjacency matrix in adjacency list
  4. Implement simple and generalized BF search in graphs

    • largeur(G, i) Return nodes visit list for the simple BF search from the i node
    • largeurG(G) Return nodes visit list for the generalized BF search
  5. Implement simple and generalized DF search in graphs

    • profRec(G, i, Visite, ordreVisite) Recursive function that do a simple DF search from a node i
    • profond(G, i) Return nodes visit list for the simple DF search from the i node
    • profondG(G) Return nodes visit list for the generalized DF search
  6. Implement BF and DF applications in non oriented graphs

    • isConnexe(G): Return true if G is connected
    • cyclicRec(G, pere, visite, cycle): Recursive cycles detection function
    • isCyclic(G): Return true if G have, at least, one cycle
    • isArbre(G): Return true if G is a tree (connected graph without cycles)
    • plusCourtChemin(G, i): Return the distance between node i and all others nodes in G, and the predecessor of each one
    • is_biparti(G): Return true if G is bipartite, false either
    • TCC(G,i): Return the number of nodes in i's connected component
  7. Implement BF and DF applications in oriented graphs

    • cyclicRec(G, i, Visite, cycle): Recursive Cycles detection function
    • isCyclic(G): Return true if G have one cycle or more
  8. Implement some coloring algorithms

    • mini(L): Return the smaller integer who's not in L
    • colorNaive(G): Implement naive coloring algorithm
    • noyau(L, G): Compute kernel of a graph G
    • colorGlouton(G): Implement greedy coloring algorithm
    • colorWP(G): Implement Welsh and Powell coloring algorithm
    • is_valid(G, i, solution): Verify if neighborhood of i have different colors
    • backtracking_rec(G, colors, i, solution, solutionList): Recursive backtracking function
    • backtracking(G, colors=None): Implement Backtracking coloring algorithm
  9. Implement topological and level sorting algorithms

    • triTopologique(G): Implement topological sorting
    • triNiveaux(G): Implement level sorting
  10. Implement Ford-Fulkerson algorithm

About the authors {#about}

This library was written by Nicolas Taffoureau.