- field_id : primary key.
- field_form_id : which form does the field belongs to. Can be 0 when the field is added but not saved in the form yet.
- field_type : Type like "text", "radio", or "file". See config file for all possible values.
- field_label : Field label for most fields
- field_message : Field label & content when type="message"
- field_virtual_name : uniqid to identify the field
- field_choices : list of choices when type=select,radio,checkbox (1 choice per line)
- field_created_at : observer
- field_mandatory : required or not (0 or 1)
- field_default_value : default selection (choice)
- field_details : textual description for this field
- field_style enum('p','h1','h2','h3') : when type=message
- field_width : used when type=textual (text,email,number,...)
- field_height : used when type=textarea
- field_limited_to : used when type=textual (text,email,number,...)
- field_origin : used when type=hidden,variable
- field_origin_var : used when type=hidden,variable
- field_technical_id : HTML ID attribute
- field_technical_css : HTML class attribute
- text: Single line text
- textarea: Paragraph text
- checkbox: Checkboxes
- select: Dropdown You can use the "=" symbol to separate the displayed text form the select value. (eg. "Text=value\nText2=value2")
- radio: Multiple choices
- file: File
- email: Email (textual)
- number: Number (textual)
- date: Date
- message: Message (displays text)
- hidden: Hidden field
- separator: Separator
- variable: Variable (configured like an hidden field, but the content is displayed)