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API Docs

Access token

The first thing you need to do before using the map is getting a Mapbox access token by signing up to a Mapbox account.

Then, make sure you run this before mounting any MapViews:

import Mapbox from 'react-native-mapbox-gl';


Import the component to use it:

import { MapView } from 'react-native-mapbox-gl';
<MapView />
Prop Type Required Description Default
initialCenterCoordinate object Optional Initial latitude/longitude the map will load at. { latitude:0, longitude: 0 }
initialZoomLevel number Optional Initial zoom level the map will load at. 0 is the entire world, 18 is rooftop level. 0
initialDirection number Optional Initial heading of the map in degrees, where 0 is north and 180 is south 0
rotateEnabled boolean Optional Whether the map can rotate. true
scrollEnabled boolean Optional Whether the map can be scrolled. true
zoomEnabled boolean Optional Whether the map zoom level can be changed. true
pitchEnabled boolean Optional Whether the map pitch (tilt) level can be changed via a two-finger drag (iOS) or three-finger drag (Android). true
annotationsPopUpEnabled boolean Optional Whether annotations popups can be shown. true
showsUserLocation boolean Optional Whether the user's location is shown on the map. Note: The map will not zoom to their location. false
userTrackingMode enum Optional Whether the map is zoomed to and follows the user's location. One of Mapbox.userTrackingMode.none, Mapbox.userTrackingMode.follow, Mapbox.userTrackingMode.followWithCourse, Mapbox.userTrackingMode.followWithHeading Mapbox.userTrackingMode.none
userLocationVerticalAlignment enum Optional Change the alignment of where the user location shows on the screen. One of,, Mapbox.userLocationVerticalAlignment.bottom
styleURL string Optional A Mapbox style. See Styles for valid values. Mapbox.mapStyles.streets
annotations array Optional An array of annotation objects. See Annotations []
annotationsAreImmutable boolean Optional Set this to true if you don't ever mutate the annotations array or the annotations themselves. This enables optimizations when props change. false
attributionButtonIsHidden boolean Optional Whether attribution button is visible in lower right corner. If true you must still attribute OpenStreetMap in your app. false
logoIsHidden boolean Optional Whether logo is visible in lower left corner. false
compassIsHidden boolean Optional Whether compass is visible when map is rotated. false
contentInset array Optional Change the padding of the viewport of the map. Offset is in pixels. [top, right, bottom, left] [0, 0, 0, 0]
style React styles Optional Styles the actual map view container N/A
debugActive boolean Optional Turns on debug mode. false
children array Optional An array of custom Annotation views. See Custom Annotations. null

Callback props

<MapView onSomethingHappened={payload => {
Prop Payload shape Description
onRegionWillChange {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, zoomLevel: 0, direction: 0, pitch: 0, animated: false} Fired when the map begins panning or zooming. animated indicates whether the action is user-driven or animation-driven.
onRegionDidChange {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, zoomLevel: 0, direction: 0, pitch: 0, animated: false} Fired when the map ends panning or zooming.
onOpenAnnotation {id: 'marker_id', title: null, subtitle: null, latitude: 0, longitude: 0} Fired when tapping an annotation.
onRightAnnotationTapped {id: 'marker_id', title: null, subtitle: null, latitude: 0, longitude: 0} Fired when user taps the rightCalloutAccessory of an annotation.
onChangeUserTrackingMode Mapbox.userTrackingMode.none Fired when the user tracking mode gets changed by an user pan or rotate.
onUpdateUserLocation {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, verticalAccuracy: 0, horizontalAccuracy: 0, headingAccuracy: 0, magneticHeading: 0, trueHeading: 0, isUpdating: false} Fired when the user's location updates. headingAccuracy and isUpdating are only supported on iOS. verticalAccuracy and horizontalAccuracy will be the same on Android, or might not exist in some circumstances.
onLocateUserFailed {message: 'Error message'} Fired when there is an error getting the user's location. Do not rely on the string that is returned for determining what kind of error it is.
onTap {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, screenCoordX: 0, screenCoordY: 0} Fired when the users taps the screen.
onLongPress {latitude: 0, longitude: 0, screenCoordX: 0, screenCoordX: 0} Fired when the user taps and holds screen for 1 second.
onStartLoadingMap undefined Fired once the map begins loading the style.
onFinishLoadingMap undefined Fired once the map has loaded the style.


You first need to get a ref to your MapView component:

<MapView ref={map => { this._map = map; }} />

Then call methods as this._map.methodName().

this._map.setDirection(direction, animated = true, callback);
this._map.setZoomLevel(zoomLevel, animated = true, callback);
this._map.setCenterCoordinate(latitude, longitude, animated = true, callback);
this._map.setCenterCoordinateZoomLevel(latitude, longitude, zoomLevel, animated = true, callback);
this._map.setCenterCoordinateZoomLevelPitch(latitude, longitude, zoomLevel, pitch, animated = true, callback);
this._map.setPitch(pitch, animated = true, callback);
this._map.easeTo({ latitude, longitude, zoomLevel, altitude, direction, pitch }, animated = true, callback);

This set of methods sets the location the map is centered on, the zoom level, the heading and the pitch of the map.

The transition to the desired location is animated by default, but can be made instantaneous by passing animated as false.

For easeTo, all arguments inside the options object are optional. You can specify any combination of center coords, zoomLevel, altitude, direction and pitch. What is not specified stays at their current values.

The altitude refers to the viewing altitude of the camera. It's a replacement for zoomLevel, hence zoomLevel and altitude must not be specified at the same time.

On iOS, pitch can't be specified at the same time as zoomLevel. altitude must be used instead.

altitude is not available on Android.

The methods accept an optional callback that will get fired when the animation has ended. Additionally, the return value is a promise that gets resolved when the animation has ended.

this._map.setVisibleCoordinateBounds(latitudeSW, longitudeSW, latitudeNE, longitudeNE, paddingTop = 0, paddingRight = 0, paddingBottom = 0, paddingLeft = 0, animated = true);

This method adjusts the center location and the zoomLevel of the map so that the rectangle determined by latitudeSW, longitudeSW, latitudeNE, longitudeNE fits inside the viewport.

You can optionally pass a minimum padding (in screen points) that will be visible around the given coordinate bounds.

The transition is animated unless you pass animated as false.

this._map.getCenterCoordinateZoomLevel(data => {
  // ...

Gets the current coordinates and zoom level of the map.

data is an object of the form { latitude, longitude, zoomLevel }

this._map.getDirection(direction => {
  // ...

Gets the current heading of the map.

direction is the heading in degrees.

this._map.getPitch(pitch => {
  // ...

Gets the current tilt of the map. (Android only)

pitch is the tilt in degrees measured from the normal to the map.

this._map.getBounds(bounds => {
  // ...

Gets the bounding rectangle in GPS coordinates that is currently visible on within the map's viewport.

bounds is an array representing [ latitudeSW, longitudeSW, latitudeNE, longitudeNE ]

this._map.selectAnnotation(id, animated = true);

Selects the annotation tagged with id, as if it would be tapped by the user.

The transition is animated unless you pass animated as false.


Deselects the previously selected annotation.

  point: { // required if rect not defined. Point on screen
    screenCoordX: 287,
    screenCoordY: 493
  rect: { // required if point not defined. Dimensions of rectangle on screen
    left: 267,
    top: 473,
    right: 307,
    bottom: 513
  layers: ['building'] // optional. Array of layer names
callback // optional. Alternative to returned promise

Queries the features in the vector tiles at given point or rect. (iOS only - Android SDK's queryRenderedFeatures is in beta)

All layers are queried unless you pass an array of layer names into layers.

This method returns a promise that resolves with an array of GeoJSON features. It also optionally takes a callback as a second parameter with the signature (err, features) => {}.


Default styles

Mapbox GL ships with 6 included styles:

  • Mapbox.mapStyles.streets
  • Mapbox.mapStyles.dark
  • Mapbox.mapStyles.light
  • Mapbox.mapStyles.satellite
  • Mapbox.mapStyles.hybrid
  • Mapbox.mapStyles.emerald (deprecated)

To use one of these, just pass it as a prop to MapView:


Custom styles

You can also create a custom style in Mapbox Studio and add it your map. Simply grab the style url. It should look something like:



Object shape

  coordinates, // required. For type polyline and polygon must be an array of arrays. For type point, array as [latitude longitude]
  type, // required. One of 'point', 'polyline' or 'polygon'
  title, // optional. Title string. Appears when marker pressed
  subtitle, // optional. Subtitle string. Appears when marker pressed
  fillAlpha, // optional. number. Only for type=polygon. iOS only. Controls the opacity of the polygon fill color
  fillColor, // optional. string. Only for type=polygon. CSS color (#rrggbb). Controls the fill color of the polygon
  strokeAlpha, // optional. number. Only for type=polygon or type=polyline. iOS only. Controls the opacity of the line
  strokeColor, // optional. string. Only for type=polygon or type=polyline. CSS color (#rrggbb). Controls line color.
  strokeWidth, // optional. number. Only for type=polygon or type=polyline. Controls line width.
  alpha, // optional. number. Android only. Controls the opacity of the annotation, including fill and stroke.
  id, // required. string. Unique identifier used for adding or selecting an annotation.
  annotationImage: { // optional. Marker image for type=point
    source: {
      uri // required. string. Either remote image URL or the name (without extension) of a bundled image
    height, // required. number. Image height
    width, // required. number. Image width
  rightCalloutAccessory: { // optional. iOS only. Clickable image that appears when type=point marker pressed
    source: {
      uri // required. string. Either remote image URL or the name (without extension) of a bundled image
    height, // required. number. Image height
    width, // required. number. Image width

For using locally bundled images, on iOS see adding static resources to your app using Images.xcassets docs and on Android, put images in android/app/src/main/res/drawable/yourImage.png.


annotations: [{
  coordinates: [40.72052634, -73.97686958312988],
  type: 'point',
  title: 'This is marker 1',
  subtitle: 'It has a rightCalloutAccessory too',
  rightCalloutAccessory: {
    source: { uri: '' },
    height: 25,
    width: 25
  annotationImage: {
    source: { uri: '' },
    height: 25,
    width: 25
  id: 'marker1'
}, {
  coordinates: [40.714541341726175,-74.00579452514648],
  type: 'point',
  title: 'Important',
  subtitle: 'Neat, this is a custom annotation image',
  annotationImage: {
    source: { uri: '' },
    height: 25,
    width: 25
  id: 'marker2'
}, {
  coordinates: [[40.76572150042782,-73.99429321289062],[40.743485405490695, -74.00218963623047],[40.728266950429735,-74.00218963623047],[40.728266950429735,-73.99154663085938],[40.73633186448861,-73.98983001708984],[40.74465591168391,-73.98914337158203],[40.749337730454826,-73.9870834350586]],
  type: 'polyline',
  strokeColor: '#00FB00',
  strokeWidth: 3,
  strokeAlpha: 0.5,
  id: 'line'
}, {
  coordinates: [[40.749857912194386, -73.96820068359375], [40.741924698522055,-73.9735221862793], [40.735681504432264,-73.97523880004883], [40.7315190495212,-73.97438049316406], [40.729177554196376,-73.97180557250975], [40.72345355209305,-73.97438049316406], [40.719290332250544,-73.97455215454102], [40.71369559554873,-73.97729873657227], [40.71200407096382,-73.97850036621094], [40.71031250340588,-73.98691177368163], [40.71031250340588,-73.99154663085938]],
  type: 'polygon',
  fillColor: '#C32C2C',
  strokeColor: '#DDDDD',
  id: 'route'


When adding new annotations or modifying existing ones, it's recommended not to mutate the annotations array, but rather treat it as immutable and create a new one with the same objects plus your modifications.

If your annotations array is immutable and you enable annotationsAreImmutable, this enables important performance optimizations when this component is re-rendered.

See the example for an illustration of this.

Custom Annotations

If the default annotations do not offer enough options, you can embed react native view directly onto the map as a custom marker view.

The children of the MapView must be Annotation views: import {Annotation} from 'react-native-mapbox-gl'. The Annotation view has the following required props:

Prop Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the annotation.
coordinate {latitude: number, longitude: number} Location of the annotation.
Known Bugs
  1. Annotation views do not position correctly unless they have the following style props: style={{alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', position: 'absolute'}}.

  2. React Native views do not work with the regular onAnnotationTapped on need to add their own tap handling (e.g. by using a TouchableHighlight).

<MapView {...MapView props}>
    coordinate={{latitude: 37.5, longitude: -122.2}}
    style={{alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', position: 'absolute'}}
    <View style={{width: 100, height: 100, borderWidth: 4, borderColor: 'blue', borderRadius: 50, backgroundColor: 'white', flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text>React View</Text>
    coordinate={{latitude: 37.55, longitude: -122.25}}
    style={{alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', position: 'absolute'}}
    <View style={{width: 200, height: 200, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'red', borderRadius: 50, backgroundColor: 'white', flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
        style={{width: 100, height: 100}}
        source={{uri: 'some-image-uri'}}

Mapbox Telemetry (metrics)

If you hide the attribution button, you need to provide the user with a way to opt-out of telemetry. For this, you need to add MGLMapboxMetricsEnabledSettingShownInApp as YES in Info.plist, then create a switch that toggles metrics.

To get the current state of metrics, use Mapbox.getMetricsEnabled(). It will return a promise. Before using it, don't forget to set an access token with Mapbox.setAccessToken(accessToken).

To enable or disable metrics, use Mapbox.setMetricsEnabled(enabled: boolean).


There are 6 main methods for interacting with the offline API:

  • Mapbox.initializeOfflinePacks(): Initializes the offline packs handlers.
  • Mapbox.addOfflinePack: Creates an offline pack
  • Mapbox.getOfflinePacks: Returns an array of all offline packs on the device
  • Mapbox.removeOfflinePack: Removes a single pack
  • Mapbox.suspendOfflinePack: Pauses a single pack's download
  • Mapbox.resumeOfflinePack: Resumes download of a single pack

Before using offline packs, you must call Mapbox.initializeOfflinePacks().

These methods return a promise, but they also accept a callback as the last argument with the signature (err, value) => {}.

Creating a pack

    name: 'test', // required
    type: 'bbox', // required, only type currently supported`
    metadata: { // optional. You can put any information in here that may be useful to you
        date: new Date(),
        foo: 'bar'
    bounds: [ // required. The corners of the bounded rectangle region being saved offline
      latitudeSW, longitudeSW, latitudeNE, longitudeNE
    minZoomLevel: 10, // required
    maxZoomLevel: 13, // required
    styleURL: Mapbox.mapStyles.emerald // required. Valid styleURL
}).then(() => {
  // Called after the pack has been added successfully
}).catch(err => {
  console.error(err); // Handle error

Deleting a pack

To delete a pack, provide the name of the pack to delete.

  .then(info => {
    if (info.deleted) {
      console.log(`Deleted pack named ${info.deleted}`); // The pack has been deleted successfully
    } else {
      console.log('No packs to delete'); // There are no packs named 'test'
  .catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // Handle error

Querying progress

  .then(packs => {
    // packs is an array of progress objects
  .catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // Handle error

A progress object has the following shape:

  name: 'test', // The name this pack was registered with
  metadata, // The value that was previously passed as metadata
  state: 0, // The current state of the offline pack. 0 = Unknown, 1 = Inactive, 2 = Active, 3 = Complete, 4 = Invalid (iOS Only)
  countOfBytesCompleted: 0, // The number of bytes downloaded for this pack
  countOfResourcesCompleted: 0, // The number of tiles that have been downloaded for this pack
  countOfResourcesExpected: 0, // The estimated minimum number of total tiles in this pack
  maximumResourcesExpected: 0 // The estimated maximum number of total tiles in this pack

The offline pack progress object's state property can be compared against the following constants:

  • Mapbox.offlinePackState.unknown
  • Mapbox.offlinePackState.inactive
  • Mapbox.offlinePackState.complete
  • Mapbox.offlinePackState.invalid

Suspending a pack's download

To suspend or pause a pack's download, provide the name of the pack to suspend.

  .then(info => {
    if (info.suspended) {
      console.log(`Suspended pack named ${info.suspended}`); // The pack has been suspended successfully
    } else {
      console.log('No packs to suspend'); // There are no packs named 'test'
  .catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // Handle error

Resuming a pack's download

To resume a pack's download, provide the name of the pack to resume.

  .then(info => {
    if (info.resumed) {
      console.log(`Resumed pack named ${info.resumed}`); // The pack has been resumed successfully
    } else {
      console.log('No packs to resume'); // There are no packs named 'test'
  .catch(err => {
    console.error(err); // Handle error

Subscribing to progress notifications

const subscription = Mapbox.addOfflinePackProgressListener(progressObject => {
  // progressObject has the same format as above

// Remove the listener when it is not needed anymore

Due to high volume, progress notifications are throttled so as not to starve the run loop and make the JS thread unresponsive.

By default, you'll get at most one progress notification per pack each 300 ms.

You can configure this interval with:


Subscribing to error events

const subscription = Mapbox.addOfflineErrorListener(payload => {
  console.log(`Offline pack named ${} experienced an error: ${payload.error}`);

// Remove the listener when it is not needed anymore
const subscription = Mapbox.addOfflineMaxAllowedTilesListener(payload => {
  console.log(`Offline pack named ${} reached max tiles quota of ${payload.maxTiles} tiles`);

// Remove the listener when it is not needed anymore

Check out our help page for more information on offline.